Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1021: Shock the entire business circle!

  Chapter 1021 Shocked the entire business district!


  Two days later, it was the official day of Pei's global press conference.

  The venue is the Second Ring Road of City A.

  The venue hall, which can accommodate thousands of people, is magnificent. The scene is dominated by gray, blue and white tones. Several groups of artificial intelligence robots replace traditional staff to receive business leaders and invited media present.

  It is full of amazing sense of modern technology and rigorous business atmosphere.

  It amazed everyone in the venue.

  The scale of this global conference is grand. In addition to old friends who have long-term cooperation with Pei, there are also new friends from all over the world.

   It can be said that this is a very large-scale business event, where you can meet many unexpected big shots.

  Many people paid high prices for the qualifications to attend this grand event, to understand what the ceiling of the press conference in today's business district looks like, and to see the world.

  Jiang Sui Heng... is also one of them!

  Since entering the venue, I have heard praises for Pei Huai everywhere.

  What are "young and promising", "model heirs"...even "double peaks of family business".


   Really flattering!

  At this time, the main character hadn't even appeared yet, but Pei Huai's introduction video had already been shown on the two-story tall screen.

In the center of the venue, the dignified and elegant Du Meilan and the resolute Xu Mingzhi, one of them is the host and the other is invited to attend as a distinguished guest. The combination of the two sisters is the Wang Zhan combination of Double A row, and the men around Zha immediately lackluster.

  Xu Mingzhi is here to support his son-in-law today. He is dressed in a heroic suit, which perfectly interprets what is meant by "a woman is not as good as a man when she is handsome", and "the only term that can instantly kill a boss is a female boss!"

  Du Meilan has a very good temperament. She is clearly dressed in business attire without any exaggerated accessories, but standing there, she exudes an amazing aura of luxury.

   The bigwigs who came to chat all felt that they... deserved their looks!

Facing the compliments from the guests, Du Meilan is very modest, but when it comes to her youngest son, Ms. Du is not so low-key, she expresses her pride without hesitation, and the voices of envy around her are even louder. for a while.

   "Cut," Jiang Suiheng said from a distance.

  There is nothing to be proud of.

   Far worse than other sons!

  But he really didn't expect that in just a few short years, the kid surnamed Pei would actually make the Pei Group bigger and stronger to the point it is today.

   It really made Jiang Suiheng feel a sense of crisis, and the pressure was not small!

   "Sir, please show your admission letter," as an electrical sound sounded, an artificial intelligence named EVA stopped in front of Jiang Suiheng.

  Jiang Suiheng blinked, "Didn't I show everything when I came in?"

  EVA is the artificial intelligence responsible for on-site security, so as to prevent suspicious persons from entering, he will conduct a second random check on the guests who have already entered the venue.

  Jiang Suiheng indeed paid a high price to get the genuine admission letter, he didn't sneak in, but he has all kinds of eyebrows from the beginning, and even the AI ​​thinks he is suspicious.

  EVA, "Please show it again, please cooperate with our work!"

Jiang Suiheng was already bored, but now even the robot dared to question him for no reason, so he directly vented his anger on the robot, pretending to refuse to cooperate, "I won't show it, what can you do? Big sauce block head!"

  At this time, EVA with a square face, "..."

  Jiang Suiheng turned and left after speaking.

   is nothing more than a robot that has been programmed in advance.

   It's so mysterious!

   Unbeknownst to him, EVA has already started scanning him.

  Since he doesn't cooperate, EVA can only use his own method to verify his identity.

   Just a few seconds later, a loud mechanical sound sounded from behind Jiang Suiheng!

   "Jiang Sui Heng, male, Han nationality, born in 19xx, former chairman of the Jiang Group, was later acquired by President Pei in 20xx and declared bankruptcy..."

  The volume is just right, people around Jiang Suiheng can hear it, and cast their eyes on him at the same time.

   " turns out that he is the former chairman of the Jiang Group that was acquired by Mr. Pei..."

   "I've also heard about Mr. Pei's deeds back then."

   "Then what happened to the Jiang Group?"

   "I don't know... Didn't I just listen to the introduction of artificial intelligence and said that I went bankrupt? Then I guess there will be no more!"

  Jiang Suiheng was encyclopediad in public, and the entire society died!

  Seeing that EVA is about to start digging up his dark history of going on a yacht with a married actress ten years ago and being photographed by the media, Jiang Suiheng quickly covered his "mouth" and took out his admission letter.

  EVA replied with a mechanical voice without pitch, "I knew this earlier, so why bother."

  Jiang Suiheng's face turned into a purple eggplant with anger! !

  The scanning ray passed over the QR code of his invitation letter.

   There is a "beep".

   EVA, "Pass."

  Jiang Sui Hengcai angrily withdrew the admission letter.

  Shen Mu made overall plans with the headset, and the hour-long guest admission process finally came to an end, and the voices of the assistants from different lines over there were all admiration.

   "Today's press conference can be so successful, thanks to our president!"

   "Yes, yes! The idea of ​​upgrading artificial intelligence was proposed by our president, and the bosses are full of praise!"

   "It's a pity that the president's wife can't attend today, otherwise it would be more perfect!"

  Shen Mu listened to the compliments from his assistants to his president, and he also looked proud. When the time reminder sounded on his phone, he glanced at it and sighed into the headset, "Okay, the president will be on stage right away, everyone take your place!"


  That end replied in unison!

  The press conference is about to start, and the guests are also seated according to the admission letter.

  Jiang Suiheng is in the last row.

  He swayed from side to side so that he could barely see the rostrum in the center through the gaps between the heads of the rows of people in front of the house.

  In no time, without anyone needing to maintain order, the venue automatically quieted down.

  Jiang Suiheng looked over suspiciously... Pei Huai appeared!

  The man walked up to the rostrum, wearing a neat dark suit, short black hair, broad shoulders and long legs.

  Jiang Suiheng has felt that kind of coercion since his appearance, but he is still sitting in the last row!

  If you are sitting in the front row, you can't even think about it!

  The scene was amazed.

   Sitting in the first row, Du Meilan and Xu Mingzhi smiled at each other.

  Pei Huai's expression was the same as usual, and he stopped in front of the microphone in the center of the rostrum with calm and steady steps.

  Xu Mingzhi took out his phone and took a picture of his son-in-law, and sent it to her big baby.

  Pei Huai glanced at the technician next to him, who nodded to indicate acceptance.

   After pressing a few keys on the console, the big screen behind the rostrum switched.

  On the two-story-high screen, the grand blueprint of Pei's latest project unfolded shockingly.

  That will be a major move that will have an impact on the world business circle!

  (end of this chapter)

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