Chapter 304 The old lady also said a ball [1 more, please customize! 】

“Handsome guy, do you want to change your destiny”

In the face of this soul torture, Qin Fan didn’t even think about it, and he looked seriously and replied with a very serious tone: “I don’t want to!!”

Now he, the system is in his body, the family is happy, and if he does good deeds every day, the system may give you rewards, and he has a small amount of money that can’t be spent! There are still a few confidantes around him.

In such a life, unless his head is caught by the door, he will want to change the system: “”

Qin Fan’s answer flashed Liang Hui’s waist.

Normal people face such inquiries and are reasonable, and they should answer like chicken blood: “Yes, I want to change my destiny, I want to become: rich, I want to feast in this world In, gallop as much as you like!”

“I want”

But this little handsome pot actually said “I don’t want to” directly

F*ck! Xiaoshuai pot is such a salted fish, so she doesn’t know how to continue the conversation

Liang Huimei rolled her eyes, and said to Qin Fan in a persuasive way: “Handsome man, no, you want to change your destiny, don’t you men all like beautiful women? Look at us.”

Liang Hui didn’t finish saying a word, Qin Fan’s WeChat rang.

It turned out that our beautiful doctor Xu Sihan sent a WeChat video chat application.

Qin Fan turns on.

“Qin Fan, I miss you so much.”

Xu Sihan’s voice turned softly, like a lark singing.

Xiaoshuaiguo’s girlfriend Liang Hui and the six beauties in 66 uniforms behind her heard this Xu Sihan’s voice, they couldn’t help but stretch their necks to look at Qin Fan’s mobile phone.

Liang Hui secretly thought, Xiaoshuaiguo’s girlfriend, it is reasonable to say that this video was sent in time, and it was a wave of assists to her.

When Xiao Shuai Guo and his little girlfriend have finished their mutual complaints, she can say in a superior tone like a queen: “Little handsome guy, you see that your little girlfriend is so ugly that you are not worthy of you. Ah, join my company. There are many beautiful women in our company. Pick any one of them and you can crush your little girlfriend. The life surrounded by beautiful women every day, isn’t it fragrant!”

When I said this, the little handsome pot in front of me would kneel in front of her for a second, holding her thigh, and shouting “My Lady Queen, please accept”.


It’s beautiful.

But when Liang Hui saw Xu Sihan in the video, her beautiful eyes became bigger and bigger! F*ck! This woman is so beautiful! And there is a white and rich noble temperament on her body! She can’t help but feel ashamed. The beauties in the uniforms behind Liang Hui felt that they were the difference between a native chicken and a phoenix compared with other girlfriends. After finishing the video chat with Xu Sihan, Qin Fan looked up at Liang Hui and said, “You Please continue with what you just said.”

Liang Hui, who was fed a mouthful of dog food, twitched the corners of her mouth, and smirked, “Xiao Shuai Guo, your girlfriend is very beautiful.”

Qin Fan’s serious face: “Is it beautiful? I think it’s normal.”

Liang Hui: “”

Six beauties in 66 uniforms: “”

So beautiful! So goddess! Call me so beautiful! “But.”

Qin Fan stared at the daughters of Liang Hui, and changed the conversation: “Seeing you, I suddenly think my girlfriend is still pretty.”

Liang Hui: “”

Six beauties in 66 uniforms: “”

Turn the table up! What do you mean? After seeing us, I feel like “so-so”

My girlfriend suddenly became beautiful and dare to love us. All of us are ugly, to bring out the beauty of your girlfriend, right? Ruthless!! Liang Hui clutched her chest and smiled at Qin Fan Qiang Yan: “Little handsome pot, you Although the girlfriend is indeed very beautiful, as a man, if there is only such a beauty in his life, wouldn’t it?”

At this moment, Qin Fan’s WeChat rang again.

Um, our teacher Lu initiated a video chat with Qin Fan.

The video was connected, and Qin Fan started to molest our teacher Lu daily: “Dan Qing, I haven’t talked to you for a few hours, you miss me.”

“No one is right.”

In the video, Lu Danqing’s blushing face was seen by Liang Hui who craned his neck and the six beauties in 66 uniforms.

As a result, these women’s eyes widened again.

I’m 豮芔芔! This woman is so beautiful, and the previous one…, completely comparable, each has its own merits! Ma Dan!! This little handsome pot actually has two boats! Scumbag!! “What did you just say? please continue.”

After finishing the video chat with Teacher Lu, Qin Fan looked at Liang Hui and said.

Ding Ding Ding! Qin Fan WeChat is ringing again! It turns out that it is our second-dimensional cute girl Zhi Zhou Xiaoxiao thinking about Qin Fan.

“What the hell, how come one by one.”

“Sorry, you guys wait a moment.”

Qin Fan finished talking and connected to the video chat

Huh! After seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao, Liang Hui and the women covered their chests with their hands.

This little handsome pot actually has three 3 confidantes. Too much, all of them are so goddesses!! Are there any kings!! A few women suddenly thought of a question.

Is this Xiaoshuai Guo’s girlfriend really only these three 3s? “Okay, you can continue talking.”

After hanging up from Zhou Xiaoxiao’s video chat, Qin Fan looked at Liang Hui with embarrassment and made you wait so apologetically.

Liang Hui: “”

Six beauties in 66 uniforms: “”

Speaking of my old lady, I also said a ball!! Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [18] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! Things collection, push

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