Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 761: I want to sue her

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Yao Yiyi said: "Tingting."

Yao Ting raised his head and smiled bitterly, said: "My dear, you are here, I have trouble, I have to trouble you again."

Yao Yiyi noticed the list in her hand, but pretended not to know: "What's wrong, who did you fight with?"

Yao Ting raised her chin and said proudly and provocatively: "Well, isn't it there? This woman is owed." She didn't regret hitting Zhang Zhiling, this woman always poked at the shortcomings of others, it was simply abuse. It's a good meal.

Zhang Zhiling snorted there and said: "Yao Ting, you don't have to be proud, this time I will sue you to go to jail."

Yao Ting choked back: "If you have the ability, you should sue, if you don't sue you, you are a scumbag."

Zhang Zhiling said with a sneer: "Yao Ting, you are ridiculous, tell you, you have beaten me like this, it already belongs to the category of crime, as long as the Public Security Bureau accepts, you will wait for jail, even if Yao Yiyi and Li Shao If you want to protect you, if the people of the Li family know that Mrs. Li ’s young lady is actually beating someone in the hospital, I think you will be even worse at the Li family. "

Yao Ting clutched the list in his hand tightly without saying a word.

Yao Yiyi walked over and whispered: "Miss Zhang, I think there must be some misunderstanding, Tingting hit you, I can apologize for you on my behalf, I think we can be private about this matter, what do you think ? "

Zhang Zhiling raised her eyebrows and clasped her hands on her chest. She was very arrogant: "Private? Yes, as long as you kneel at me and say sorry three times, I will not blame Yao Ting for hitting me. How, this request is very simple Is it? "

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and said, "Miss Zhang, don't you think your request is excessive?"

Zhang Zhiling raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you there?" She lowered her head and exposed the wound on the back of the head. "Yao Yiyi, look, this is your friend's masterpiece. She beat me to the head and broke the blood. I I just want you to kneel and say sorry to me three times, is this an excessive requirement? "

Yao Yiyi watched her head wet with a small piece of hair, which had dried up and solidified, and she could not help but take a breath.

She didn't expect that Yao Ting would beat people like this. If your head bleeds, you may have a concussion. If you are more serious, you may be hospitalized. This is a minor injury and constitutes a crime.

Zhang Zhiling raised his head and said, "Yao Yiyi, I was so seriously injured. As long as I insisted on telling, Yao Ting might go to jail, even if he didn't go to jail. This matter reached the Li family. It ’s not too good, so you have to think about it. "

Yao Ting got up and walked over, dragging Yao Yiyi behind her and said, "My dear, she will sue if you want to sue. I have been tolerating her for a long time. I have been thinking about other people's husbands and think of my charm. It ’s very big, but it ’s just a prostitute in Fenghuang Hei.

Zhang Zhiling's face changed, and she stood up and said, "You ..."

Yao Yiyi dragged Yao Ting and said: "Ting Ting, you say a few words."

Yao Ting pursed her lips.

A policeman came in and said, "Miss Zhang, we also know your situation. We intend to file a case for you. As long as the police station accepts it, you can tell the plaintiff."

"Comrade police, all of this please you." Zhang Zhiling said.

The police nodded calmly and turned to go out, unexpectedly being stopped by Yao Yiyi.

"Comrade police, this is just a misunderstanding. Ms. Zhang and I are going to be private. Don't settle this case, can you?" Yao Yiyi said.

The policeman glanced at Yao Yiyi and said, "Miss, we are just public affairs. Your friend has wounded people. It has already constituted a criminal offense. Even if the victim intends to withdraw the complaint, we have to go through the judicial process."

After talking, the police nodded politely to Yao Yiyi, and left sideways.

Yao Yiyi wanted to stop the policeman, but Yao Ting grabbed her arm and said, "My dear, don't need to go anymore. If she wants to sue, just sue. I won't believe it. She can eat me. "

Yao Yiyi sighed, and Yao Ting at this critical moment was still angry.

Zhang Zhiling played with her scarlet fingers and said: "Yao Yiyi, how are you? You and Yao Ting have always boasted of being the best friends. For her, she knelt down and said to me three times I'm sorry it shouldn't be difficult for you Things. "

"Don't think about it, you love to say goodbye, you really are like everyone is afraid that you will not succeed." Yao Ting raised his chin, said with a more arrogant attitude.

Zhang Zhiling snorted coldly and said, "I'm not afraid of it, that's the case, I really sue, I don't believe me. Miss Zhangjia can't cure you, a stinky woman who can't have children."

"What do you say? Do you say it again? Believe me or not, I immediately tore your mouth." Yao Ting was like a blown cat, said with a thorn.

"If you can't give birth to a child, you can't give birth to a child. You are a hen that can't lay eggs and don't allow others to say it." Zhang Zhiling raised her eyebrows and deliberately sprinkled salt on Yao Ting's wound again.

Yao Ting wanted to rush up and beat her. It was difficult for her to accept pregnancy. It was originally thought that after the operation of the uterine septum was successful, she would have a baby as soon as her body was well raised. It's hard to accept.

"Zhang Zhiling, I will rip your mouth today and save your old scars." Yao Ting rushed up and beat her, Yao Yiyi quickly stopped her and calmed down, "Ting Ting, calm down, Don't get caught in her tricks. "

Yao Ting gasped, obviously out of breath.

"My dear, you listen to what she said, so a woman with no character should be beaten." Yao Ting said.

"I know, I know, calm down first."

Yao Ting finally calmed down.

Yao Yiyi originally took out her phone and wanted to make a call to Ou Qingheng. Zhang Zhiling said quietly: "Yao Yiyi, wouldn't you call Brother Ou for help? Yeah, you rely on him in everything, except to find him, I really do n’t know who else you can help. "

Yao Yiyi paused according to the password of the mobile phone, and then put the mobile phone away, saying: "Zhang Zhiling, you say, how do you want to withdraw the complaint?"

"Did I not say? As long as you are willing to kneel down and knock at me three times, I will withdraw the complaint."

Yao Ting said angrily: "Just dream."

Yao Ting took out his mobile phone and directly called Li Haoran. After the call, she quickly said: "Horan, I called someone. Now in the police station, can you come here?"

Not knowing what was said there, Yao Ting said: "Okay, then I will wait for you."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Ting Yang raised the phone in his hand and said, "Zhang Zhiling, don't you think I hit someone and don't dare to let Li's family know? I tell you, you are too small to look at me, even if I am difficult to get pregnant I ’m not liked by Li ’s family, and I ’m definitely not a coward who escapes reality, at least I do n’t have your thoughts dirty. ”

Zhang Zhiling's complexion changed and he sneered, saying, "It's really love to be brave."

While waiting for Li Haoran to come, Yao Yiyi sat next to Yao Ting and took a look at the list in her hand. When she saw the content above, she said, "Ting Ting, what's the matter?"

Yao Ting shrugged, pretending to say with ease: "As you can see, the doctor said that my body is not easy to conceive, and maybe it will be difficult to conceive a child in this life, I think, maybe this is life, God does n’t want to give me a chance to be a mother. "

Yao Yiyi twisted her eyebrows and said, "Tingting, this may be a misunderstanding. You just had surgery on the uterine septum, and it is impossible for you to be pregnant. I will accompany you to see the doctor.

Before Yao Ting had spoken, Zhang Zhiling sneered and said, "That's why she can leave the police station."

Yao Yiyi just glanced at her and ignored her words.

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