Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 9 Chapter 130: Battle of Tagya (6)

This sentence is not only to praise the Dionysian warrior in the battle, but also to comfort himself.

That night, he ventured into the city of Tegeya alone, and summoned the closest parliamentarians in Sparta through Pausanias. He first told them "the anti-Dionian alliance of the whole of Greece is about to be formed, and the Dionysian army will fail", and then told them that "the Spartan army will assist them to regain the leadership of Tagia. At the same time, he also promised: Spartans will never indiscriminately kill a Tagayan people!

It was precisely because of his personal danger that those members of Parliament finally agreed to his plan, so on the second day the Spartan army suddenly surrounded the Tgeya city group, just as the Tgeya soldiers went to the city to defend, the pro The Spartans quietly opened a city gate, causing the Spartan army to rush into the city and slaughter anti-Spartan parliamentarians.

With the support of Sparta, Tegya has always implemented the oligarchic system of nobility, ordinary citizens have no power, and the pro-Spartans sent the nobility back to power, and soon controlled the situation in the city. In addition, they also began to play the fictional act of defending the city and siege with the Spartan army. Since the entire city was surrounded and blocked, even disgruntled people could not pass the news.

And considering that if this battle is defeated, Taglia will surely be retaliated against by the Dionysians, so the pro-Spartans also made a promise to Agsilaus: they will send all of Taglia Citizens who can fight, attack the Dionysians.

Now that Agsilaus has been thinking about the traps set for the Dionysian army, he finally succeeded, and he is finally relieved, he can imagine how the next battle will develop: Dionysian has run away The left-wing soldiers will be defeated by the Spartan soldiers and the Tagya army before and after the battle. Then, the Spartan fighters carried the victory and swept through the middle of the road, and finally won the whole battle.

Agsilaus did not intoxicate himself for too long. He knew that the Dionysian army liked to leave a part of the army in preparation for the battle, so he immediately said to the herald soldiers: "Immediately inform those Thracians, Let them attack the right flank of Dionysia according to the original plan!"

Although Agsilaus firmly believed that Dionysia’s left wing would be defeated by a double-strike before the reserve of Dionysia arrived, he was still more cautious and prepared to be in Dionys. Ya right also stabbed, completely disrupting the judgment of Commander Dionia. Because he had learned from the information from the Arcadians that his previous strategy had come into effect, Leotichides had been transferred away, and the new Commander of Dionysia was still the son of King Daphes It is said that this young man regarded as the heir to the throne by Davers has little commanding experience. In the face of such a complicated battlefield situation, I am afraid it is difficult to make a more correct response.

He suppressed the joy in his heart and prayed to Zeus, hoping to give Sparta a big victory to reverse Sparta's present dilemma.


Mukruzema ran wildly, and halfway through, he saw smoke billowing in front of him. Countless soldiers in black helmets and black armour rushed with shields and guns.

Mukru hurriedly pulled the horse to make way, and then hurried towards the place where there was a swaying fuchsia helmet in front of him. He hurried to the front to look at it, and it was indeed the person he was looking for. He shouted loudly: "Tegti Head of the North Army, where are you going to take your troops?!"

"I'm going to lead the Seventh Legion to the left." Tigtinos's tone was still with anxiety: "Your chief of staff suspected that the Tygerian army had rebelled. Let me rush to rescue the First Legion immediately!"

"The Tagya army has indeed betrayed. They have entered the array of the 1st Army from the rear. The situation is very critical!"

"Damn, I was really told by Prentals!" Tigtinos exclaimed and immediately doubled the volume: "Brothers, the First Army is in danger and must be saved by us, Give me a quicker pace, whoever runs slower will kick whose ass!"

"Roar!!!" The soldiers shouted in unison, the footsteps were louder, and the dust and dust lifted more.

Looking at the Dionysian soldiers who were passing by with great excitement and speed, Mandinian Carisenos seemed to have a little more confidence in the battle that had no hope for this battle.

And while he was stunned, Mukru had already thrown him off a lot and went straight to the command center.

Seeing Klotokatax wearing a black dangling helmet and a helmet in the distance, Mukruk waved and shouted, "His Royal Highness, the Tagya army rebelled and attacked the First Army from the rear!"

