Chapter 363 Too much flirting [5 more, please customize! 】

“Oh oh.”

Wang Yan continued to look at Jin Yousheng with an awkward and polite smile: “Then you still have my account on WeChat, you can send a friend to add an application, I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went out today, and I saw it when I went home. , I agree to your friend’s application for adding.”


Jin Yousheng’s mouth twitched.

Although he thinks this is mostly an excuse by Wang Yan.

However, somehow they took care of his feelings and left him a little face to dismiss Jin Yousheng, and our Wang Yan continued to walk forward.

And this scene was witnessed by Qin Fan not far away.

Qin Fan smiled, walked behind Jin Yousheng and patted Jin Yousheng on the shoulder.

Jin Yousheng looked back, saw Qin Fan, frowned and said, “It’s you, what are you doing?”

Park Yongjun on the side was staring at Qin Fan with fire-breathing eyes.

Why did this guy appear again! The live broadcast room became hot again because of the appearance of Qin Fan.

“My every day! That… the handsome guy has appeared again!”

“Hey!! How come I feel that there is no handsome guy under the beauty, he is more handsome.”

“I have this feeling too, maybe this is the value of a fairy.”

“Too handsome, I can’t stand it anymore, I want to lick the screen!”

“Simply licking the screen can’t satisfy me anymore, the craftsmanship walks away”

“Sister upstairs, wake up the dreamer!!!”

“The craftsmanship can’t be left behind, it’s time to take it out and practice.”

“Sisters, take a moment.”

Qin Fan: “Shooting girls is not your kind of trick.”

Hearing the sound, Jin Yousheng hadn’t spoken yet, and Park Yongjun on the side couldn’t help but rush to speak: “Do you know who the woman in front is?”

“She is your Xia Country’s Bai Fumei, with a net worth of tens of millions. Do you think this Bai Fumei is so good to be slapped?”

“that is!”

Jin Yousheng said with approval, “Listen to you, as if you could touch her.”

Qin Fan nodded and smiled: “I think I can.”

“Don’t be ashamed of talking!!”

Jin Yousheng sneered: “Do you think you are, then you go”

“If you can touch her, I will call your father!”

Qin Fan was happy: “Really”

Jin Yousheng proudly: “A gentleman can hardly follow Smecta with a word!”

“Okay, then I will try.”

Hearing the sound, Park Yongjun on the side rolled his eyes and sneered: “Add a condition, if you fail, you have to call us both of us to say father.”


After speaking, Qin Fan chased Wang Yan in front of him.

Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun looked at each other, and they both felt that today, they could be fathers again.

This guy thinks that he is handsome and can chase Bai Fumi to be naive!! If Bai Fumi is so easy to chase, then he can still be called Bai Fumi.

My dignified Smecta Oppa failed, how could a mere Xia Guo man succeed.

Qin Fan saw a brick on the ground, picked it up, speeded up to walk around Wang Yan, and smiled: “Beauty, did you drop this brick?”

F*ck!! What is he doing!! Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun almost stared out! After reacting, both of them couldn’t help but become happy.

Dammit! You are so confident that you are going to tease that… Bai Fumei, I thought it was you who mastered the new posture of teasing girls.

Well, your sultry posture is indeed ingenious, very novel and unique! But can it be successful, if it can be successful, I will eat that brick.

That Bai Fumi doesn’t turn her head and pat your face with that piece, it’s all right.

Laughing!!!! Just as the two were waiting to see Qin Fan’s jokes, our Wang Yan was full of surprises after seeing Qin Fan.

Oh my god! It’s my hero, Qin Fan! He’s still hot and handsome! Also, is Qin Fan teasing me? This brick hero is really different, and the sultry poses are all spicy. Novelty, so romantic, I really like it! Seeing Wang Yan did not reply, Qin Fan smiled and went on to ask: “Beauty, did you drop this brick?”

Jin Yousheng and Park Yongjun, who followed secretly, couldn’t help but laughed out pigs.

Talent! Bai Fumei must have been too shocked and angry, and before she had time to refuse you, this guy actually asked again with a smile on her face.

Xia Guo man, you are awesome!! Our uncle convinced you Smecta! Jin Yousheng: “I’ll pay 50 cents, and bet that Xia Guo’s Bai Fumei will hold that brick and scream on that man’s face.”

Park Yongjun: “If you can succeed like him, I will eat that brick today to smecta.”

The two did not know that the live broadcast room was already in full swing.

“Oh my god, this handsome guy is too sultry, I can’t stand it anymore.”

“In today’s era where sultry girls are all routines, that handsome guy’s sultry posture is simply a clear stream.”

“To be so handsome and so sultry, this is not for other men to survive.”

“I like this sultry pose, it’s so romantic!!”

“Such a little brother, I love it.”

“No, this queen can’t watch it anymore, and if I watch it again, this queen’s body is a little overwhelming.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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