Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1020: Hit the swollen face to fill up the fat man!

  Chapter 1020 Hitting a swollen face to pretend to be fat!

  When Su Ji arrived, everyone else was basically there.

  The female protagonist Nan Miaomiao, the male protagonist Liang Ruifeng, and Yan Gaoqiu and others, the main actors are all here, except for Zhu Yiyi, who was overturned at the last press conference.

  She has no face to participate in the crew activities, besides... Long Dahai didn't even intend to invite her!

  The position of the second female lead is rather awkward. It sounds good, but the role is far less than that of the female lead.

  Especially at the glorious moment of the award ceremony, she herself can come or not.

   "Roommate!" As soon as Su Ji entered the conference room, Nan Miaomiao's small, bluffing voice rang out.

  The seat next to me is always reserved for my roommate!

  Su Ji hung the messenger bag on the back of the chair casually, sat down beside her, and the two chatted for a while.

  Yan Gaoqiu also came over in the middle, and asked Su Ji sourly how his life was after marriage.

  He put his arm on the back of the chair behind Su Ji, "Isn't it boring?"

   It is rare for Nan Miaomiao to stand on the united front with him, "That is, how can you be single when you get married?"

   And Su Ji raised his eyebrows slowly, "Sorry, I disappointed you."

  Yan Gaoqiu and Nan Miaomiao looked at each other, "What do you mean girl?"

  Su Ji, "My married really cool~"

  Two lemon extracts indicate stimulation!

   After a while, Yan Gaoqiu was enthusiastically shoved away by several actors, because he was very popular in the last few episodes.

   Even surpassed the hero Liang Ruifeng.

  Compared to the tense love-hate entanglement between Nobunaga and Xuanji, Liang Ruifeng's role as an elegant scholar seems a bit dull.

   Liang Ruifeng has indeed gained some fans since the TV series was broadcast, but it is far from what he expected.

   Now seeing Yan Gaoqiu surrounded by actors, he couldn't figure out what the problem was when he was obviously better than Yan Gaoqiu in every convenience.

  Nan Miaomiao squinted her eyes and approached her roommate, "Can you tell me, what kind of... cool?"

  Su Ji poked her arm, "Remove your ghougong sand first."

   "Shou Gong..." Nan Miaomiao immediately covered her arms with guilt.

   But after a few seconds, he reacted, blushing and waving his small fists.

   "It's not filming, how can there be such a thing!"

   "Okay, everyone, get ready, the meeting will start soon!"

  Jin Fengze's voice came from one end of the conference table, and the surroundings quickly became quiet.

   Several groups of people chatting together found their own seats and sat down. Everyone hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and there were many topics they wanted to talk about, but...they didn’t forget the theme of the meeting held by Director Jin and Assistant Director Long!

   "Qing Qiu Jue" was nominated for an award with a high gold content in the overseas entertainment industry: the Golden Leaf Award.

  The shortlisted in the same period are all hit dramas from all over the world.

  For example, "The Black Dao President Falls in Love with Me" in country T, and "Desperate Island" in country M, etc.

  Different from previous business trips, this trip to Continent O is to participate in the awards ceremony. Regardless of whether they won an award or not, everyone is in a relaxed mood.


   "The cost of everyone's business trip this time will be fully borne by the crew!" When Jin Fengze announced the news with great wealth, the meeting room immediately burst into joy!

  All of you here are entertainers. Even if the income varies, the overall income is still considerable, so you will definitely not be so excited because of some petty profits.

   And at this moment they will have this kind of reaction, it is entirely because...the place they are going to attend the award ceremony this time is not an ordinary city, but the golden town known as the most wealthy tourist attraction in O State!

  The name of the Golden Leaf Award also comes from the Golden Town where the award is presented.

  The industry jokingly said that it is the easiest for stars to come here to participate in the awards ceremony, because it is difficult to get together the funds even if they call the paparazzi and secretly take pictures of the paparazzi.

  Although it is called a small town, it is not really a small town. On the contrary, it is located in a rich area and directly under the jurisdiction of the O League.

  The reason why it is called "golden" town... is because the price here is as expensive as gold, and living here is like "spending money like dirt"!

  Cheers echoed in the conference room.


   You know, the accommodation fee for the dozens of people in the film crew will be sky-high.

  The hotels here are all owned by the top chaebols in O state, and even the flight to the Golden Town is unusual, the cost is several times that of a normal flight.

  As the great director of a hit drama, his actions are really extraordinary.

  Long Dahai tried to maintain order, "Okay, don't rush to discuss it now, it won't be too late to discuss it when we get there."

  But hearing him say that, everyone was even more excited.

  Even Nan Miaomiao was very happy.

   This is the first time she has the opportunity to go to the Golden Town. Lu Shang's play was nominated for the Golden Leaf Award before. He went there once. Although he failed in the end, it also made Nan Miaomiao envious for a long time.

   But turning around, she saw that her roommate was extremely calm.

   She squinted her eyes.

  That's a golden town, roommate!

  Su Ji doesn't care about the Golden Town, she just checks the location on the map.

  Pei Huai said where they will live after they go to Ozhou...

   She looked at the map.

   It’s okay, not too far.

  Golden Town is within the direct jurisdiction of the O League, so it is very close from the O League embassy to the place where the award ceremony will be held in the future, and it takes less than 20 minutes to drive.

  At the end of the meeting, Jin Fengze asked the staff to count the list of personnel for booking hotels and air tickets.

  The meeting room was full of voices, and everyone's face was shining with excitement.

   Wait for the statistics to reach Su Ji.

  Su Ji thoughtfully helped the crew to save money, "You don't need to book my hotel, thank you."

   "??" The staff was stunned, with a surprised tone, "Does Xiao Su have another residence in Golden Town??"

   That voice caught the attention of others in the conference room.

  Jin Fengze, "Jiji, don't worry about the cost. "Qingqiujue" can have the current popularity, you all have credit."

Long Dahai winked wildly at Su Ji, "Don't be stupid, the crew booked the most luxurious Henry Hotel in Golden Town for everyone, it's also close to the awards ceremony, it's just over an hour's drive away, you have to live too far There is still time to toss!"

  Su Ji smiled, "Don't worry, Director Long, it won't happen."

  Long Dahai has a complex expression.

  It seems that Su Ji is about to lose 100 million!

  Liang Ruifeng whispered gossip to a senior screenwriter next to him who had a good relationship, "Mr. Fang, everyone said that her husband is very capable. Does it mean that he also has real estate in Golden Town?"

  Fang's screenwriter smiled contemptuously, "Slap your swollen face to pretend to be fat."

   With the popularity of "The Judgment of Qingqiu", the screenwriter's net worth has also doubled several times.

  Jin Fengze finally confirmed with Su Ji, "Are you sure you don't need to book your hotel?"

   After finishing the statistics today, we will start to make reservations. The hotel rooms before the awards ceremony are the most difficult to book. If you regret it in a few days, it will be too late.

  Su Ji replied, "OK."

  Then...Jin Fengze nodded in agreement.

  After all, the cost of the Henry Hotel is exaggeratedly expensive, and it is a good thing to save one!

  (end of this chapter)

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