Chapter 337 One little kid [3 more, please customize! 】

“Ding Jun, please don’t break up with me.”

A girl with a bag in her hand took Ding Jun’s hand and begged Ding Jun not to break up with her.

“Senior sister, let go, I have lost interest in you.”

Ding Jun’s mouth is upturned, revealing an evil smile

“So handsome, I have absolutely no resistance to Ding Jun’s smile.”

“I like a bad boy like Ding Jun. I know he is a scumbag, but I can’t help but feel good about him. What should I do? How could I be like this.”

“You are not alone, bad-looking boys like Ding Jun are very romantic, unlike some boys, they are boring and boring.”

Among the crowd of onlookers, many girls stared at Ding Jun with bright eyes.

When the boys heard it, their faces turned black.

Ma Dan!! You said Ding Jun is handsome and attractive, they recognized it.

But do you think that Ding Jun is romantic, is he romantic? His method of chasing girls is extremely simple, that is, to send 1 bag, which is also called romantic, okay, in the eyes of those green tea people, it is the greatest romance “Ding Jun, I I love you so much, as long as you don’t break up with me, I will listen to you in the future.”

The girl who is being broken up looked at Ding Jun with a humble expression and begged.

Ding Jun, who used to whip a famous horse because of drunkenness, was afraid of how tired the beauty would be. He sighed: “Senior sister, why are you so troublesome? I don’t like you anymore.”

“Ding Jun, are you in love with other women”

The girl gritted her teeth and asked.

After all, she was in such a high position at the beginning, but she was confident, thinking that with her charm and means, she could completely subdue this little wild horse.

But in the end, reality gave her a slap in the face.

She and Ding Jun actually established a relationship for less than three days, and they were about to be dumped by the other party!! Tragic!! Ding Jun nodded indifferently, and then said with a hint of obsessiveness: “Yes, the woman I like this time is My goddess, a woman I want to take care of for the rest of my life.”

Seeing Ding Jun’s expression, the girl immediately understood that Ding Jun was serious this time.

This makes girls can’t help being jealous and hateful.

“Who is that woman?”

The girl was jealous into rabbit eyes and asked sourly.

Ding Jun: “Lu Danqing, Lu Lao”

As soon as this statement came out, at the scene, everyone looked a little strange at the same time.

Lu Danqing is their most beautiful teacher at Jianghan University.Even in the hearts of many boys, Jianghan University’s current school flowers do not have Lu Danqingmei.

Ding Jun likes Lu Danqing, no one finds it strange.

It’s just that they heard that Teacher Lu seems to have a boyfriend. Recently, many people have seen that a mysterious man wearing a mask often appears next to Teacher Lu.

The two behaved intimately, which is no secret at Jianghan University.


Jun, but Teacher Lu already has a boyfriend.”

The girl didn’t give up, she said.

Ding Jun smiled proudly: “What’s wrong with Teacher Lu has a boyfriend? I can just snatch Teacher Lu back.”

Ding Jun is extremely confident.

When he first entered Jianghan University, he often heard many seniors say how goddess Lu Danqing is.At that time, he didn’t care much.

Even in my heart, I despise those seniors who have never seen beautiful women, which is rare and strange.

But this kind of thinking was completely changed yesterday because of an encounter with Lu Danqing.

Seeing Lu Danqing’s first glance, Ding Jun was immediately shocked.

In this world, there will be such a goddess.

Not only does he look beautiful like a fairy, but he also has a special temperament on his body.

His language is not good, and he can’t describe that kind of… temperament, anyway, it makes him feel particularly comfortable.

This teacher Lu, he must catch up, and seriously talk about a love that doesn’t break up.

It is different from any previous one.

Before, he chased girls, more to enjoy the…sense of accomplishment. To put it bluntly, he was just for fun.

“I’m going, isn’t that Teacher Lu!”

At this moment, there was a sensation among the onlookers.

It turned out that Qin Fan received our teacher Lu and was seen by these college students when he passed the playground.

“It’s the guy… the guy wearing the mask again. It seems that Teacher Lu has a boyfriend. It’s already a stone hammer.”

“The fingers are interlocking, the stone hammer is undoubtedly.”

“Who is this guy.”

Many boys look at Qin Fan’s eyes, both jealous and envious.

Teacher Lu, the goddess in the hearts of many boys, but I don’t know when, the famous flower is already in charge.

“Ms. Lu!”

Ding Jun’s eyes lit up, his eyeballs rolled, he took out his mobile phone and quickly edited a text message and sent it out, and then rushed to Qin Fan and Lu Danqing in a few strides, raised his chin directly, and said proudly to Qin Fan: ” Please leave Teacher Lu!”

Qin Fan laughed.

He knows very well how many boys like his teacher Lu at Jianghan University.

He wanted to be low-key, but it seems that the actual situation does not allow it. Qin Fan smiled and said, “Why let me leave Danqing?”

Qin Fan’s “Dan Qing”

Let Ding Jun’s eyes breathe fire directly.

“You are not worthy of the road teacher!”

“You are a freshman this year.”

“Yes, so what.”

“A little kid.”

Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your 3 monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your 3 monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your 3 monthly pass support!! 99 Novel Network reminds you: Book Three Things collection, push

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