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At the moment when Yan Xing's figure flew over, Charlotte Lingling noticed the appearance of Yan Xing's figure.

But she had no time to dodge, so she could only cover her body with Armament Haki in time.

As Armament Haki covered her, Charlotte Lingling's face came into close contact with Yan Xing's shoes.

In a blink of an eye, Charlotte Lingling was kicked away by Yan Xing.

"call out!"


The sound flew across most of the tea party venue, turning the entire tea party into a mess.

Everyone quickly moved away. After all, if the situation in front of them was allowed to spread, they would only end up dead.

Yan Xing stared at Charlotte Lingling in front of him, with a sneer in his eyes.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling stood up from the ruins, her whole body filled with anger.

There was also an obvious shoe print on her face. Yan Xing stared at Charlotte Lingling silently.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling took off the hat on her head:"Napoleon!"

""Yes, Mom!"

As the hat on his head changed into the shape of a blade, a face appeared on the blade.

""The Spear of Elbaf. Weiguo!"

As the sword energy raged, it slashed directly towards Yanxing.

Staring at the sword energy in front of him, Yanxing's eyes flashed with sarcasm, and Yanxing's figure stayed in place without dodging.

The sword energy went straight through Yanxing's body without any damage.

Everyone present stared at Yanxing with a serious look, only to see Yanxing looking at Charlotte Lingling with disdain.

A stream of light flashed in Yanxing's hand, and a long sword was condensed.

At the same time, Chongxiao's sword intent raged on Yanxing's body. Under the abuse of this sword intent, everyone present did not dare to look directly at Yanxing.

Charlotte Katakuri and others all looked solemn, such a sword intent. Even in the former The world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk did not appear either!

Although Yanxing has become the new world's number one swordsman, he is far behind the previous world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk.

They all looked at Charlotte Lingling with worry, and now they only hoped that Charlotte Lingling could withstand Yanxing's attack. Otherwise, if their mother really died, it would be of no benefit to them. The reason why they lived so comfortably on the sea was because of Charlotte Lingling's power.

At this moment, Charlotte Lingling stared at the sweeping sword energy.

At this moment, she suddenly roared: Romitheus!"

""Yes, mother!"

As Prometheus turned into flames, he went straight to Charlotte Lingling's head. In an instant, Charlotte Lingling's hair turned into flames.

At the same time, the flames swept over the blade, and the Zeus lightning under her feet emanated and entangled around the blade.

As the power of lightning and fire blended and entangled with the sword energy, Charlotte Lingling swung a sword:"Emperor Sword. Broken Blade!"

As the sword energy swept across, Yan Xing's mouth curled up with a sarcastic smile.

At the same time, the sword energy intertwined with lightning and fire slashed directly at the sword energy emitted by Yan Xing.


The clash between the two was like the sound of metal clashing against metal, but the stalemate lasted only a moment, and the sword energy of the fire and lightning collapsed directly.

Seeing this scene, Charlotte Lingling's eyes also revealed an incredible look. How could such a thing happen, and it was so vulnerable in front of him.

At the moment when the sword light swept over, Zeus under Charlotte Lingling's feet took Charlotte Lingling to avoid the sword light in an instant.

The sword light fell directly on the cake island, and the cake castle was directly split into two.

But the sword energy still did not give up, and continued to rage towards the earth.

No In a moment, the entire cake island was split in half, revealing a trace like an abyss inside. The smooth cut surface made everyone present look solemn. To split the island, even the previous world great swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk had to go all out.

And now such a scene is really surprising, after all, look at Yanxing's attitude. He is still calm and does not look like he is going all out. This casual attack can exert such power.

If he goes all out, what kind of scene will it be. At this time, Charlotte Lingling stared at the island that was split in half with anger on her face, but Yanxing's mouth curled up a sarcastic smile:"This is the real way of the sword, and by the way, I'll show you what fire and thunder are!"

With Yan Xing's hands, two balls of light gathered. The fireball and the thunderball merged together.

As the thunderball inside increased to 100,000 volts, the temperature of the fireball was as high as tens of thousands of degrees Celsius at this time.

Under such an attack, everyone present began to flee from here. Looking at Yan Xing's posture, it seemed that he was almost going to destroy the entire island.

If they continued to stay here, what awaited them would be ashes.

At this time, the ministers of the Charlotte family also fled for their lives.

Even the three generals also felt a sense of crisis and were ready to flee. With Yan Xing's arm lightly waved, lightning and fireballs fell downwards.


""Boom boom boom!"

The moment it touched the earth, the lightning and fireball exploded, with terrifying thunder and flames raging.

The earth also made a sad sound.���, began to collapse. In less than a moment, the entire Cake Island began to crumble.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling came out of the flames and lightning. Now his figure was in disarray. At this time, his whole body was burned and charred.

Even her defense, plus the cultivation of armed color domineering, could not allow her to escape unscathed!

At this time, the Cake Island had turned into rubble and sank directly into the sea. Similarly, the sea water on the surrounding islands was boiling, and lightning raged on the sea water.

Countless marine creatures were directly killed by the boiling sea water with a temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius! At this time

, even those members of the Charlotte family were only some ministers left.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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