Chapter 322 I can’t make him too tired for love [4 more, please customize! 】

“Wait Zilin, what does the derailed love mean”

Wu Qianqian asked with her eyes wide open.

Qin Fan also curiously pricked his ears and listened.

This Guan Zilin seems to be a woman with a story

Guan Zilin pursed her lips and said: “Cici, I have a boyfriend, a very ordinary boyfriend. If nothing else, I should marry him in the end.”

“I have always longed to marry love.”

“I love him too, but in this long-distance love race, I gradually found that I was too innocent, thinking that having a boyfriend would make me happy.”

“Later I found out that was not the case.”

“My boyfriend is just a very ordinary and monotonous man, it is impossible to meet all my needs.”

“As for me, I sympathize with him and understand him very much. I won’t ask him to be perfect.”

“So in order to satisfy myself, I found another boyfriend.”

“I am not happy for myself, I just don’t want him to be too tired.”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Qin Fan: “”

Silently felt sorry for Guan Zilin’s boyfriend for three seconds 3.

A green hat, that buddy already wears steadily

Guan Zilin: “Cici, I think men are really tired. In order to make his lover happy and satisfied, men have to do a lot of things, but in the end they still can’t fully satisfy their beloved.”

“I hate those girls who complain about their boyfriends. You can’t even do this. You are really useless!”

“What is when I need you the most, but you are not by my side, what I am unhappy, you don’t know how to coax me, what you make me feel insecure, what or something”

“Boyfriend is also a human, how can he satisfy you with everything! Is he an artificial intelligence robot tailored for you”

Hearing this, Wu Qianqian couldn’t help but interject: “Zilin, I think it’s right. Men are very tired in this society. We women really can’t be too demanding of ourselves.”

Um, Qin Fan also thinks that Guan Zilin’s remarks are quite good, but why does it always feel a little weird? “Hehe, I know Cici you agree with me, you are my soulmate.”

Guan Zilin paused and continued: “My boyfriend is very ordinary and honest. He is also very good to me. I don’t think he owes me, I will marry him.”

“Whenever I need him, it is not his fault that he is not there. I can find another boyfriend to help him.”

“He is busy at work and I will not harass him. I need someone to accompany him. When someone loves me, I will

Just find another boyfriend.”

“But when I tell others, they say I’m so cheap.”

“I’m just helping him share the burden, he does bad things, I find a boyfriend, isn’t it great?”

“Many people think that I am cheating like this. Yes, I admit that I am indeed cheating, but do you know how tired a cheating person is?”

“Cici, I think in a relationship, if the other person is perfect, do I need to cheat”

“I’m looking for another boyfriend just to make up for what he can’t do. I am happy, and he doesn’t have to work so hard. Isn’t this the best of both worlds?”

“One thing, I am very impressed.”

“One night, he worked overtime. I support him to work overtime because he wants to make money. He makes money for our future and to marry me.”

“I’m bored alone, and it was raining outside that day.”

“I really want someone to accompany me, but I can’t disturb him. He is fighting outside. I should be grateful, not like those ignorant girls, saying that you only care about work and you don’t have me in your heart.”

“Wrong! He works because he has me in his heart.”

“Later, I asked one of my boyfriends to accompany me.”

“We watch movies, eat and go shopping.”

“It’s early morning for my boyfriend to get off work. I hope he has a good rest. I believe he has no energy to hand in his homework, so I didn’t ask him to sleep with me that night.”

“In the end, my deputy boyfriend slept with me. It was very comfortable and a fulfilling night.”

“If I were the kind of… Wayward girl, I would definitely say: You don’t touch me after get off work, do you not love me anymore”

“Nowadays, girls in general don’t know how to cherish their men.”

“Those girls ask for too much in the name of love, and in the end they will only drive away or get tired of those who love you.”

“Thinking that I didn’t cheat and I was just enjoying it in this relationship.”

“Requesting too much is also an irresponsible behavior.”

“In addition to not cheating, I also have the ability to take care of my boyfriend. I can’t make him too tired for love.”

Qin Fan was dumbfounded:.

This woman is a logical ghost! At first glance, you will think that she is a very sensible and good woman who loves her boyfriend. You will think that she is a clear stream, and you can’t help but like her crazy! But, What kind of a ghost is that boyfriend and deputy boyfriend?

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