Chapter 329 A golden mountain is gone [3 more, please customize! 】

A bodyguard stood up and blocked Guan Zilin

When all the diners saw this, they all felt that the picture was extremely comfortable! This senior bitch might even regret that his intestines turned green.

Today this melon is really big and sweet!!!! “Let’s go home.”

The middle-aged man in a suit glanced lightly at Guan Zilin, then turned around and prepared to leave.At this moment, his gaze caught Qin Fan inadvertently.

I’m going, isn’t that Mr. Qin.

So Cheng Jun hurriedly pushed away the two bodyguards blocking his way, and hurriedly walked towards Qin Fan.

Well, this middle-aged man in a suit is Cheng Jun, the president of Hanshang Group.

“Mr. Qin, you are here too.”

Cheng Jun came to Qin Fan, his face filled with enthusiasm and respect.

Qin Fan smiled: “I didn’t expect that takeaway boy is your son.”

“Yes, yeah, let Mr. Qin read the joke.”

“Cheng Han, you stinky boy, don’t hurry over and meet Mr. Qin.”

Cheng Jun shouted to Cheng Han.

“I have seen Mr. Qin.”

Cheng Han ran over and shouted at Qin Fan.

He naturally knows the identity of Qin Fan.

His dad has 30% of the shares of Hanshang Group. He used to be the largest shareholder of Hanshang Group! But now, the largest shareholder of Hanshang Group is now Mr. Qin, who is about the same size as him.

This… Mr. Qin holds 70% of Hanshang Group’s shares, and can absolutely control Hanshang Group!! Seeing this scene, the mouths of the diners that had just closed opened one after another.

F*ck!! The takeaway brother’s father is so big and has such a strong aura, it must be a big brother.

But now, the father of the takeaway boy respects a young man so much. Doesn’t that mean that this young man is much more powerful than the father of the takeaway boy.

They still remember that just now, there was a young man with a family claiming to have tens of millions of assets who wanted to snatch that young man’s girlfriend!! A big melon just finished eating, this is another big melon. At this time, Dai Jingtian is here. Shivering and f*ck! I thought Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend was bronze, but now I see that he is a king! Even such an awesome middle-aged guy calls Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend to be Mr. Qin. This is extremely scary. Ah! And just now, Guan Zilin’s No. 1 deputy boyfriend came for Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend Qin Fan. The boss sent him to give Qin Fan fruit. From Guan Zilin’s mouth, he already knew Guan Zilin’s No. 1 deputy boyfriend is the secretary to the chairman of a large group company!! Thinking of this, Dai Jingtian couldn’t help but take a breath.

This Qin Fan is so horrible and scary!!!!! Shivering!! Guan Zilin looked silly, and her chin almost fell to the ground.

What kind of fairy is Wu Qianqian’s boyfriend!!!, even the president of the Hanshang Group is so respectful of him, then look back at her, Guan Zilin really wants to die, Cheng Jun and Qin Fan talked a few times In other words, he took his son and left.

With the fruits from Secretary Yu Hua, Qin Fan and Wu Qianqian also left.

Now that he has become the focus of the audience, the low-key Qin Fan doesn’t want to eat in this environment.

Outside the Suiyuan Shanfang restaurant, Guan Zilin and Dai Jingtian looked at the Rolls-Royce Cullinan that had just moved away, and couldn’t help but twitch their mouths.

“That car is a Rolls Royce, Wu Xiqian’s boyfriend is really a big brother, who is he!!!”

Dai Jingtian muttered to himself curiously.

“My Cheng Han, woo woo woo.”

Guan Zilin’s mentality collapsed, and she cried bitterly.

A golden mountain!!!, she lost it by herself.

Thinking of this, Guan Zilin felt her heart cramps after another and Dai Jingtian expressed deep sympathy.

This Guan Zilin is indeed miserable. At 4 in the afternoon, Qin Fan took Cullinan to the Asian Heart Hospital to visit Zhou Xiaoxiao’s father.

The gate of Yaxin Hospital.

A young man in a straight suit carries a watermelon in his hands and his chest is high, his face is full of pretentiousness.

His name is Su Yingjie and he is a business manager of Jiangcheng Yuanda Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

This time I came to Asia Heart Hospital to win the purchase order for Western medicine from Asia Heart Hospital in the coming year.

Although, this time their Yuanda Pharmaceutical has competitors, he is confident and said that he is not panicking at all.

Because their Broad Pharmaceuticals and Asia Heart Hospital are already old partners, Asia Heart Hospital has purchased Western medicines from their Broad Pharmaceuticals for the past three years.

The relationship between the two parties has long been maintained as solid as a rock.

Therefore, the purchase order of Western medicine from Asia Heart Hospital will definitely belong to their Yuanda Pharmaceutical.

Just when Su Yingjie’s nostrils were upturned and walking towards the Asian Heart Hospital, a passing female junior high school student carrying a schoolbag accidentally collided with Su Yingjie.

Oops! The female junior high school student was hit by the tall and magnificent Su Yingjie and fell to the ground, rubbing a big piece of skin off her knees.

Su Yingjie didn’t fall, but the watermelon she was holding on her hand accidentally fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Looking at the red melon flesh all over the floor, Su Yingjie was furious, and shouted directly at the female junior high school student who had not yet risen from the ground: “You don’t have eyes to walk, you broke my watermelon!”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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