Chapter 373 Handed down [3 more, please customize! 】

“You pick a work, and we will write it out in cursive, and then let some calligraphers from Xia Guo be the judges.”

Speaking of this, Park Yongjun looked at Dong Wenchang and other calligraphers with some worry, and said: “You are all seniors in Xia Guo’s calligraphy circle. You should be able to make a fair judgment.”

After hearing a few calligraphy, everyone was angry.

“Please rest assured, we will never make unfair judgments just because you are a Smecta, this… Mr. Qin is our Xia country!”

“I, Dong Wenchang, can use my personality to guarantee that the situation you are worried about will not happen!”

Hearing this, Park Yongjun nodded in relief

Qin Fan turned to the “Thousand Characters in Cursive Script” on the stage and said, “What works are you still picking? Um… “Thousand Characters in Cursive Script” should be your pinnacle. I’ll just write an article. .”

While talking, Qin Fan changed his words: “Of course, if you think you can write more proud works, then I have no opinion.”

When Park Yongjun heard the sound, he immediately said: “It’s not so troublesome, you can write “Thousand Characters in Cursive Script”.”

Park Yongjun sneered in his heart.

As Qin Fan said, when he wrote “Thousand Characters of Cursive Script” just now, he was in excellent condition. The whole work was smooth and smooth, and it was completed in one go! Now if he is asked to write it again, he really doesn’t have any confidence. Can write as well as before

Qin Fan got up and left the seat with a calm expression under everyone’s attention.

Dong Wenchang personally prepared the pen and ink for Qin Fan.

“Mr. Qin, please!”

Qin Fan attaches his left hand to his back, and writes with a pen in his right hand.

The cursive is very fast.

So in just a few breaths, a line of words leaped on the paper! Dong Wenchang’s eyes widened and widened! This Qin Fan is too amazing! Although Qin Fan’s “Thousand Characters of Cursive Script” has not been finished yet, But as the so-called peeking, you know the whole thing! Only from this line of cursive script, Dong Wenchang can see that Qin Fan’s cursive skills are no less than that of his regular script. This young man is really a wizard!! Several other calligraphy Everyone came over and took a look, their eyes widened.

OMG!! Originally, their cursive script for Qin Fan could surpass that…Smecta, it was a little hopeful.

Because they faced that…Smecta had confidence, but now, they found that they were wrong.

This Qin Fan’s cursive is incomparably good. It’s so good that they can’t find a problem. Looking back at that…Smecta’s cursive, they can still pick out some imperfections.

The two are superior to each other! Everyone is looking at Qin Fan fascinated by the calligraphy! Every word is like a perfect piece in their eyes.

Artwork! Soon, more and more people left their seats and gathered around Qin Fan, all of them were deeply impressed by Qin Fan’s cursive script! Even some rich people in Jiangcheng who did not understand calligraphy saw Qin Fan. The cursive is very very good.

You have to ask them where Qin Fan’s cursive script is well written.They can’t tell why, but they just think it looks very comfortable.

This feeling is weird.

“Mr. Qin’s cursive script is already spiritual, in this state”

The calligrapher Liu Shan was shocked.

“Yes, yes, yes, I think Mr. Qin’s cursive writing is super good, but the specifics are good, and I can’t say it. Now I know that it is spirituality. Every cursive character written by Mr. Qin has an aura. , It feels like there is life to me.”


“I also have this feeling!”

When Liu Shan’s voice fell, many people immediately echoed him.

At this time, our Park Yongjun’s eyelids jumped wildly.

How come there is a kind of sudden: an ominous premonition.

Those Xia people definitely flattered Qin Fan on purpose! Is it impossible that Qin Fan’s cursive script is better than me!! I don’t believe it!! When Qin Fan finished writing, Dong Wenchang on the side couldn’t help but exclaimed, “This one “Thousand Characters in Cursive Script” can be called a masterpiece, and it can be famous for thousands of times!”

“Mr. Qin’s cursive script is a school of its own. This is a masterpiece!”

“This is the best cursive script I have seen so far, none!”

Liu Shan and other calligraphers were also amazed.

“Compared to my “Thousand-Character Cursive Writing””

Park Yongjun asked calmly.

After Dong Wenchang and Liu Shan heard the sound, they looked at each other and stepped forward with a sharp heart.They took Qin Fan’s “Thousand Characters of Cursive Script” with great care and spread it in the air, facing Park Yongjun.

“Watch it for yourself.”


Park Yongjun’s eyes went wide in an instant.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he wrote better, but he really couldn’t say it.

Moreover, even if he said it, it was useless.

Because of these two works, take them out, no matter

Whoever judges it, as long as the opponent is not blind, the final winner must be Qin Fan.

After a few years, it can be included in the National Museum! Thank you bookmate [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you bookmate [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you bookmate [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! See nothing Please download the underlined version of the novel

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