Chapter 366 Brother, I’m so miserable [4 more, please customize! 】


The beauty with no face is very eager to survive: “My dear, it’s like this. I just finished eating a banana. Because it was too hot outside, I opened the window and wanted to throw the banana peel into the trash can. As a result, my hand slipped and I didn’t throw it in.”

“Just when I was about to get off the car to pick up the banana peels, this… Mr. Qin came over and said that I was throwing rubbish. In fact, Mr. Qin misunderstood me.”

“But I don’t blame Mr. Qin, I blame myself. It’s because I got out of the car too slowly, which caused Mr. Qin to misunderstand me.”

Before the bare-faced beauty could finish her words, Zhang Wu said angrily: “Shut up!! Who is Mr. Qin, how can he misunderstand you? It’s clearly your own quality, littering!”

Seeing this, Qin Fan shook his head and left directly “You get off the car!”

Zhang Wu sat in the main driver’s seat and coldly looked at the beauty without makeup and said, “From now on, we are over.”

“No, I was wrong.”

The beauty of plain face panicked, she really didn’t expect the consequences would be so serious.

She is still waiting to marry into a wealthy family and live the life of a rich wife.

How could we just break up like this.

No, absolutely no! “My dear, please don’t break up, okay, I really love loving you, I know I am wrong, you can forgive me once, okay.”

At this moment, the beauty of the unfaced beauty is worth it! Chu Chu is pitiful, looking at Zhang Wu with tears, ordinary men will definitely feel soft when they see it, and choose to forgive her! “Xia Meng, put away your acting skills.”

Zhang Wu looked at the beautiful woman with a disappointed expression on your face and said, “The reason why I like you is because I like your purity and kindness. As a result, your purity and kindness are disguised. of.”

“I was really blind this time, and I didn’t even see the essence of your premium green tea.”

“Speaking of which, I also want to thank Mr. Qin.”

Xia Meng was not reconciled, her eyes rolled, and she suddenly appeared infinitely sad and sad: “Zhang Wu, you just believe that Mr. Qin actually, he just wanted to occupy me.

He swore to the death and made him angry. When I saw you come back from buying milk tea, when I was about to ask you for help, I found that you were respectful to him.”

“At that moment, I made up my mind to keep the matter deep in my heart, and if I tell you it, it will cause you trouble.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that you would break up with me directly. I can’t bear such a grievance.”



Wu Kuang rolled his eyes: “Xia Meng, what you’re riding on is a dog-blood romance drama, right?”

“You can make up such a brain-dead story.”

“Are you a fool yourself, or treat me Zhang Wu as a fool.”

“Mr. Qin is taking advantage of you, so you don’t put gold on your face. You are afraid that you don’t know how beautiful Mr. Qin’s girlfriend is and how goddess he is.”

“Zhang Wu, why can’t you believe me once?”

Xia Meng, who has a strong desire to survive, is still performing.

Zhang Wu looked at Xia Meng with a helpless expression of you, “Tell you one thing, my Maserati has its own panoramic camera. I can see what happened between Mr. Qin and you just now. Come, do you want me to show you the surveillance video now”

“No need, excuse me.”

Xia Meng finished work in one second, unfastened his seat belt, and was about to get out of the car.

At this moment, Zhang Wu said again: “One more thing. Actually, my Maserati does not have a panoramic camera. I lied to you.”

Xia Meng: “”

Turn the table up! Uh, what happened to that buddy? Seeing a man sitting under a big tree and crying in his arms, Qin Fan temporarily stopped working in his hands and walked towards there.

To make a big master cry like this on the street, something must have happened to him.

Bind “One Good Daily to Be a Big Brother”

The Qin Fan of the system, under the condition that the three views are not crooked, if there is anything that can help, he is also willing to lend a helping hand.

Is there a fragrance in the hand of the gift?

“Big brother, what’s wrong with you”

Qin Fan came to the man who was holding his head and crying and sat down:, patted the man on the shoulder, and asked.

The man looked up at Qin Fan and said with a pained expression: “Brother, I’m so miserable, I really don’t want to live me.”

Qin Fan’s heart trembled. It’s so serious that I don’t want to live anymore. “Big brother, what difficulties did you encounter, if it is convenient, just tell me, maybe I can help you.”

The man stopped crying, pursed his mouth, and said in pain: “Brother, I was given a green hat by my wife”

Qin Fan: “I don’t want to live anymore, right”

Just when Qin Fan was ready to enlighten and enlighten the man, he heard the man say: “Brother, let me finish talking.”

Qin Fan nodded: “Okay, big brother, tell me, I’ll listen.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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