Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 131: Battle of Tagya (7)

In the end, the Tiger soldiers couldn’t even wield their spears, but the soldiers of the First Legion hiding behind the shield walls of the various units could pierce their short swords with a constant scream. To make the Taqya soldiers more panic, they began to desperately sprint the allies in front of the Spartans when the back road was broken.


The soldiers continued to use long shields to resist the impact of external forces, and continued to poke outward with short swords, shoulders and arms were numb.

Max kept yelling and his voice was almost dumb... I don't know how long it took before the enemy's attack on Tortoiseshell suddenly weakened.

Could it be that our reinforcements are really here? ...Max saw the hope and was delighted.

The soldiers peered out through the seam of the shield, vaguely seeing the Spartans retreating. They also sighed temporarily and moved their arms slightly.

At this moment, there were two loud noises from the top of the head, "Peng! Peng!" The soldiers in the back row holding the long shield over their heads felt like a boulder hit the surface of the shield, and the entire arm of the shield was broken. Folded, they couldn't help but yelled in pain.

At this time, the two figures fell from above, and while the soldiers of the Dionysian Legion had not responded, they pushed the soldiers around them outward.

The Dionysian soldiers are defending against the attack from outside enemies. They did not expect that the Tortoiseshell would be broken from the inside. Several soldiers were pushed out of the array without defense.

Max's eyes were split, and he shouted, "Tighten the formation!", while slamming at the nearest enemy, the dagger pierced the enemy's throat, but the enemy's greasy smile made his heart cold.

Early preparations were that the Spartan soldiers came from all directions, so that Max’s detachment soldiers had no time to regroup, and they were shocked and scattered and had to fight each other.

It turned out that after the Spartan fighters rushed into Dionysia's dispersed formation, they found that the Dionyans were not scattered. They gathered in a peculiar small square and were fighting tenaciously. Spartan fighters continued to attack, still unable to break through the other party's defense, but also caused many injuries.

The Spartans with strong tactical ability had to find another way to break the enemy, and soon they thought: the defense around these Dionysian small squares is very strong, but they may be a breakthrough above them.

So the two volunteered soldiers jumped over the tortoiseshell formation under the entrustment of many comrades-in-arms and smashed the entire formation.

In the face of the crowded Spartan fighters, the resistance of the detachment soldiers was quickly crushed. Max, who was pierced in the thigh and fell to the ground, did not stop the fight. He shielded his upper body with a long shield and cut the enemy with a short sword. His feet didn't slide out of his hands until a bayonet pierced his right hand, and the short dagger that had been cut with a gap...

In the same way, the Spartan soldiers destroyed several Dionysian squares at the forefront. When they were ready to make persistent efforts, the forefront fighters were pushed by the frightened Teagues. Not only was it unable to continue attacking the Dionysian phalanx, but it was also in danger. After unable to blame the terrified Tega, they thrust their stabs at their former allies, and the situation began to become chaotic.

Then, not long afterwards, there was a commotion in the rear of the Spartan army. The force of the Dionysian light armor was naturally faster than that of the heavy infantry. After the three regiments of light armor quickly bypassed the left wing of the entire formation, without any modification, they immediately attacked the flank of the Spartan army. The fierce attack happened to hit the weakness of the Spartan army.

Of the 7,000 soldiers sent from Spartan territory this time, there were only about 1,500 real Spartan soldiers, more than 1,000 elderly Spartan citizens, and nearly 2,000 Piriasis and more than 2,000 soldiers. Black Rolls. In order to ensure that Agassius’ plan can be carried out smoothly, Archidamus ranked the Spartan fighters at the forefront, followed by the Piriasis, and again the old Spartan fighters and black robes the mix of.

At the beginning of the battle, the mixed forces of the old Spartan warriors and the black soldiers did not enter the battle, but opened a certain distance from the belligerent troops, because Agsi Laos worried that these never accepted fraud. Black tactical training will become an obstacle. It was only after the Spartan fighters returned to kill that the old Spartan fighters led the Black Slayers to rush down to increase the intensity and thickness of the attack, thus defeating the left wing of Dionia.

But the reality is that Dionysia’s left wing has not been defeated, and the Black Soldiers are still closely followed by the entire Spartan team, which turned out to be the target of the Dionysian light armor group attack.

