Chapter 376 I met a stupid [1 more, please customize! 】

Ding Ding! Liu Xia’s mobile phone WeChat rang.

When I opened it, it turned out that it was a blind date man who left a message below this post: Do you think you are still seventeen or eighteen, and Liu Xia has a green face: “”

Ma Dan!! What do you mean? This is a disguised way of saying that I’m old Liu Xia? I’m only 33 this year. Qin Fan can’t help but give a thumbs up to this blind date man.

After listening to Liu Xia’s words, Qin Fan felt that this woman was too pretentious and took herself too seriously.

Thinking that she is beautiful, the man in the world should coax her, kneel and lick her.

You still hold others, one time is not enough, you still need to hold two times, why do you refuse to have a blind date twice in a row, and the blind date man gives up, Hao Mai, you also send a WeChat update, say you refuse twice and give up, man Too insincere! How to drop it, co-authoring a blind date man will become a scumbag if he doesn’t do a dog licking, right, co-authoring you are still wronged, right?

You feel so good about yourself that you think that all the men in the world will be around you, and you will be pinched. Well, congratulations, you will evolve from an older leftover woman into a fighting and defeating Buddha! “I’m so angry!”

Liu Xia snorted and sent another WeChat message: “In the end, after all, I was the one who resisted all the smiling faces.”

Qin Fan: “”

Excellent!! After eating, Qin Fan went downstairs and saw a young couple preparing to go upstairs after buying vegetables.

Suddenly the black-rimmed glasses man carrying the vegetable basket said, “My wife, I ran out of pocket money for this month when I was buying vegetables. You can give me some more money.”

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan silently felt sorry for the black-rimmed glasses man for three seconds 3.

Men with strict wives in tracheitis are pitiful!!!.

That seems to be a relatively strong fashion girl.

“Tell my mother to give it to you.”

Black-rimmed glasses man: “I need some money to avoid it. My pocket money is used to buy vegetables. I didn’t spend it randomly.”

The fashionable woman heard the sound and said impatiently: “Tell my mother to give it to you.”

Hearing this, Qin Fan is a little bit, this woman is too much.

Husband asks you for some money, you still have to call your mother, who is it!!! This is.

The black-rimmed glasses man showed an irritation on his face: “Although I am your son-in-law, you can’t do this to me. I will ask you for some money. If you don’t give it, then forget it!”

The man with black frame glasses exclaimed.

Ma Dan!! A handsome guy next to us is looking at us, you’re asking me to call your mother, my dignified man, don’t be shameless! The door-to-door son-in-law has a strong daughter-in-law, this buddy is really tragic.

Qin Fan silently felt sorry for the man with black-rimmed glasses from the previous three seconds3 to the current three minutes.

“I didn’t say not to give you money, tell my mother to give you money!”

The fashionable woman talked with her phoenix stare so scared that the man with black-rimmed glasses was so scared that she blurted out, “Mom!”

The fashionable woman widened her eyes: “Why are you calling my mother!”

Hearing the sound, the black-rimmed glasses man looked at the fashionable woman with a humiliating and angry expression: “I asked you for money, and you told my mother to give it to you. Now I call your mother, and you ask me to call you. What the hell are you doing! You are too much, don’t the son-in-law who come to the door have no human rights, can you let you be humiliated!”

At this moment, Qin Fan couldn’t see it anymore. Just when Qin Fan was preparing to see the uneven road and roaring, I saw our fashion girl roll her eyes at her husband, crying and laughing: “I said what you are thinking about all day long. Well, what I mean by calling my mother to you is to call my mother, and my mother will give you money, but my salary this month has not been paid yet.”

Man with black frame glasses: “”

Qin Fan: “”

This afternoon, our two-dimensional cute girl Zhi Zhou Xiaoxiao was resting, so after Qin Fan left Lanxiangyuan, she drove directly to Mantingfang Community.

As soon as he entered the room, Qin Fan saw Zhou Xiaoxiao holding a mobile phone, gnashing his teeth.

Qin Fan walked towards Zhou Xiaoxiao and said with a smile: “What’s the matter, who made my smile angry?”


Zhou Xiaoxiao pursed her small mouth and exclaimed angrily: “I met a idiot, and I was so angry.”


Qin Fan came to Zhou Xiaoxiao and sat down.

“There is a friend in my WeChat address book who has never been contacted before. I don’t know whose friend he is. I suddenly contacted me today. He said it was my university alumnus. After chatting with him for a while, I almost died of anger. .”

“Husband, you can see how stupid this person is by looking at my chat history with him.”

“Husband, after you read it, I will put this idiot to black!”

Zhou Xiaoxiao said that he passed his mobile phone to Qin Fan.

Qin Fan looked at it and couldn’t help laughing.

Zhou Xiaoxiao went so far as to directly remark the other party as “stupid”

, Silently feel sorry for the other party for three seconds 3.

[Stupid]: I know you! [Zhou Xiaoxiao]: [Stupid]: I have been following you before, and I fell in love with you when I was a freshman.

[Zhou Xiaoxiao]: What are you alumni of my university? [Stupid]: Really, but I didn’t dare to tell you at the time.

[Zhou Xiaoxiao]: I’m sorry I have a partner

99 reminds you: three things to read

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