Chapter 336 Do you bother to pretend to be forced [1 more, please customize! 】

“No, I will look at the clothes here.”

“Don’t Zhou Xiaoxiao, I will be off work in a while, so at this point, the customers are the most. It is not convenient for you to try on clothes here. Later, when there are fewer people, you will come out to see the clothes. Well.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao saw a few people queuing outside the fitting rooms, so she nodded: “Okay.”

Entering the office, Qin Fan was really surprised by the decoration of the office.

Good guy!! Qin Fan has the illusion of coming to his office in the headquarters building of the Hanshang Group.

The floor is covered with a one-piece carpet, high-end atmosphere! Huge semi-curved desk, mighty domineering! What bookshelves, coat racks, tea racks, etc. everything! Leather sofa that is standard!! Various other The layout, even Qin Fan can’t find anything wrong with it.

When ordinary people come in, first of all, their momentum will be a little weaker.

What a great God! A women’s clothing store manager’s office is no less than a group chairman’s office.

It’s full of compelling standards!! This Lu Tianyu is a particular person!!!!! Zhou Xiaoxiao on the side was dumbfounded:.

She felt that the office of her general manager of Xingyu Animation was far inferior to Lu Tianyu’s office. When Lu Tianyu saw the goddess Zhou Xiaoxiao and her boyfriend entering his office, they were obviously shocked. This made Lu Tianyu couldn’t help feeling proud.

Pretending to be forced, I’m serious! Just my office, but it took me 300,000 oceans to build it! As long as Lu Tianyu walks in, he will immediately have the automatic blessing of pretending to be a halo! Pretending to be forced, nothing It’s not good to go! It’s even more so when you soak up the sister paper! In this office, the sister paper he conquered is not countable with both hands! “Sit as you please.”

Lu Tianyu warmly greeted Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qin Fan to sit down, and then pretended to force: “By the way, what are you drinking?”

“But I only have tea here. Morphine. I personally like to drink tea because I like the way the tea enters my throat… first it is slightly bitter and then gradually becomes sweet. My life is bitter first and then sweet. A lot, ten thousand words are omitted here”

After one pass was forced to install, Lu Tianyu handed the brewed green tea to Zhou Xiao and Qin Fan respectively: “Come on, drink tea.”

Qin Fan saw Lu Tianyu pretending to be very excited, smiled, and opened his mobile phone with a calm face to find a number and dialed it.

Ringing! Lu Tianyu’s cell phone rang.

Caller ID: The landlord! As soon as he saw this caller ID, Lu Tianyu was forced to stop, and quickly lowered his voice to Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qin Fan and said: “The owner of this shop, my landlord, called. I will answer the call first.”


After that, Lu Tianyu put on the phone and said in a pleasing tone: “Hello, Mr. Qin”

As soon as he said this, Lu Tianyu’s eyes widened.

Because he heard his own voice from Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend’s cell phone, Qin Fan deliberately turned on the hands-free F*ck! Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend is his landlord, the owner of this 700-square-meter financial street shop Lu Tianyu took a sigh of relief! Thinking of acting on the landlord just now, the corners of Lu Tianyu’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

The scene was very embarrassing

“So you are Mr. Qin”

Lu Tianyu spoke, there was nowhere to put his embarrassed soul.

Ma Dan! He is pretending to be forceful, people are really awesome.

This 700-square-meter shop is worth seven or eight thousand, Wan Ah, Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin Fan with a weird look.

Her husband, Qin Fan, is there: There is also a shop on Financial Street.

She knew how valuable the shops on Financial Street were.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an old hen who can lay golden eggs.

“Is it bothering you to pretend to be forced?”

Qin Fan joked.

Lu Tianyu scratched his head and smirked: “This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple.”

“Boss Lu, the business of your women’s clothing store is really prosperous.”

Hearing this, Lu Tianyu couldn’t help but said with some trifling pride: “Don’t you tell me Mr. Qin, the business of my shop is so good, in addition to the fashionable styles of clothes and the good workmanship of the fabrics, I also have another one. The magic weapon to win.”

Regarding Qin Fan, Lu Tianyu naturally did not dare to sell Guanzi, only saw him open WeChat directly, found a contact, transferred 180 past, and the account information noted the skirt commission! Seeing this, Qin Fan and Zhou Xiaoxiao understood all at once. The two couldn’t help but give Lu Tianyu a thumbs up.

It’s not easy for men these days. It’s a lot of brains to make some pocket money.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the shop closed.

Zhou Xiaoxiao chose three sets of clothes. Lu Tianyu originally insisted not to collect money, but Qin Fan insisted on giving them, so Lu Tianyu retreated and asked for it. According to the cost price, he only charged Qin Fan 160 yuan to buy the clothes. I am ready to bring Zhou Xiaoxiao back to Yunting Heaven and Earth.

“Mr. Qin, I will see you off.”

The three of 3 came outside the shop, and a middle-aged man happened to pass by, but he saw Qin Fan and quickly turned: He rushed to Qin Fan with a vigorous walk, and shouted with enthusiasm: “Mr. Qin, what a coincidence.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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