Chapter 323 Well-known double standard! [5 more, please customize! 】

Our beautiful stewardess Wu Qianqian was also dumbfounded:.

How did her junior high school classmate become like this? Wu Qianqian rolled her eyes and said: “Zilin, you said you didn’t cheat.”

Guan Zilin nodded earnestly and said, “Yes, Cici, I just have a boyfriend.”

Wu Qianqian sweated: “Does this make any difference?”

“Of course there is a difference, and the difference is big, Cici.”

Guan Zilin took two sips of water from the glass to moisturize her throat, and then continued: “When your boyfriend needs you, when you are lonely, you go on a date with someone else, hurt him, cause the relationship to break, and you are cheating.”

“I was when my boyfriend couldn’t meet my love needs, I was looking for a second boyfriend to help him meet me. When he needs me, I can accompany him in the best state.”

“Our love is still: on track, just ask me what’s going on”

Hearing this, Wu Qianqian couldn’t help asking: “Zilin, what if they know?”

“I mean knowing that I have a clone.”

Guan Zilin thought for a while and replied: “I hope they can learn from each other’s strengths then.”

Wu Qianqian: “What if they dump you”

Guan Zilin smiled and said, “That’s because they are stupid.”

Wu Qianqian: “Zilin, let me ask you, if they dump you, what will you do?”

Guan Zilin said with this very simple expression: “The second boyfriend may become a good boyfriend.”

Wu Qianqian was stunned: “Zilin, you actually have 3 boyfriends!!!”

Guan Zilin blinked: “It’s 4.”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Qin Fan: “”

This woman’s awesome duck skin! Listening to her, her four boyfriends don’t know each other’s existence.

In other words, the question arises that these four people think they are Guan Zilin’s boyfriend! Who is green? This is a question of relativity. Guan Zilin continues: “Cici, but the three mates only have One is upright. As long as that… the upright doesn’t do excessive things, I will marry him in the future.”

Wu Qianqian was speechless and couldn’t help but ridicule.

In this way, it should be very superior to be your boyfriend Guan Zilinzheng.”

Guan Zilin: “Superior shouldn’t be right, because he doesn’t know that he is enjoying it all.”

“Life is often such a satire, you don’t know the blessing in the blessing.”

“A lot of life that I take for granted is actually someone who has done a lot for him behind his back.”

“Insert a question, Zilin.”

Wu Qianqian curiously said: “Zilin, you said that as long as he doesn’t do excessive things, uh, I want to know what is excessive in your worldview.”

Guan Zilin replied: “Domestic violence, I can’t bear this.”

“In the past, I felt that I would not take care of love and work only, but now I have grown up, I am sensible, and I don’t want my man to take care of too much.”

“Oh, and he can’t cheat.”

“You can’t call Mai with the shower head in the shower.”

Wu Qianqian said silently: “Zilin, you are like this, you ask him not to cheat!”

Guan Zilin: “What’s wrong with me”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Qin Fan: Well-known double standard! Guan Zilin: “If he has time to cheat but does not accompany me, I must not accept it.”

“If I am busy and he is idle, he can do anything.”

“But I’m never busy, I will definitely show up when he needs it.”

Wu Qianqian: “Zilin, what if your boyfriend needs you at the same time”

Guan Zilin: “As for the three boyfriends, I find him, and he asks me less.”

“If the boyfriend needs me, and the deputy just asks me, I will give priority to the boyfriend.”

Wu Qianqian: “You have a clear distinction.”

Guan Zilin smiled: “Man, the more girlfriends you can’t cope with.”

“For women, the more boyfriends, the more moisturized they are.”

“Life flies beautifully.”

“Cici is serious, I hate people calling me a bitch.”

“I think those people don’t understand anything, they only know that they ask their boyfriend to satisfy her, satisfy her…, and the little girl who doesn’t know how tired her boyfriend is to work hard for life is the real bitch.”

“I should be the one who paid the most for this relationship”

“I told my girlfriends that they still scolded me, I’m really sad.”

“I also asked, if anyone likes my deputy boyfriend, which deputy boyfriend I will break up with, there is only so much I can do.”

“Zilin, let me ask you one last question.”

Wu Qianqian: “It’s about shouting Mai with the shower head in the bathroom.”

“Why can’t you accept it”

After speaking, Wu Qianqian gave Qin Fan angrily.

Well, this question was actually asked by Qin Fan to ask Wu Qianqian.

Guan Zilin: “This is because my first love and another woman were taking a shower while taking a shower in the bathroom and calling Mai. I was outside watching them shouting Mai for half an hour, and they didn’t know.”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Qin Fan: “”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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