Chapter 328 My dear, I do this because I love you [1 more, please customize! 】

Guan Zilin looked at the takeaway boy with a sad expression and said: “I know that you usually deliver takeaways in the wind, and it’s very hard to go in the rain. I love you very much. I can’t help, what I can do is to not harass you or delay your work while you are working.”

“Because I know that you work so hard to make money, but also for our future, in order to marry me as soon as possible, and give me a warm home.”

“So whenever I want someone to accompany me, I don’t bother you. You are so hard outside, I should be grateful, and not like those ignorant girls, you only care about work and you don’t have me in your heart. if.”

“So, when I want someone to accompany me, but you are at work again, I will find my deputy boyfriend to accompany me.”

“In this way, you don’t have to work so hard, isn’t it great?”

“I do this because I love you. If I don’t love you, I can be like those girls. Whenever I want someone to accompany me, I will call you and order you to come back immediately. In this way, not only It delays your work and makes you run back and forth, so how tired you are.”

“Darling, do you know that although you are just a takeaway, ordinary and ordinary, but I still love you, if there is no accident, I will also marry you in the future.”

“I don’t want my future husband to be so tired. I found a few boyfriends to share the burden for you. You don’t have time to do and do bad things. Let them do it for you. Isn’t it good? ”

The takeaway boy turned red and wanted to refute, but for a while, he couldn’t find anything to refute.

Li Hao: “”

Secretary Yu Hua: “”

Brother Leopard: “”

Other diners: “”

Ma Dan!! It feels like what she said sounds so reasonable at first, but why does it feel weird.

Li Hao said angrily: “Guan Zilin, you have a boyfriend, why are you hiding from me! You scumbag!!”

“Yes, you scumbag, cheating on our feelings.”

Secretary Yu Hua and Brother Leopard also stared at Guan Zilin with indignation.

“You didn’t ask me either.”

Guan Zilin looked at the three of them and said three times: “And I’m very worried. I know you like me. If I say that I have a boyfriend, you will definitely be sad for a while, I can’t bear it.”

“In addition, although the three of you are now associate friends, you still have a chance to be my full boyfriend.”

“So, you have to come on.”

Li Hao: “”

Secretary Yu Hua: “”

Brother Leopard: “”

Dai Jingtian: “”

Other diners: “”

This woman is so invincible!! Advanced green tea!! Everyone can see it.

Obviously, I stepped on a few boats and made my boyfriend’s head green, but when it reached her mouth, it became, I green you, for your good, because I love you and it really sounds like that.

Just ask you if you are awesome! The takeaway boy gritted his teeth and said: “Guan Zilin, you have said so much, that can’t change the fact that you are green. Also, you said I was busy and didn’t have time to accompany you. Okay, then why are you looking for three three boyfriends? Are you so empty and lonely, do you need someone to accompany you?”

When all the diners heard this, they all nodded secretly.

This wave of shock is beautiful! Look at that…what can you say about high-grade green tea! In response to everyone’s gaze, Guan Zilin is quite eager to fight against the Confucian scholars at this time.

I saw Guan Zilin with an expression that I did this entirely for your sake, and looked at the takeaway brother, and said with red lips: “My dear, I am looking for three three boyfriends because I love you, and because I love you. Love is deep.”

“My dear, you deliver food. Although you have worked hard, your salary is still relatively low, and every penny you earn is hard-earned money. I really can’t bear to spend your money, so I found deputy boyfriend #2.”

“He has a small annual salary of one million, and he knocks on the keyboard, and the money is coming. I have a second boyfriend, so I don’t need to spend your money. In this way, all the money you make can be saved. , The sooner we can get married.”

“My dear, every woman fantasizes about being able to enter the upper-class society, and you are just a food delivery, so at this point, you definitely can’t satisfy me, so I found the No. 1 deputy boyfriend, he He is the secretary to the chairman of a group company. He can bring me into the upper class.”

“In addition, you deliver food delivery every day and come back very late. After delivering a day’s food delivery, you must be very tired. As a normal woman, I must have needs in that area, but every time I see you Dragging my tired body back, I can’t bear to work hard with you, because I love you.”

“So, I found 3 boyfriends. He is physically strong and strong. Let him do this kind of hard work for you.”

“My dear, now you should know how much I love you.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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