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Now the base camp of the entire Charlotte family disappeared at this time. They didn't know how much the people of the Charlotte family would lose.

In addition to the bosses of various forces coming this time, it is estimated that those forces will have a lot of fun.

After all, the New World has always been a cannibalism, and now their boss is dead. The mountain that was pressing on their heads has disappeared now.

In order to compete for higher power, wealth and a series of other things, at this time, they will definitely break out in war.

However, because of the infighting of various forces. In addition to the current Charlotte family, because of Mo Bai's scene this time. The current Charlotte family has suffered heavy losses and has no power to compete with the Red Hair Pirates.

So in his opinion, it is estimated that the entire New World will be a one-man show for the entire Red Hair Pirates.

After all, from the current situation, the Charlotte family is obviously not Yanxing's opponent.

Yanxing alone is almost crushing the entire Charlotte family. Such power is simply incomparable.

At the same time, Charlotte Lingling rushed out from the flames and lightning, staring at Yanxing with a gloomy look!

That sinister look seemed to want to torture Yanxing to death. If eyes could kill, Yanxing would have died hundreds of times now.

But now Charlotte Lingling did not dare to act rashly. However, the remaining people of the Charlotte family appeared behind Charlotte Lingling at this time and stepped on the enlarged Zeus!

Charlotte Katakuri looked at Charlotte Lingling with concern and said,"Mom, are you okay?"

In response, Charlotte Lingling's originally burned skin began to heal quickly at this time.

Charlotte Smoothie came forward at this time, and saw the water in his hand trickling and soaking into Charlotte Lingling's body.

The dry and injured skin began to recover rapidly at this time!

At this time, Charlotte Lingling stared at Yanxing with fierce light in her eyes.

In response, Yanxing looked at the people in front of him calmly, with disdain in his eyes.

Indifferent words came from Yanxing's mouth:"Why do you seem to be very unconvinced, but unfortunately, you have to stay here anyway!"

As Yanxing's words fell, Charlotte Lingling looked at Yanxing with shock and anger:"Don't go too far!"

In response, Yanxing said casually:"I'm too? It seems that you have never done anything too much in the Charlotte family! Since you have already torn your faces, of course you have to kill them all!"

At the moment when these words fell, Charlotte Lingling looked ferocious:"In this case, then don't blame us for fighting to the death!"

However, at this time, Charlotte Lingling looked at Charlotte Brulee beside her from the corner of her eye.

However, the moment Charlotte Brulee noticed this gaze, she immediately knew what Charlotte Linling was planning.

As a user of the mirror fruit ability, she had unparalleled means of saving her life. It can be said that even in such an attack, as long as she entered the mirror space, she would be safe.

Now she knew that her mother could not beat Yanxing, and now she wanted to escape and make plans.

At this time, Charlotte Linling was holding Napoleon, and with the edge of the blade flashing. The whole person flew towards Yanxing.

At this time, Yanxing stared at the blade in front of her, and Charlotte Linling exuded an overbearing aura. It was like a paper tiger, baring its fangs and claws!

Yanxing looked at Charlotte Linling in front of him, and at the moment when the blade touched Yanxing's skin.

Yanxing's lips trembled:"Imprisonment!"

As these words rang out, Charlotte Linling's whole figure was imprisoned in place by the space.

The blade, which was close to her skin, stopped at this time. It couldn't cut Yanxing's skin at all!

However, a mirror as tall as a person appeared behind Charlotte Brulee at some point.

Charlotte Brulee's figure also appeared on the mirror, and at the same time, everyone present quickly moved towards the mirror.

Yanxing stared at Charlotte Katakuri. After all, in the entire Charlotte family, only Charlotte Katakuri could catch Yanxing's eye.

At this moment, the power of the Soul Soul Fruit in Charlotte Linling's body burst out. At the moment when this power burst out, her imprisoned body began to tremble. At this moment,

Charlotte Linling's eyes flashed with gloom, holding a blade and heading towards Yanxing, but Yanxing disappeared in the blink of an eye. Charlotte

Linling broke free from the imprisonment of space, and Yanxing was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Charlotte Linling could actually unlock his space imprisonment.

At the same time, Zeus under Charlotte Linling's feet brought Charlotte Linling to the mirror in a blink of an eye.

Charlotte Katakuri also stepped into the mirror at this time. The moment Charlotte Linlin's figure merged into the mirror, the mirror cracked directly.


At this time, all the people left here were surprised. They didn't expect the Charlotte family to abandon the territory and flee in a panic.

They stared at Yanxing in awe. Only Yanxing had the ability to let the Charlotte family escape!

One person is stronger than all the members of the Charlotte family combined. Everyone present looked at Yanxing in awe.

Yanxing stared at the mirror that was directly broken, and he wanted to investigate it again. After all, the mirror space is located in the dimensional space.

This has surpassed his current control of space ability, so it is not easy for him to investigate now.

Then, this matter ended like this, but from now on, the entire new world should be the world of the Red Hair Pirates!

Mo Bai turned his head and looked at the remaining remnants of the Charlotte family, as well as those who were invited!

As soon as Mo Bai's eyes touched, everyone looked terrified and lowered their heads quickly, not daring to look at Mo Bai!

After all, Mo Bai is a real killer, and they don't want to touch this brow!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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