Chapter 375 Give up after refusing twice, the man is too insincere [5 more, please customize! 】

Liu Xia sighed: “Qin Fan, why do your men now have such a big frame and don’t know how to take the initiative? It is getting harder and harder to get your men to take the initiative.”

Qin Fan: “”

“Is such that”

After listening to Liu Xia’s words, Qin Fan was speechless.

Aunt Liu’s daughter, with a face value of 85 points, can be said to be a great beauty with a very outstanding appearance.

Compared with the group of little sisters around her, Liu Xia is the most dazzling one…

However, this Liu Xia also has her own shortcomings, one is that she is a little short 53, and the other is that she has a relatively low education and only graduated from high school.

But from the chat just now, Qin Fan found that this Liu Xia still feels that she is the emperor’s daughter and has no worries about marrying.

So after the little sisters around her got married, many people advised her to find a man to marry as soon as possible.

Not only did Liu Xia feel that these married little sisters made sense, but felt that she would definitely marry better than them if she wanted to marry.

Liu Xia said that she would not marry herself casually, she wanted to choose the best! But many times, a lot of proud capital, especially beauty, after the baptism of time, will really depreciate over time of.

After all, “the youth is easy to pass away, and the face is easy to grow old”


Sadly, this Liu Xia didn’t know it, she was still holding the expired capital, and she was proud of herself.

During the chat, Qin Fan learned that after Liu Xia turned 30, she herself was a little anxious.

After all, the little sisters around her were married, married, and gave birth to children, only she was still single and entered the ranks of older leftover women.

Maybe it’s getting older, maybe it’s anxious.

Liu Xia sighed where all the good men are now.

The arrogant Liu Xia didn’t want to be jokes by those married little sisters, and the man she was looking for so far is not as good as her husband who does not have her beautiful little sister, which is unacceptable for Liu Xia.

Therefore, this Liu Xia went on a blind date with such anxious, tall and short mentality, and was picky. In short, she was not very satisfied until now.

But just when Liu Xia was about to lower the criteria for choosing a spouse, a man who went on a blind date made Liu Xia quite satisfied.

At least it’s outstanding among the men who have recently dated.

Ordinarily, if you have finally met your heart, you should firmly grasp it and not let go, even if you take the initiative at all, it doesn’t matter.

It’s just that, at this time, his… Aunt Liu’s daughter

My child’s old problem has committed again.

Liu Xia thinks she should still take the air, otherwise she will be passive after getting married.

Well, this woman is really ahead of her thoughts, and her relationship hasn’t been determined yet, so she thought about what happened after her marriage. Liu Xia’s meeting with the blind man was after dinner.

At that time, Liu Xia was thinking, this man is really stingy. I chose to meet at this time. Wouldn’t it be reluctant to even ask for dinner. Although Liu Xia felt pretty good after the meeting, it was because of this detail that Liu Xia felt a little uncomfortable. .

Liu Xia was thinking about the previous blind date, it was not the blind date that invited the man to dinner, so this time, after Liu Xia and the blind man separated, she wanted to know the blind date even more.

When Liu Xia was about to wait for the blind date man to contact her, she had to make an appointment at least three times before she agreed to go out! Well, this woman is so good! After waiting for three days, the blind date man finally called and asked Liu Xia to go out.

Although it took three days to wait for the belated call, Liu Xia was still sweet at the time.

However, this woman immediately thought that she couldn’t agree to him so easily, so she shied away from having something to do, so let’s go another day.

Liu Xia thought that the blind man would definitely call again the next day.

But what Liu Xia didn’t expect was that she was first-class and second-class, and the blind date never… took the initiative to contact her.

This made Liu Xia a little unable to sit still, unable to advance or retreat.

Liu Xia felt that she was such a beautiful and big beauty, why this blind date man didn’t take the initiative at all, it was impossible for her to take the initiative to post it.At this moment, Liu Xia finally received the long-awaited call.

Next, Liu Xia was once again outstanding.

She was cruel and rejected that… blind date again.

Liu Xia feels that real gold is not afraid of fire, so men need more tests.

Besides, this man has exposed her for so long, if she agreed to him so easily, wouldn’t it be too cheap.

Then, Liu Xia waited confidently for the third call.

The result was very sad, and she did not wait.

So she sighed, it is getting harder and harder to get a man to take the initiative.

Liu Xia wanted the introducer to pass a message to the blind date man, and hoped that he would take the initiative.

Later, this older leftover woman came up with an idea that she thought was brilliant.

She posted such a post on WeChat Moments: “If I refuse twice and give up, the man is too insincere!”

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