Therefore, it was a misunderstanding that President Pei had an illegitimate child, and it was a misunderstanding that Su Ji was greened.

  The only thing that is not misunderstood... is that the pure girl Ji Xi is actually the stone hammer of the mistress!

  She is indeed raising a baby abroad, and she is indeed pregnant with a child of the Pei family.

   But all this has nothing to do with Pei Huai, he is taking the bag for his scumbag father.

  The netizens who were originally scattered under Pei Huai, Su Ji, and Ji Xi's Weibo, all poured into Ji Xi's Weibo in just a few minutes!

   Fans of Su Ji and Ji Xi, who were originally in opposing camps because of the broadcast of "The Judgment of Qingqiu", now have a huge reversal in the situation.

  The group of people who once bit Ji Xi and praised Su Ji generously, but Su Ji never gave Ji Xi face in any public place, was completely speechless!

  If Ji Xi was the third party involved in the marriage of the former president of the Pei Group, then Su Ji's attitude towards Ji Xi is completely understandable, and Ji Xi's praise of Su Ji also has another interpretation.

  【Good guy! I **** call it a good guy! ! 】

  【Those Ji Xi fans still say that our grandfather doesn't respect seniors? If you didn't expose her true face sooner, you'd be concerned about her face! 】

  【Upstairs, please pay attention to the wording. My grandfather did not give Xiaosan face, but my father gave Boss Pei's face. Xiaosan is Xiaosan. From the day she started to be a mistress, she no longer needs face. 】

  【Poor my grandfather endured humiliation and was misunderstood and rude! 】

  【It turned out that the only thing I didn't understand was Su Ji's attitude towards Ji Xi. Now I...】

  But there are still Ji Xi's diehard fans who are trying their best to justify their cooking.

   Even brought up the wild conjecture of 'Both Ji Xi and Mr. Pei's father were pulled out to cover up, in fact, the illegitimate child is Pei Huai's, but they don't know who the child's biological mother is anyway, they are not their goddesses'!

  To whitewash their own goddesses is simply ruining people’s three views, and there are otaku fans crying and crying in the live broadcast room, saying that they will not believe that their goddesses will be mistresses unless their goddesses admit it!

   Then, half an hour after this video was widely forwarded, Ji Xi's Weibo was updated.

  One sentence of copywriting:

  「Sorry to disappoint you.」

  The release location is displayed in O State B Li.

  The release of this microblog is like bombing a coastline that has already been ravaged by a tsunami.

   In an instant, countless media took screenshots at the first time.

  The other side seemed to have expected it too, leaving enough time for screenshots, exactly ten minutes after the release, Ji Xi closed Weibo, disbanded the studio, and all the support clubs of Chaohua Qunji were closed one after another that night.

  Ji Xi's comeback was like a flash in the pan. When she rekindled her strong love for acting, finally found the fulcrum of life, planned to end that ridiculous relationship, and truly returned to the eyes of fans, she found out that she was pregnant.

  All changes for the better were immediately returned to their original shape.

  Her ego, self-esteem, and self-love are still no match for that person's words.

  By making this choice, they are tacitly agreeing to spend their entire lives paying for their mistakes.

  Ji Xi quit the entertainment industry, and disappeared from all topics and everyone's sight overnight.

  Will she regret it?

  Yes, she is already regretting it...


  The matter was resolved faster than everyone expected, but Pei Huai did not return to work immediately, and Su Ji did the same. The two of them stayed in the apartment for an extra day.

  Pei Huai received a call from overseas that day, and Henry didn't receive any news from Pei's side after the interview that day, which made him feel like he was being used and then abandoned!

   "I heard that my boss is coming to O continent? When is the plane?"

  Pei Huai held the sketch pen and drew on a piece of white paper, with a casual tone, "It has nothing to do with you."

   "??" Henry was instantly ignited by him, "Pei, I just helped you, and you just crossed the river and demolished the bridge??"

  Pei Huai started the draft, "One point of profit."

  Henry didn't hear clearly, "What?"

  Pei Huai is rarely in a good mood, so I repeat for him, "A little bit of profit, as a reward for your help."

  Henry, "…"

   Knowing to use money to buy out, this big profiteer who smells like copper!

  Pei Huai seemed to hear the criticism in his heart, "Don't forget it."

   "Why not!" Henry wanted to scold himself in the next second.

  But a direct one-point concession... The surname Pei is generous enough, which is indeed very tempting!

As the saying goes, take someone’s hand softly, and Henry’s tone was obviously less arrogant later, and he asked in a good manner, “I really have no other intentions, I just want to do my best to be a landlord, your wife is a star herself, you can’t hide it If you live here, don’t let me go to other places to buy news, just tell me? When is the plane?”

  Pei Huai didn't seem to hear it, and the strokes were deep and shallow on the white paper.

  Henry has a quick temper, and Pei Huai's slow temper can drive him crazy in minutes.

   "I said brother, you—"

   Who would have thought that Pei Huai, who had been ignoring him just now, followed up with a "huh" this time.


  Henry was almost **** off by him, "I dare you to say yes??"

  Pei Huai has his reasonable explanation for this, "You call me Mrs. Boss. In terms of seniority, I am indeed your eldest brother."

  Henry, "…"

   "Okay," he gritted his back molars and was completely overwhelmed, "I'm calling you big brother, so don't tell me, what day is the plane? Don't tell me, I'll ask my boss myself!"

  Even if the boss deletes him, he still has the contact information of the eldest brother!

  But just before he hung up the phone to look for Su Ji's brother, the man's low voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "The plane in three days."

  Pei Huai fell silent, hung up the phone, and threw the phone aside.

  The strokes of your fingertips are lifelike, and black and white sketches are better than thousands of colors.

   Those are a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, shimmering and glistening, seductive like silk.

  Looking at this pair of eyes alone, they might just feel familiar, and then Pei Huai picked up the pen again and drew them a few times, and the arch of the eyebrows was just right.

  The man seemed to be alive.

  That is Su Ji.

  Su Ji in his eyes.


  Netizens are still immersed in the residual warmth of Dagua, but they can't recover. Ji Xi's classic movie has been quietly removed from the shelves.

  The episode of "Tonight's Warmth" interviewing Ji Xi, Sang Ya, and Zhou Xuefang can't be found either.

  Three artists of three age groups were recruited, and all of them had accidents in the end. Netizens jokingly said that this was definitely the worst time for Sister Lan to overturn her car!

   Fans of "Qingqiu Jue" also started to worry, and sent private messages to the crew.

   But fortunately, Ji Xi had very few scenes in "The Judgment of the Green Hills", and she appeared in the form of a blind woman, her face was always covered with a veil, so she narrowly escaped disaster.

  Jin Fengze and Long Dahai were also quite scared, so as not to have long nights and dreams, they repeatedly confirmed the schedules of all relevant personnel. When the originally scheduled time arrived three days later, the flight at 5:00 in the morning, all the staff hurriedly flew to the Golden Town—

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