Chapter 397 I have a godfather, I am arrogant [4 more, please customize! 】

The next day, Lu Hongwen’s wife rushed to Liu Ruhui’s postgraduate school to make a fuss. She slapped Liu Ruhui in public and cursed him as a junior! Let Liu Ruhui’s reputation in the school be disgraced.

Not only that, Lu Hongwen’s wife also asked her assistant to post the video where she slapped Liu Ruhui to Douyin.

For a while, Liu Ruhui became a stinky rotten egg! It was extremely tragic!! Jiangcheng Film and Television Base, a certain crew, from directors, screenwriters, actors, to ordinary field workers, everyone’s expressions were all Not too good-looking.

Especially the director wearing a peaked cap, a face is even longer than a horse’s face.

Half an hour has passed since the filming started, and Guan Xin, the female number one in their crew, hasn’t come yet! Today’s shots, without the female number one, can’t be filmed at all! Now, the entire crew is waiting for the female number one Guan Xin! Director! After taking a look at the time, he said solemnly: “Um…what’s the matter with Guan Xin, what time is this, why can’t it be here, call me!”

The drama he directed was originally very tight, how could it withstand such a delay! Moreover, the venues are rented with money, and a waste of time is equivalent to a waste of funds for the crew.

“Director, I called Guan Xin’s agent just now. She said Guan Xin was eating breakfast in the hotel and came over after breakfast.”

The director said to the scene: “Call me again! Now there are hundreds of people in the entire crew, but they are all waiting for her!”

“Good director.”

“The director’s call was hung up”

Hearing the scene notes, the director’s face turned green.

He has been a director all his life and has seen a big-name player, but he has never seen a big-name player like Guan Xin.

Your horseman hasn’t made a big deal yet, so you are so anxious to play big.


This Guan Xin has no acting skills, no traffic, but she has been able to get high-quality resources in the entertainment industry for the past two years.

The reason is that she recognized a good godfather-Vice President Su of Yida Film and Television! Although this…Vice President Su gave Guan Xin a lot of high-quality resources, Guan Xin still failed to become popular.

Not only is it not popular, but it has no way to get the title of the queen of bad movies.Your own hardware and software will give you more resources to praise you, and you will not be popular.

The current audience is not a fool! The drama he directed this time, the first female of the original Xiang is Zhang Zifeng.

As for Guan Xin, it is not in his consideration at all, but the biggest investor in this drama is Yida Film and Television.

Vice President Su specified that Guan Xin should be the female number one of the show.Even if he is the director, there is no way to change this decision.

After all, the master’s father is God


After waiting for nearly half an hour, just after the director was anxious as an ant on a hot pot, our Miss Guan Xinguan, surrounded by her agent and a group of assistants, was finally late.

With a dark face, the director resisted the urge to curse, and said solemnly to Guan Xin: “Hurry up and let the makeup artist give you makeup.”

Guan Xin pretentiously said: “Director, it’s such a hot day, I just arrived, you have to let someone rest for a while.”

The corner of the director’s mouth twitched: “Then how long do you want to rest”

“Of course it’s when I am full.”

“I’m the number one female player. This drama is supported by me alone. If my condition is not good and it affects the normal performance of my performance level, then the box office of this drama can’t be guaranteed.”

There is a message in and out of Guan Xin’s words.

That is, Guan Xin is the first core of this drama, and all of you have to revolve around her.

I Guan Xin has a godfather covering it, that’s so arrogant! “Let’s go.”

The director is weak.

Next, Guan Xinjiu occupied the magpie’s nest and sat in the director’s chair, enjoying the wait of the assistants.

Hammer the back, pinch the shoulders, and peel the lychees to feed Guan Xin.

Like a Galeries Lafayette

“Zhang Zifeng, come here.”

Guan Xin glanced at Zhang Zifeng not far away, a look of jealousy flashed across her face, and she greeted in a commanding tone.

This Zhang Zifeng has a bright starship at a young age, and he looks petite and cute, and he has an aura of spirit on his body.

Every time I see her, she feels ashamed of herself.

This makes her very upset!! “Is something wrong?”

Zhang Zifeng came over and asked.

Guan Xin looked at Zhang Zifeng with the expression of a predecessor pointing to the younger generation: “You, after all, are still too young. Through the game with you yesterday, I found that your acting skills still need to be polished.”



Everyone else: “”

I’m going! You are so embarrassed to say that Zhang Zifeng’s acting skills need to be polished. Zhang Zifeng’s acting skills are clear. Isn’t it okay to throw you at Eighteen Avenues! “Just take the scenes of yesterday, and I found that there are several places. , Your performance is slightly immature, and your expression is not natural enough”

Guan Xin said without stabbing her face.

While talking, he stood up and taught Zhang Zifeng how to act here and how to act there.

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