Chapter 463 Is Wu Xiqian’s boyfriend the new chairman? [Please subscribe! 】


Wu Qianqian’s fragrant shoulders were shaking.

The tears of grievance kept spinning in the eyes, and they may fall at any time.

I don’t know why, Wu Xiqian missed Qin Fan suddenly at this moment.

“The cabin director, can you do whatever you want?”

When Zheng Siming was in the air, he heard someone dare to question him at this moment. He was shocked and said proudly without looking back: “Sorry, Zheng Siming is in the cabin of this three-square-meter area. , You can really do whatever you want!”

“Qin Fan”

Our beautiful stewardess Wu Qianqian opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Qin Fan with incredible eyes.

One second before, she was still: Miss Qin Fan in her heart, but one second later, the person she missed came to her like a savior.

At this moment, Wu Qianqian looked at Qin Fan’s eyes, and gradually became a little silly.

“President Wang.”

All the flight attendants in the cabin were also shocked + looked at Qin Fan strangely.

A group of executives from Daxia Airlines and Wang Yu “accompanied”

Beside this young man, it is not difficult to infer the identity of this young man.


Zheng Siming noticed something was wrong, turned around, and after seeing Wang Yu, he rushed to Wang Yu’s side quickly, with a warm smile on his face.

“Director Zheng, what are you talking about?”

Wang Yu first gave Zheng Siming a fierce look, then his palms up, his five fingers close together, and he stretched out towards Qin Fan, facing the flight attendants in the cabin, and said in a loud voice: “This… Mr. Qin Fan is our Xia Qiu. The new chairman of the Aviation Co., Ltd.!”

“Hello, Chairman.”

“Meet the chairman!”

The flight attendants and flight attendants all greet Qin Fan.

Especially many flight attendants, their eyes are shining with excitement.

God! How can their new chairman of Daxia Airlines be so handsome! Loved! Xia Tong and Zhong Yan almost stared out.

They have eaten with Qin Fan, knowing that Qin Fan is Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend, see Chapter 087! Because they know Qin Fan, the shock in the hearts of the two women at this time exceeds that of all flight attendants and flight attendants.

Oudi Niangye! Wu Xiqian’s boyfriend Qin Fan turned out to be their new chairman of Daxia Airlines! You know, the two girls once thought that Qin Fan was just from an ordinary family.

Because on the day the four of them ate together, Qin Fan rode a battery car.

When an ordinary person you always thought of suddenly turned into a tens of billions of billions of dollars, the shock that this brought to people’s hearts can be imagined.

Even our beautiful stewardess Wu Qianqian’s face was full of surprises at this time, but soon, Wu Qianqian was relieved.

Her husband, Qin Fan, is the majority shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group, so what’s the fuss about Qin Fan becoming the chairman of Great Xia Airlines.

After all, Daxia Airlines is in front of Pin’an Insurance Group, that is, the younger brother.

“Director Zheng, really majestic.

Qin Fan looked at Zheng Siming coldly.

When he first came, he saw Wu Qianqian crying so fiercely, it was strange that Qin Fan was in a good mood.

“Chairman Dong.”

Hearing Qin Fan’s voice, Zheng Siming was shocked.

F*ck! Isn’t this the voice that questioned him just now, thinking of this, Zheng Siming broke out in cold sweat.

“Qin Fan”

Wu Qianqian rushed into Qin Fan’s arms and sobbed.

Qin Fan is not there, she can still bear it.

But Qin Fan came, but Wu Qianxi couldn’t control her tears.

Perhaps this is that a person’s weakness will only show up in front of the person he loves most.

“It’s okay Cici, don’t cry, no one can bully you with me.”

Qin Fan stroked Wu Qianqian’s hair, softly comforting.

All the flight attendants saw this scene, and they all looked at Wu Qianqian with envy and hatred.

The relationship between Wu Qianqian and the new chairman is obviously a lover.

I’m so envious! Many juniors are heartbroken.

Wu Qianqian is the most beautiful flight attendant of Daxia Airlines.

There are many young people who want to pursue Wu Qianqian.

Even if Wu Qianqian has clearly said that she already has a boyfriend, but these young people don’t give up if they don’t.

This is naturally because of their confidence in themselves.

They are vacant, put outside, they are the male gods in the minds of many girls! And there are a few vacancies in their homes that are quite wealthy! But now, these vacancies are all desperate.

Regardless of their beauty or their money, they are all output by Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend on the face! This makes them fight for Wang Yu and other executives of Daxia Airlines to see their eyelids jump wildly.

Let me go! The chairman’s girlfriend turned out to be a flight attendant of Daxia Airlines.

Now, this flight attendant seems to have been made things difficult by the boss, I’m 豮芔茻! This f*ck is not giving them eye drops! As for Zheng Siming, he is already shaking at this moment.

“Cici, tell me how he bullied you”

Qin Fan gently patted Wu Qianqian on the back and said softly.

“Chairman Qin, things are like this”

Ye Tong opened his mouth and explained the whole story: in public.

“Do you have anything else you want to say”

Qin Fan looked at Zheng Siming coldly.

“Chairman, Ye Tong and Wu Qianqian have a very good personal relationship. She is slandering me.”

Zheng Siming, who has a strong desire to survive, bit his head and said.

“Chairman, what Ye Tong said is true, and I am willing to testify.”

“I am willing to testify too.”

“Chairman, I want to report. The bastard Zheng Siming is the black sheep of our cabin department. He always uses his right in his hands and often asks us for benefits in private.”

“Yes, yes, I also reported that once he still wanted unspoken rules for me, but was rejected by me. Later, at work, he deliberately picked my thorns and found various reasons to deduct my bonus. I was prepared I’m going to resign.”

Many people in the cabin department stood up at this moment, exposing all kinds of dirty things that Zheng Siming had done.

“Why don’t you report Zheng Siming to the company.”

Wang Yu asked with a black face.

He really didn’t expect that under his management, there would be such worms in Daxia Airlines.

“Mr. Wang, Zheng Siming’s uncle is not a shareholder of our company. Isn’t it anymore? We are just ordinary employees. People are lighthearted. If the report fails, we will probably lose our job.”

Some employees speak bluntly.

In today’s workplace, there are not a few people like Zheng Siming.

This kind of people can always exist because of the soil that nourishes them to survive.

The bigger the company, the more complicated the internal relationships. Ordinary employees want to defend their rights, Yuanyuan is not as simple as they thought.

“Zheng Siming!!”

Wang Yu looked at Zheng Siming’s eyes at this moment, extremely cold! Thank you book friend [] for your monthly pass resign!! Thank you book friend [] for your monthly pass resign!! Thank you book friend [] for your monthly pass resign!! 99 reminds you: Reading Three Things collection, push

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