Chapter 364 I won’t shout, what can you do with me [1 more, please customize! 】

“I lost this brick, thank you.”

Wang Yan took the brick from Qin Fan, and put it directly into her shoulder bag without being too dirty.

When Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun saw this scene, their mouths opened uncontrollably, and their eyes almost stared out.

F*ck!! What is the situation that Bai Fumei actually put the turning head in her bag as if it were a baby. If they didn’t admit it, that… the shoulder bag should be Gucci’s and can be touched by a brick. Paper, and it’s still Bai Fumei! The three views are cracked. Hey! I said!! Next Qin Fan’s move made Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun’s mouths bigger and bigger! Because Qin Fan suddenly leaned over and put his hands together. On Wang Yan’s shoulders, the two face to face, maintaining a very intimate posture.

At this moment, Wang Yan’s beautiful eyes widened, and she never expected that Qin Fan would suddenly throw her a plop! Wang Yan was both excited and extremely nervous, and she felt her little heart about to jump out. .

My God, Qin Fan, what does he want to do to me happiness has just come so suddenly?

“Wang Yan, sorry, it’s like this”

The actions Qin Fan explained in Wang Yan’s ear fell in the eyes of Jin Yousheng, Park Yongjun and the audience in the live broadcast room, and they became whispers and ears.

Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun turned green.

Ma Dan!! This succeeded Wang Yan, you are Bai Fumei, that guy won a brick for you to play!! But the live broadcast room was madly screened by female fans.

“Ears and temples, I really envy that woman.”

“Little brother is good at teasing, I can’t stand the opposite sex talking in my ear so close.”

“plus one!”

“Loved, loved!”

After listening to Qin Fan’s words, Wang Yan was extremely disappointed. It turned out that Qin Fan teased me not because he liked me. Qin Fan’s back shouted loudly: “Qin Fan, I like you, be my boyfriend! Humph, love must be boldly said! Wang Yan’s loud confession in the street immediately attracted the attention of many people around.

Qin Fan’s mouth twitched, looked at Wang Yan, and said: “Wang Yan, didn’t I explain to you just now”

“I do not care.”

Wang Yan shook her head vigorously, and said to Qin Fan with an expression that I don’t listen, I don’t listen: “I just like you Qin Fan, I want to marry you. My family has two suites in the city center, a large villa, and There is a company, and I have a daughter in my family. As long as we get married, these are all yours.”

“Qin Fan, marry me, ah yeah, marry me, I will spoil you for the rest of my life!”

Jin Yousheng: “”

Park Young Jun: “”

Passerby: “”

Many men look at Qin Fan with envy and hatred at this moment.

Being so chased by a Bai Fumei, this is the dream of how many men! Jin Yousheng’s jealous eyes are purple

“No! I have a girlfriend, it’s impossible for us!”

Qin Fan was awe-inspiring and categorically refused.

I’m awkward! All the male compatriots around have their eyes widened.

Facing a Bai Fumei pursuit, this guy refused without hesitation. Isn’t Bai Fumei not fragrant? “The handsome guy has a good three views, and I am going to beat him crazy!”

“The best man!!!, I really envy the handsome guy’s girlfriend.”

“Qin Fan, what’s your mobile number”

Wang Yan’s eyeballs turned, and the next best thing. Since the strong attack is not enough, then change the combat strategy. First, go to Qin Fan’s contact information and conduct roundabout operations. Waiting for Qin Fan to report the number.

Our Jin Yousheng Oppa saw the phone in Wang Yan’s hand and his face was convulsed.

Ma Dan!! Just now, in response to his request to add WeChat, Wang Yan also said that she forgot to bring her mobile phone when she went out. Now what is she holding, is it a brick!! It really is an excuse! Lift the table! Qin Fan: “My girlfriend doesn’t like me to give my mobile phone number to the opposite sex.”

Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Wang Yan covered her face and wept, crying and ran away.

Qin Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I used to whip a famous horse because of drunkenness, for fear of how tired the love is! “Two people.”

Qin Fan turned his head to look at Kim Yoo-Sung and Park Young-joon, and said with a sullen expression: “I’m waiting for you to call me Dad.”

Hearing the sound, their faces turned completely green.

They are noble Smectas, let them call Xia Guo a man father impossible!! It’s impossible in this life!! “Haha, we were joking with you just now, don’t take it seriously, Smecta. ”

Jin Yousheng sneered and smiled.

Park Yongjun walked away temporarily with his mobile phone.

It’s better not to let the audience in the live broadcast room see this kind of shame. “Just kidding.”

Qin Fan: “I didn’t joke with you.”

Jin Yousheng looked at Qin Fan like a rascal, and sneered: “Let me call your father, it’s impossible, I won’t call, what can you do with me, Smecta.”

Qin Fan smiled: “Are you a contract anchor of the Tiger Shark platform?”

“If you don’t keep your promise, I will complain to Tiger Shark.”

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