Chapter 372 Provoking the entire Xia Guo Calligraphy Association [1 more, please customize! 】

Dong Wenchang gave his final word! As a senior in the calligraphy world, he has always cherished his talents. Originally, he still had some opinions in his heart about Qin Fan’s bid for a steel pin.

However, after knowing that Park Yongjun was such a commodity, Dong Wenchang’s appreciation for Park Yongjun disappeared in an instant.


Park Yongjun’s angry face was distorted.

At the same time, his heart is still a little confused.

Why these people from Xia Guo suddenly looked at him, all of their eyes became: What is the funny thing? Park Yongjun is a Smecta, and he doesn’t play funny, so now, he doesn’t know that he is already on funny When Huo thought that his calligraphy works were sold for one yuan, Park Yongjun’s mentality collapsed.

The red-eyed Park Yongjun suddenly scanned the audience, raised his head high, and sneered: “It’s not that I said, it’s more than cursive, everyone sitting in my eyes is spicy chicken!”

“I am a Smecta, and I write cursive script better than your calligraphy in Xia Country. You Xia Country people are all rubbish Smectas!”

“Also let my masterpiece be sold at a price of one yuan. You Xia people are jealous of me, and your jealous psychology is distorted!”


The members of the Xia Guo Calligraphy Association, including those few calligraphers, were all irritated by Park Yongjun! “In the words of your Xia Guo, my name is Xia Guo Smecta!”

Park Yongjun, whose mentality has collapsed, now just wants to humiliate the group of Xia people in front of him, so that he can give away the bad breath in his heart.

As for how to humiliate the scene, this group of Xia Guo people, of course, use the calligraphy of Xia Guo, which he is most proud of! Think about it, the calligraphy of Xia Guo, a Smecta of mine, is better than the calligraphy of you Xia Guo Calligraphy Association. To be great, isn’t this the biggest humiliation to this group of Xia Guo people! “If anyone in the Xia Guo Calligraphy Association is dissatisfied, stand up, let’s try cursive script and see who writes better!”

Park Yongjun looked down on the audience, quite a heroic aura that even though there are thousands of troops and horses, I am going forward.

All the members of the Xia Guo Calligraphy Association looked green, but no one stood up for a while.

What is Park Yongjun’s cursive skills? Their old Wenchang Dong has made a very high evaluation just now, and even Dong Dong sighs to himself.

Although they were angry in their hearts, they wanted to stand up and try to compare with this Smecta, but the surviving reason in their minds made them not do so.

Because once they lose, when the time comes, the whole Xia Guo Calligraphy Association will be ashamed.

Taking this Smecta as a person, as long as he goes out, he can’t immediately expose his record.

At that time, the big news will come out.

Smecta of Xia Guo Calligraphy Association, Xia Guo

If the Calligraphy Association loses, the Smecta wins! By then, their personal shame is a trivial matter, and the shame of the entire Xia State Calligraphy Association is a major event.

That kind of…consequence “Why, does the Xia Guo Calligraphy Association face the challenge of my Smecta, and dare not fight?”

“You know, what I want to compare with you is the calligraphy of your Xia country, my God, is your Xia country calligraphy association still afraid of me as a Smecta?”

Park Yongjun provoked proudly.

At this time, Park Yongjun has gradually recovered his sanity, he only felt that his heart suddenly became bright, there are many ways to become famous.

At the moment, challenging the entire Xia Guo Calligraphy Association is the fastest way to become famous.

Think about it, I’m Park Yongjun, a Smecta used Xia Guo’s calligraphy to suppress the entire Xia Guo Calligraphy Association. This is explosive news!!!.

If this happens, Park Yongjun will really become famous in Xia Guo! At that time, when he is worried that Xia Guo circle can’t find the money to figure this out, Park Yongjun will start to provoke wildly.

“Are you all cowards in the Xia Country Calligraphy Association? You are all natives of Xia Country. Competing with your Xia Country calligraphy, are you still afraid of me being a crooked nut?”

“Come and come, don’t stare at me, you stare at me like this, I can’t lose a hair, come over and compare cursively with me, I can wait for you to teach me to be a human being.”

“That old man, um, is talking about you, aren’t you calligraphers, come on, come and fight me.”

In the rich area, all the rich in Jiangcheng saw the infinitely arrogant Park Yongjun, all blushing with thick necks.

A Smecta provokes their Xia State Calligraphy Association, but their Xia State Calligraphy Association, and their timid performance, this f*ck is uncomfortable! “Dammit, I can’t stand it anymore, I really want to go up and kick him. A few feet, this Smectan’s decent look is too awkward.”

“It’s really awkward, but there is a saying, this guy’s cursive writing is really good, you see, the calligraphy of our Xia Guo Calligraphy Association is not daring to stand up, there is no certainty that it will win. .”

Dong Wenchang’s face was pale.

Faced with the provocation of a Smecta, their Xia Guo Calligraphy Association must not shrink back, otherwise the Xia Guo Calligraphy Association will suffer even greater shame! He is the vice president of Xia Guo Calligraphy Association. , At this time, we must stand up and challenge! However, he is pessimistic about the result.

He is thinner than a gold body, he asks himself that he can win this Smecta, but it is harder than cursive script!!! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 novels

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