Chapter 396 The girl is so cheap! [2 more, please customize! 】

After leaving the hotel, Qin Fan sent a copy of the video just recorded to Wang Lei via WeChat.

Don’t thank you!! Returning to the [Future Coffee House], when He Huaqing finished watching the video, he couldn’t help closing his eyes.

The last trace of luck was shattered! “What are you doing?”

He Huaqing found Liu Ruhui’s WeChat and asked with expressionless typing.

Dingding! Liu Ruhui responded quickly.


“Why don’t you continue the cold war with me”

“Did you recognize your mistake?”

Seeing these replies, He Huaqing’s face turned green.

This woman is so shameless!! He was blind before, so why did he fall in love with such a mean woman! Fortunately, he has always regarded her as a treasure, and followed her in everything, but in exchange for betrayal ! Qin Fan couldn’t help giving a thumbs up to this woman.

Sure enough, some women don’t have the most scum, only more scum.

Cowhide!! He Huaqing: “I was wrong”

While applauding for Love, Liu Ruhui replied to He Huaqing: “Do you think you are right?”

“He Huaqing, to be honest, you are the least thoughtful of the men I have ever met.”

“Lu Hongwen is just my male best friend. I am innocent with him. Maybe my relationship with him is a little closer, but I really just treat him as my blue face.”

“You said that you, a big man, always jealous of me for this little mess, doubt me, is it interesting?”

“You keep saying that you love me, but sorry, I really didn’t feel that you love me, all I can feel is your distrust.”

“He Huaqing, you can’t even trust me, so what right do you have to say you love me?”

“You are a man, can you be more generous, can you be more manly, can you not be jealous like us women?”

“You men are to do big things, big layouts, grandeur, such men are attractive.”

“But look at yourself. During this period of time, you have been doing things for my man all day, arguing with me, I feel that you are just like a woman, a little bit masculine.”

He Huaqing was almost blown up with anger.

Obviously his girlfriend betrayed him, so the male girlfriends got together, and now they still have a meal with him: scolding.

Paralysis! You bitch, can you be more shameless! But having said that, if Qin Fan hadn’t obtained evidence for him, maybe he would have been said by this bitch, and he would really feel that he was wrong. He Huaqing: “I’m in the coffee shop outside the Yida Ruihua Hotel. Just now I saw your boyfriend, that… Lu Hongwen, walked into the hotel!”

“Do you have any explanation!!”

Liu Ruhui: “He Huaqing! You actually followed

Watch me!!”

“Sure enough, you don’t trust me at all!”

“You let me down!”

He Huaqing: “This is the explanation you gave me”

Liu Ruhui: “Do I need to explain to you”

“My Liu Ruhui is not afraid of the shadow leaning!”

“He Huaqing, I really don’t understand why your mind is so dark and dirty”

“The reason why I promised to be with you at the beginning was that you were honest and would love others.”

“But now I found out that I was wrong, and it was very wrong.”

“It turns out that honest people like you are so gloomy in their psychology. In the eyes of honest people like you with gloomy psychology, there are no good people in this world.”

“Lu Hongwen is in the same room with me now, but he just came to comfort me. Just now, he persuaded me to understand you, and persuaded me to take the initiative to lower my head and admit my mistakes.”

“But look at yourself, what nasty pictures are in your mind!”

“To save the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, I’m talking about you, He Huaqing!”

He Huaqing’s chest seemed to be equipped with a fan, making a whistling sound.

“Liu Ruhui, now it’s obviously you and a man and a lone man and a widow, in the same hotel room, as long as you are a man, you will mind and think more about it.”

“Let me just say one thing, you ran the train with your mouth full, and talked so much about me like a crackle. Now I am particularly convinced that you can say so confidently!”

Liu Ruhui: “I have a clear conscience, and of course I can be confident!”

Qin Fan has been watching He Huaqing chatting with his girlfriend.

Seeing this, Qin Fan had to admire that this Liu Ruhui had already practiced the Jianjian method to the ultimate level! Great God!! He Huaqing: “Is that box of condoms still easy to use?”

On the other side, Liu Ruhui’s face suddenly turned dark when she saw this message! Ma Dan! She was given a routine by her boyfriend.

When did he become smarter, it doesn’t matter! I, Liu Ruhui, is a graduate student, a high-quality talent! Dealing with an honest man with soft ears, that’s not a good deal

Liu Ruhui: “What can this explain?”

“I actually knew that the box of condoms was sent by the errand runner.”

“Hehe, sure enough you still don’t trust me after all.”

Then Liu Ruhui sent a photo of a condom over.

The box of condoms in the photo is unopened.

“Now, are you satisfied?”

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