Chapter 367 I’m honest! [5 more, please customize! 】

Man: “My wife didn’t admit it at first, saying that they were just ordinary friends and had never done anything to be sorry for me.”

“If it weren’t for the time they went to open the hour room and I blocked the door, she wouldn’t admit it.”

“I know that the husband and wife have been together for eight years, without passion, the world outside the city wall is a temptation.”

“Isn’t I the same, I’m experiencing the same temptation?”

The man paused, and continued to say in a sad tone: “But I restrained this temptation, but she did not restrain it. Is this fair to me?”

“I don’t think it’s fair!!”

“Just two hours ago, they were blocked by me and stayed in the hotel. I didn’t make any drastic actions.”

“I just want her to ask her own conscience, if she did it, is it a kind of harm to me and to my son.”

“My wife is very sad, very regretful, and I am sorry.”

“Um… the fitness coach also apologized to me. I hope I can forgive her and not divorce because of this. After all, we still have a son.”

“Um… the fitness coach swears to me that he will never contact my wife from now on, and will always owe me. As long as he can make my wife and I reconcile as before, if there is anything he can help, he is willing to do everything he can to help me, lose money, and kneel. It’s okay to apologize, it’s okay to be beaten.”

“My wife also begs me to forgive her.”

“Yes, a home is indeed not easy, there are children, and I don’t want children to live in an incomplete family.”

“But who can accept this kind of thing?”

“Any man who is green will not have lumps in his heart”

“I said to my wife: I have always restrained myself from making mistakes for you, but you let another man into your body.”

“You asked me to forgive you, have you ever thought that if I did exactly the same thing as you, would you forgive me?”

“My wife cried. I turned around and didn’t want to see her. She hugged me from behind and begged me to forgive her.”

“She said that if she can get your forgiveness, for the sake of this family, she can accept my infidelity.”

“I was very angry at the time and yelled: I am going to be green now! I want you to feel how uncomfortable it is to be green now.”

“That… the fitness trainer who is full of tendons said he understands.”

“Then he put it in front of my wife”

“Brother, now do you understand why I don’t want to live anymore”

The man was talking, and tears came again.

Qin Fan: “”

How can I persuade this f*ck? At this moment, the man’s cell phone rang.

After answering a call, the man said to Qin Fan: “Brother, thank you for listening to me so much, I am leaving now.”

Qin Fan: “Brother, don’t think about it, there are still many beautiful things in life.”

The man smiled: “You are right, I want to start, I have decided to start fitness from tomorrow, the body is the capital of the revolution!!!, this is the one just now… the fitness coach was talking on the phone What I said, I think he was right.”

“So now I’m going to the gym where the fitness coach is located and apply for a membership card. I want to work hard under his supervision and guidance!”

After speaking, the man limped away.

Qin Fan gave a fist to the man’s back.

Brother, treasure!! Qin Fan was cleaning the trash on the side of the road at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly a couple quarreled not far away.

The woman said to her boyfriend: “Let’s break up.”

Man in shirt: “Why break up? What is wrong with me? Tell me, as long as you say, I will change it until you are satisfied with the change.”

A woman in a pleated skirt: “During a blind date, I asked you how much your monthly salary was, and you told me it was 10,000. Now I find that your monthly salary is not 30,000 at all, and your monthly salary is only 1,000!”

“You big liar!!”

Hearing the sound, the man in shirt convincingly said: “Why am I a liar? When you were on a blind date, you asked me how much my monthly salary was and asked me to multiply it by ten. Honestly, I did multiply it by ten. My monthly salary was 3,000. That’s 30,000!”

A few pedestrians passing by heard this, all of them couldn’t hold back, and laughed directly.

Even Qin Fan couldn’t help laughing.

That’s awesome!! That… there’s something wrong with what the shirt man said, he is indeed very honest and multiply ten!! The shirt man is full of grievances: You told me to multiply ten, and I did exactly what you said.”

“It’s okay now, you actually want to break up with me, and the reason for breaking up is that I am a big liar.”

“Why did I lie to you, I am clearly an honest young man.”

“Hey, in the end, I am the one who bears everything after all.”

The face of the woman in the pleated skirt was green with anger: “You did it on purpose, you deliberately misinterpreted what I meant.”

“Break up, you who pay three years a month, I will not be with you, I don’t want my future children to be born, and I can’t even drink milk powder.”

The man in shirt held his neck and thought the same as you, those people with a monthly salary of less than three thousand, don’t they want to be a bachelor for a lifetime!”

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