Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1028: The truth came out!

In the next afternoon, Su Ji watched Pei Huai read most of the baby's parenting book in an hour, and made her a can of pure Chinese medicine and no additives in an hour. The cook fried a very round egg for her.

  Compasses can’t make it so round!

  Watching the man's calm figure walking in the apartment, Su Ji ate the fried egg that looked like a work of art, and a new entry popped up on his phone—#Pei's President Faces Huge Scandal Threat! Pei's stock market opening tomorrow is worrying! Where will shareholders go? ? #

  In one day, countless emotional experts, economists, and even face analysts with foresight appeared on the Internet, threatening that he had predicted last year that President Pei's pair of red phoenix eyes would attract rotten peach blossoms and so on.

  Laughing to death, he is not Dan Fengyan at all.

  All the gods on the Internet are going crazy, but the righteous master in the apartment is calm and composed.

  Su Ji is also a calm master, but now he also wants to ask, "If Pei's stock drops sharply at the opening of the market tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

  Economists' analysis is not entirely groundless.

   Judging from today's market trend, although there is no downward trend, it can be seen that stock investors are in a wait-and-see period.

  Yesterday, Xu Mingzhi expressed his attitude at the first time, which gave the shareholders a certain amount of confidence, but they are obviously still waiting, waiting for the attitude of the other party.

  Pei Huai took off his black apron, pulled away the chair opposite Su Ji and sat down.

   "What should I do..." The man pondered for a moment, as if he was thinking seriously, and after half a minute he came to a conclusion, "We should buy a lot."

  Su Ji, "Can this help?"

  If she can help, she has some spare money to do it.

  But the man bent his lower lip deeply, "It can make money."

  Su Ji, "?"

  Pei Huai, "This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bargain."

  Su Ji, "..."

  Pei Huai raised the remote control and pressed it, and the TV behind Su Ji rang.

   With one foot on the chair and the other on the ground, she leaned back leisurely. The chair was at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground. She looked at the screen in a very big sitting posture.

  The host of the financial channel connected colleagues who had gone overseas for interviews, and the bold title at the bottom of the screen read "Pei's Stock Price Forecast".

The camera shows a private helipad in Ozhou. A ladder is lowered from a luxury private jet. A row of men in black suits get off the plane and stand on both sides. A red carpet is lowered from the top of the ladder, silky Stretching to the passageway between the two rows of men in black suits.

   Slightly exaggerated, but indeed stylish.

   Under all the shots, the red-haired foreign man got off the plane.

  Su Ji half-closed his eyes.

   Obviously, he came prepared, knowing that there would be an interview, and specially designed a cut for himself to make his debut.

   There are many reporters waiting here, but in the TV station's broadcast screen, the host with the CCTV channel sign on the microphone is the main perspective.

  The man walked to the camera, and the reporters rushed to interview.

  The CCTV reporter handed over the microphone high and high, "May I ask if Mr. Henry saw Pei's news yesterday? As the party A of Pei's project, will Mr. Henry suspend the cooperation with Pei?"

  Henry faced the camera, looked carefully, and seemed to have painted a little bit of eyebrows.

  Pei Huai let out a "tsk" unbearably.

Henry's eyes were firm, and he spoke calmly and forcefully, "I can tell you responsibly that Henry Empire will not terminate its cooperation with Pei's. Everything is as shown in Pei's announcement at the press conference. My return on this project is very high." Have confidence!"

  The reporter's eyes widened in surprise. He seemed to have bought Pei's stock as well. He turned to the camera and reported the good news to the domestic host in an excited tone.

  The host also had the same expression of joy.

  Su Ji understood.

  I thought it was a stock price forecast with a neutral position, but after a long time, it was the holder of Pei's stock.

  In the past few years, Pei has always been a fairy stock in the hearts of stockholders. The stock price is stable and the prospects are optimistic. When something happens to Pei, the majority of stockholders are sweating for Pei on the surface, but they are actually sweating for themselves.

   And what they have been waiting for today with a wait-and-see attitude is the attitude of Party A of Pei's project!

   "Don't stare, I'll be jealous."

  Pei Huai's voice came from across the dining table, Su Ji came back to his senses, and looked at this somewhat unfathomable gentleman in her family.

   It seems that the reason why he is so calm is that he has already got through with his partners.

  Henry on TV took a few posses towards the camera.

  Boss will definitely watch today’s interview. I don’t know if he has seen his handsome appearance!

   Looking back, Su Ji found a drama he was following recently from his phone.

   It seems that there is really nothing for her to worry about.

  Henry's appearance solved the crisis on Pei's side, and the cut-off point for the rumors about Pei Huai's illegitimate child appeared an hour later.

  The rush hour of getting off work in the evening is also the peak of Internet user activity in a day.

  First, a message appeared on the comprehensive list of real-time hot searches.

  #Pei’s Former President Pei Shizhan announced his complete withdrawal from all overseas projects of Pei’s Group#

  News contains three important information.

  1: Pei Shizhan disclosed the divorce certificate with Ms. Du Meilan, the regional director and controlling shareholder of Pei Group M and other regions. He was at fault and left the house.

  2: Pei Shizhan transferred all authority to his second son, Pei Huai, the current executive president of Pei's multinational group.

  3: Pei Shizhan canceled the account with the highest authority in the Pei Group.

   This is a piece of news that only real bosses can understand its value.

  If it is said that Pei Shizhan was single-checked by the shareholder meeting in the last divorce, it was a masterpiece of Pei Huai and Ms. Du, then this time, Pei Shizhan took the initiative to hand over his half-life in the ups and downs of the mall.

   It is not as simple as a few projects or top-level network resources.

   That is a wealth code that only the gifted can decipher, which is unknown to anyone in the hands of the second generation ancestor. Even Henry would be speechless. The coefficient is given to his youngest son.

   This seems to be a complete commercial announcement, long and detailed, and contains many obscure technical terms, but a few minutes later, the same news headline jumped to the top of the entertainment list.

   Marriage or divorce between wealthy families is normal, and such things will not be discussed.

  The problem lies in the account that Pei Shizhan canceled...

   I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the mosaic about the cancellation of the account in the notice was not complete, and the sharp-eyed paparazzi soon discovered one thing——

  The account that Pei Shizhan canceled was the overseas account that paid the hospitalization expenses for Ji Xi!

  Combined with Pei Shizhan's announcement that he was the wrong party in the divorce, everything became clear in an instant!

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