Although he was persuaded by Prentals before, there was a slight fluke in Krotokatax, and now it is confirmed that the color changed instantly and he felt nervous immediately, but he still tried his best to calm down and use micro A trembling voice asked: "Master Printors, thanks to your suggestion, we dispatched reinforcements in time. Do you think... can our left wing withstand?"

In the end, Kloto Katakos still couldn't hold back and asked his own concerns.

Printols saw his thoughts and immediately comforted: "His Royal Highness, the "Dionysian Military Law" used to have strict rules,'When chasing down the army, heavy infantry must try their best to maintain the squads and detachments. The first legion, as a model of the whole army, has always been resolute in the implementation of military law. Even if it is rushed to encounter two sides of the Spartan army, it will inevitably be able to fight against the enemy with each unit square, not only will not be defeated On the contrary, our army is accustomed to fighting independently as a unit, but it may be able to take advantage of such a melee!"

"That's good." Crotokatax doubted it.

"His Royal Highness, I have another suggestion."

"Please say."

"The Spartans set traps here to fight with us. They are fully prepared to make us more passive. We cannot be led by the enemy. We must regain the initiative on the battlefield to win the final battle." After the news of the first legion being beaten back and forth, Pringles finally determined to implement the plan he had been brewing just now, and he solemnly said: "I suggest that three light armor brigades be sent Going north, bypassing the left wing and attacking the flank of the Spartan army, this is not only to further rescue the First Army, but also to eliminate Spartan's own power as much as possible.

There are not many young and middle-aged citizens who can fight in Sparta. For them, each one is very valuable, so in the past battles, they used more allied troops and mercenaries. This battle involves the rise and fall of the city-state. They dispatched so many Spartan fighters.

If we set out to attack its right wing with all our strength, Commander Sparta will definitely rescue with all his strength. After the Light Armoured Brigade was dispatched for a while, we sent the final reserve team, the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade, and instead attacked the left flank of the Spartan army, thus establishing the victory in one fell swoop! "

Kloto Kataks listened carefully, thought about it, and said firmly: "Then follow your suggestions!"


The Tigers did not expect that they would join the Spartan fighters in the Dionysian formation so quickly. In their original vision, the Dionysian left wing faced the fierceness of them and the Spartan fighters. Under the attack, they will soon be defeated, and then they will take advantage of the situation to pursue the defeated soldiers, and finally win the whole battle.

But the reality was beyond their expectations. Dionysia’s left wing did not collapse, but instead shrunk into small squares and continued to fight. At that time, they did not think about the swarm of bees that rushed into Diao, which seemed to collapse. In the Niah formation, it didn't take long to realize that he seemed to have fallen into a quagmire.

Although, like the Spartans, most of the soldiers who participated in the war were heavy infantry, but unlike the Spartans who had been training hard since childhood, they wore Corinthian helmets and were better at fighting head-on. In the space, they seem too clumsy.

The worse situation is that the 1st Army Corps pursued the attack. "It didn’t take long for the soldiers to succumb, and because of the Teague attack, they quickly stopped and turned to defend in place. At this time, the detachment and company of the 1st Army Corps in the rear did not Completely ran away, not only the preparation was complete when the small square was formed, but also the distance between the square and the square was relatively close, which laid the foundation for the first legion to display the unit square tactics.

Although Curtisus was not decisive enough to give orders at the beginning, he had rich experience in warfare after all. UU read www.uukanshu. com didn’t panic with his entourage into a random phalanx, but looked at the direction and led them into a central phalanx at the back of the formation, just as the Tgeya soldiers rushed in like a tide At that time, he let the commanders keep blowing the bugle.

Although the nearby phalanx soldiers could not see the surroundings clearly, they could hear the sound of the familiar bugle sounds, as if the ships sailing in the dark saw the lighthouse and began to move consciously in the direction of the bugle sounds. Although the movement of each phalanx was very slow, their concerted action made it more difficult for the Tiger soldiers crowded between the phalanxes.

It didn't take long for a greater disaster to strike, and the 3,000 infantry of the Seventh Army, led by Tigtinos, finally arrived, and they immediately launched a fierce attack on the Teguya soldiers.

The main part of the rear of the Tagya army is the light armoured soldiers. They could not directly confront the heavy infantry, not to mention the Dionysian soldiers who were killed like wolves, and soon they were defeated, but they were again defeated. The already launched attack line of the Seventh Army Corps drove to hit the dense crowd in front, which not only made the Tagya army chaotic, but also made the already crowded space even narrower.


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