Although the Council of Elders has made a commitment to the black warriors participating in the war: after the victory of the war, they will become freemen of Sparta.

But the Black Slayers vaguely aware that the Spartans are now in a difficult situation are actually not very enthusiastic about this, but out of fear of the Spartans, they pretended to be more obedient, but in the face of Dioni The fierce attack of the Asian soldiers. These black soldiers without armor protection, wearing only a single coat and holding a simple spear, fought less than a moment, and then began to retreat. They also carried some old Spartan soldiers who were still fighting. .


Agassius looked forward to the news of victory on the right, but the news sent back by the guards sent several times was that the right-wing Spartans were still fighting.

Agsilaus knew that he knew the Dionyan army very well, but he never expected that the Dionysian soldiers were affected by the Spartan fraud tactics, and then were attacked by two fierce sides. Can keep fighting for so long!

He was amazed by the tenacity of the Dionysian soldiers, but also regretted that he only collected information through oral rumors, or did not fully understand the Dionysian army.

Now he has started to stand upset, because he knows that if he can not quickly defeat Dionysia’s left, the Spartan coalition’s own weaknesses will be exposed for a long time, mainly the Teague army, because the Dionysia army is in There has always been a reserve team during the battle, and they will inevitably send a reserve team to attack the Tigers in order to rescue the left.

So Agsilaus quickly dispatched heralds to stop the Thracians who were heading to the south, preparing to send them to the north, bypassing the Spartan army, and strengthening the Taqians.

However, just after the thousands of Thracian light shield soldiers ran past him, the guards who heard the news hurried back and shouted: "King Agsilaus, no good! Our flanks were hit Dionysian attack!!"

Agassius was taken aback, he always thought that the commander of Dionysia would definitely send a reserve team to attack the nearest Teagues at this time, so as to achieve the purpose of rescue of the left, but at this time Dionysia The army actually bypassed the left wing and attacked the flank of the Spartan army. If the commander of Dionysia was not dazed, he could only explain one problem. The Dionysians have a considerable number of reserve teams and can both Launch an attack.

Agsilaus still sneered that the young commander of Dionia was inexperienced and easily caught in the trap, and now he had to marvel at the other party's boldness.

However, the situation was very critical, and he did not allow him to think about it. He immediately issued an order: "Quickly inform the Thracians, let them quickly rush to the right, repel the attack of the Dionysians, and protect the Spartan army’s flanks. !"

The Thracian team was not far from Agassius, and the order was quickly communicated. However, these Thracians from the north of the Macedonian territory, who do not know much about the name of Agassilaws, have always been known for their bravery and grumpiness. Before they accepted the order and hurriedly marched south, they were about to reach their destination. , And was called back urgently to execute another order. Bai ran so back and forth that they had held their breath, and now the order was changed again. Although it was still in the same direction and the distance was closer, the Thracians finally could not help but scold, complain, even their curse All sounds came into Agassius's ears: "Will the lame old Spartan command, just give orders and get dizzy!"

"I don't think the Spartans are good enough. They actually sent an dying old man to serve as the commander!"

"After we have fought this battle, let's take the commission and hurried away, I don't want to be angry anymore!"


If at ordinary times Agassius heard these special taboos, UU reading was already furious, but now he can only bear it, and look forward to these Thracians in After getting rid of anger, it can speed up.

Finally, seeing the Thracians disappear in his vision, not only did his worries disappear, but he became more serious.

At this time, he no longer had any hope of winning the battle, only hoped to draw a tie with the Dionysian army, and the casualties of the Spartan soldiers were not large, he had decided to change his next battle Plan: When the battle is over, he immediately disbands the mercenaries, brings the Spartan soldiers back to the territory as soon as possible, defends the Dionysian attack for as long as possible, protects the safety of the Spartan territory, and waits for the situation The change.

However, at this moment, some guards rushed from the south: "There were nearly a thousand Dionysian soldiers on the rear of the right flank, and they launched an attack on the flank of the mercenary!"

Hearing this, Agsilaus was assaulted, and his whole body was instantly cold.

The guard next to him saw Agassius standing like a clay sculpture, and immediately asked with concern: "King Agsilaus, are you okay?!"

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