Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 762: What is difficult to conceive a child?

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Even when Li Haoran came to the police station, Zhang Zhiling insisted on sue Yao Ting. Even if Li Haoran found a senior officer in the familiar police department, she said that she wanted to sue. In the end, there was no way.

As soon as Ou Qingheng came to the police station, Zhang Zhiling's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Brother Ou, you're here. I just made a joke with my sister-in-law. I said that I just broke a hole in the back of my head. There was no big problem. The sister-in-law didn't believe you had to call you over." Zhang Zhiling laughed.

Ou Qingheng glanced at her and said, "Yiyi said you are going to sue Yao Ting, I am here, do you still want to sue? Otherwise, I will tell the director to let him withdraw the case."

Zhang Zhiling bit her lip and said, "Brother Ou, all this is just a misunderstanding. Why am I deliberately embarrassing my sister-in-law's friend? I didn't intend to report it. I just made a joke with my sister-in-law."

With that, she turned to look at Yao Yiyi and said, "Sister-in-law, I just played with you just now, you won't be angry with me, right?"

Yao Yiyi rubbed his lips.

Ou Qingheng let the police withdraw the case through the relationship, stroking the back of Yao Yiyi's head, saying: "Are you injured?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head.

"If you have anything to tell me in the future, don't let me hear the news of your accident from someone else's mouth, do you know?" Ou Qingheng specifically said.

"Don't worry, I'll protect myself." Yao Yiyi wanted to say more, but Zhang Zhiling, who was walking behind her, suddenly bumped into her, and directly shook Yao Yiyi's bump for two steps. After her, Li Zhili glanced at Zhang Zhiling.

Zhang Zhiling said carefully: "Brother Ou, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I just had a headache and my feet were soft for a while. Can you take me to the hospital to bandage? It's hurting badly."

Ou Qingheng called the driver and instructed: "Send Miss Zhang to the nearby hospital to bandage, as long as you don't let people die, just do whatever you want."

The driver couldn't help but twitched, saying, "Yes, Ou Shao."

Zhang Zhiling had her hand on her head, and Ou Qingheng was really cruel.

"Brother Ou, can you send me over? Yao Ting made me look like this, should you also say something?" Zhang Zhiling said pitifully.

"Xiaolin, didn't you see that Miss Zhang was so weak that she was about to pass out? You were not taken to the hospital yet."

The driver nodded.

The driver made a "please" gesture and said, "Miss Zhang, please here."

In the end, Zhang Zhiling had no choice but to go to the hospital by car.

Yao Ting looked at the car moving away and said, "President of the University of Europe, thank you today."

Ou Qingheng just nodded coldly: "Horan, you should send Yao Ting back first. I don't think her face is particularly good-looking."

Li Haoran wanted to say something. Yao Yiyi said first, "Horan, I want to talk to Tingting. You and Qingheng have a place to have a drink."

Li Haoran nodded.

When Li Haoran and Ou Qingheng left, Yao Yiyi helped Yao Ting to sit under a big tree and said, "What did the doctor say?"

"I went to check the body, just want to know when the body can have a child, but the doctor said that even if I had a uterine septum, the body would have difficulty conceiving the child. In other words, I might not be a mother in the future." Yao Ting smiled bitterly. Suddenly, he said in a trance.

It was difficult to conceive a child. This news was definitely a fatal blow to her. She always had the idea of ​​giving birth to Li Haoran, and she was slowly prepared. The doctor said that she could not conceive a child. She broke all her plans.

She had already thought of the people of the Li family knowing that it was difficult for her to conceive what the child would be.

She finally became a best-selling author by her own abilities, married a man with wishful thinking, thought it would be a happy life, and didn't expect all the beautiful ideals to be broken in the blink of an eye.

Yao Yiyi said: "Is this a misunderstanding?"

Yao Ting smiled bitterly and said, "I also hope she is a misunderstanding."

"The doctor also just said that it is difficult to get pregnant. It doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Relax, the child will always have it." Yao Yiyi paled and comforted.

Yao Ting hugged Yao Yiyi directly and said dumbly: "My dear, I really feel bad."

"Tingting, there will be children, don't put too much pressure on it, Haoran will also be willing to accompany you with children." Yao Yiyi patted her back and said.

Yao Ting sighed lowly, and it was more of a taste in her heart.

The two didn't know what to say for a while, they just sat under the big tree for nearly twenty minutes and left.

On the way back, Li Haoran watched the car driving in front of him, and Yao Ting was sitting in the passenger seat.

Li Haoran freed one hand and said, "Tingting, don't think about it, the child will always have it, he just has no luck with us for the time being."

Yao Ting's eyes moved a little, then he turned his head to look at Li Haoran and said, "Did you all know?"

"Ou Shao showed me the list. It doesn't matter. We always have children. I had planned to spend a couple of years with you. I didn't want to have children so early." Li Haoran pretended not to care. Said.

Yao Ting rubbed his palm, dumbly said: "I'm sorry, Haoran, if I really can't have children, will we divorce?"

Li Haoran smiled lightly: "Silly woman, I thought you would not ask such a silly question."

Yao Ting just smiled, but there was lingering richness in his eyes.

Her father-in-law has only one son, Li Haoran, and the concept of lineage succession is deeply ingrained. She may not care that she cannot become pregnant. Maybe her mother-in-law will wait for a while and she may be swept out of the house.

Back at the Li family, Mrs. Li quickly ran over and reached out: "What about the list?"

Li Haoran hugged Yao Ting's shoulder and said, "Mom, I accidentally lost Ting Ting's list."

Mrs. Li's face sank instantly and said, "Horan, I still want to hug my grandson. Don't mess with me, can you?"

"Mom, I'm busy working at this time, and I fell asleep when I got home. I haven't touched Tingting in a long time. Do you think she can be mine if she is pregnant now?"

"Hao Ran, you don't want me to play a word game, I have to look at the list. I want to see how her body is. This body has been raised for a month or two. You can consider having a child." Said.

Li Haoran guarded Yao Ting behind him and said, "Mom, don't put too much pressure on Ting Ting. I'm not ready to be a father."

Mrs. Li's face changed and changed suddenly, and suddenly said pitifully: "Horan, Mom knew she was anxious, but Mom just wanted to hug her grandson sooner, and Mom didn't want her to be pregnant now, just to know what the doctor said When will she be pregnant? "

If Mrs. Li came in with a tough attitude, Li Haoran could be tough, but she showed weakness, but he could not pick out the words to refute.

Yao Ting pulled away from Li Haoran's arms and walked in front of Mrs. Li. He took out the test form from the bag and said, "Mom, this is the test report given to me by the doctor, will you take a look?"

Mrs. Li accepted the checklist, only to see the characters on her body that were difficult to get pregnant, her face changed instantly.

"What's hard to get pregnant? Isn't it possible to get pregnant soon after the operation of the uterine septum? How can it become difficult to get pregnant? Haoran is the only child. If you can't get pregnant, won't I be able to hold my grandson in my life? Is that right? "Mrs. Li said with a very ugly face.

Yao Ting's eyes shone with complicated light.

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