Chapter 303 I keep this handsome guy very useful! [5 more, please customize! 】

Zhang Yuxi returned to the hotel and took a good bath, lying on the bed, Zhang Yuxi, who was depressed in his heart, took out his phone and started to make funny sounds.

Soon, Zhang Yuxi’s face turned green again! “I%%!”

Zhang Yuxi almost carried her breath away! Ma Dan!! Now she is completely angry on the funny sound, and the fire is “a mess”

Zhang Yuxi clicked on her Douyin account and found that her fans had risen by more than 100,000! This made Zhang Yuxi’s eyes instantly stare at the boss! F*ck! What happened to my ugliness, fans unexpectedly Not decreasing but increasing! The posture is up!! At this moment, the phone rang.

Caller ID: Agent! Zhang Yuxi was astonished. How did the agent think of calling her as an artist. If the popularity is very high, the agent will naturally support you.

But if you are very cold, then you have to look at the face of the agent.

She Zhang Yuxi, Liang was almost free-ranged by her agent.

Her agent hasn’t contacted her for half a month. At this time, why did she call and wondering, Zhang Yuxi answered the phone.

When the call was over, Zhang Yuxi’s face turned green again! Ma Dan! It turned out that her agent also picked up the funny sound, but her agent showed up! It turned out to be a comedian. F*ck! I am Zhang Yuxi, a big beauty, and a super good figure. It is clear that she should be a goddess, okay? Now you let me be a comedian. This is an insult to me!! Anger!! Raise the table! Let me be Zhang Yuxi as a comedian, impossible, impossible in this life! I am determined to be a goddess, to be a rich and beautiful woman!! But when Zhang Yuxi sees her fans continue to rise, Zhang Yuxi forbears I couldn’t help but fell into contemplation again outside the cloud club! A group of women Yingyingyanyan came.

The leader is a young woman who looks thirty glamorous.

Behind her were six beauties in 66-large long-legged uniforms, all with heavy makeup and dusty duck skin! “You guys, you have to behave well later, and you must accompany Mr. Onion to me!”

The leading glamorous young woman looked back at the six beauties in 66 uniforms and eagerly ordered.

Her name is Liang Hui, the boss of the beautiful model company, and the social flower of Jiangcheng

Today she entrusted a relationship with a regular customer and took a big order.

The client of this big order is the famous Scallion Boy!! This is the second generation of Xia Guo’s super rich!! If you can build a relationship with him, then, her business will not be able to grow bigger and bigger in the future! So , She personally went out, in her own model company, carefully selected, selected six of the 66 most attractive female models, all net red faces, all knew how to lead them to the cloud club to visit the young man tearing onion.

“President Liang, don’t worry, that’s Mr. Green Onion. If we try our best, we have to accompany him.”

“We will definitely work hard.”

The six beauties in 66 uniforms are simmering in secret, thinking about how they will fight for favor in front of Mr. Scallion later! If they can be favored by Mr. Scallion, then their lives will take off directly! “Hehe, too! , I don’t need to tell this at all.”

Liang Hui laughed.

The six 66 models under her hand, what kind of abacus in her heart, how can she not see it! I want to fly to the branch and become a phoenix, but it is beautiful!! “Let’s go.”

Liang Hui led the women into the cloud club, came to the lobby, and nodded to the lady at the front desk, everything was so familiar! Suddenly, Liang Hui’s eyes caught sitting in the lounge area and brushed the sound. Qin Fan.

This makes Liang Hui’s eyes shine immediately! Handsome!! So handsome!! And it looks very clean!! Such a handsome guy, but a piece of unrivaled jade!! Her beautiful models, not only women Models, as well as male models! But the male models under her hands, compared with the handsome guy in front of her, they are a large group of dogs.

This wild handsome pot, Liang Hui must take it down and absorb it into her beautiful modeling agency.

She is of great use!! Thinking of this, Liang Hui turned and walked towards Qin Fan.

“I’m going, that little brother is so handsome!”

“How can I be so handsome, I really want to have a romantic relationship with him!!!.”

“It’s so handsome that I’m in love, I’m in love.”

“President Liang has taken a fancy to him. From now on, we and him will become colleagues in the same company.”

Six beauties in 66 uniforms looked at Qin Fan, all their eyes glistened! “Handsome guy.”

Qin Fan, who was playing funny sounds, raised his head when he heard someone call that he was so confident.

Seeing Liang Hui and the six beauties in 66 uniforms behind Liang Hui, Qin Fan couldn’t help frowning.

Although these women are not low-valued, the dust on their bodies is too heavy.


Liang Hui is aloft, looking at Qin Fan with an arrogant expression when you meet me and I think you are lucky

Thank you book friend [Everything is fate] for the 100-point reward!! Thank you book friend [Everything is fate] for the 100-point reward!! Thank you book friend [Everything is fate] for the 100-point reward! ! To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novel

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