Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 713: Don't want to lead a wolf into the room

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Yao Ting entered the ward, staring at Huang Yiyi standing in the corner angrily. Her nostrils hummed lightly. Li Haoran gently squeezed her finger and whispered: "Ting Ting, don't be impulsive, There are still many people in the ward. "

Yao Ting condensed his expression and walked over, said: "Auntie, I'm here again, is your body okay?"

Mrs. Huang's face is worse than yesterday, and she has lost a lot of weight. The generous sick clothes worn on her are just like naughty children stealing adults' clothes.

Yao Ting couldn't help but feel sour. The woman who used to be so glorious was now tormented by this disease, and it made people feel sad even thinking about it.

Of course, Mrs. Huang did n’t know what Yao Ting thought. She kindly smiled and said, “Yao Ting, thank you for your concern. I ’m fine, with Xiaoyi taking care of me, even if I have a bigger illness, I can get through it. . "

Yao Ting put the fruit she bought on the table and smiled: "Auntie, it's a good medicine to dare to love Yiyi."

"Yeah, she is my medicine. As long as she is there, I feel the whole body is full of strength." Mrs. Huang laughed.

Yao Yiyi poured two cups of tea for Yao Ting and Li Haoran and said, "Tingting, Haoran, when will you return to T City?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow, Haoran and I went to visit our elders in Shanghai this afternoon. Otherwise, everyone would have gone to Shanghai and wouldn't see anyone. It was a bit impolite." Yao Ting took a sip of tea and smiled.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Mrs. Huang looked at Yao Ting weakly and whispered softly: "Yao Ting, you have been married to Haoran for a few months, how about it, is there any good news for your body?"

Yao Ting did not respond first. Next second, she reacted and shook her head: "We have been married for a short time, and we want to have a two-person world."

Mrs. Huang nodded her head with understanding, but still said with a long heart: "There is nothing wrong with young people living in the duo world, but the bad boy is still on the agenda. Both of you are over thirty, and the woman has passed. It ’s not easy to have a baby at thirty, you have to hurry up. ”

Yao Ting nodded and smiled; "Got it, Auntie, Haoran and I will definitely work hard."

"It just happens that Xiaoyi also intends to have a second child. You two are good friends. You have to work hard. If you can get pregnant together, you will be both happy." Mrs. Huang smiled and said, "I will help Xiaoyi with that time." When I was a child, I could bring you a belt. "

After listening to Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting, there was no response. Huang Yiyi couldn't help but plug in, and his voice became very sharp.

"Mom, other people don't mean that. Why do you always intervene in other people's affairs, do not feel bored."

Mrs. Huang was taken aback by her and looked at her puzzledly. She said angrily: "Tingting, what's wrong with you? I'm talking to the guests. You're like that, it's too rude."

Huang Yiyi bit her lip, and subconsciously looked at Ou Qingheng. Unexpectedly, Ou Qingheng's eyes almost fell on Yao Yiyi's body, and she had no intention of looking at her at all.

The unwillingness in her heart was even stronger.

"Mom, I just want you to take good care of your illness, do n’t worry about some of it. This is not good for your illness. The doctor has said that you should take good care of your illness. Do n’t pretend to be so troublesome, why do n’t you listen? What about it? "Huang Yiyi said angrily.

Mrs. Huang's face eased and said, "Yiyi, I know you are for Mom's sake, but Mom is talking to the guests. You can't be so rude. Hurry up and apologize to Yao Ting. nothing."

Huang Yiyi's complexion was also pretty unsightly. When she wanted to get angry, Father Huang entered the ward in time, and she swallowed back.

Father Huang went directly to Mrs. Huang and touched her forehead with her cheek. It wasn't hot. He said warmly: "Is the head still hurting? Do you want the doctor to check it for you again?"

Mrs. Huang dodged a little, but his contact with him was not so repulsive.

"The juniors are there, don't pretend to be intimate here, and teach them badly." Mrs. Huang said awkwardly.

Father Huang heard it, all smiles in his eyes.

He sat down and said, "Tell you a message, I have completely handed over the company to Ling Xuan, and let him be the only one in the future. I will help him if he encounters an unsolvable problem, but I will not ask the company It ’s something. I ’ll concentrate on treating you. When you ’re ready, we ’ll travel abroad. If you like the environment there, we can live there. ”

Madam Huang was stunned and looked at Father Huang in a complicated way. He had not thought of this strong man for most of his life. For her illness, everything she had insisted on was put down.

"You don't like managing the company very much?" Mrs. Huang asked.

"I do n’t like management. I ’ve been doing it all these years. I just want you to live better. Do n’t worry about hanging up with the missing daughter. It ’s a pity that I have n’t realized that I ’ve put the focus wrong now. , But it ’s not too late now, I have more time to accompany you. "

Mrs. Huang was silent.

As the atmosphere gradually warmed up, a very young girl appeared in the ward.

She came to Huangfu with a piece of paper and said, "Her husband, I am pregnant."

In a word, all the people were directly besieged, and the temperament of the girl was similar to that of Mrs. Huang, and the appearance was also quite similar, especially the eyes were more like water and spirit.

If Mrs. Huang is a ripe and juicy peach, then she is a delicate pear, and she looks just in her early twenties, exactly the same age as flowers.

"Why are you here?" Father Huang lowered his face and said solemnly: "Go! I have broken the relationship with you, don't appear here again."

The girl seemed to be scared. She passed the list in her tearful hands and said, "I'm unwell and go to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that I'm pregnant for three months. You are responsible for me. . "

Father Huang was so angry that his green muscles were exposed.

He almost never touched the girl in front of him. The few times he touched it, Mrs. Huang annoyed him. He was so upset that he used her as a substitute to vent. He only had Mrs. Huang in mind, and the others It looks like again, in his view, it is nothing more than a flawed product on the countertop.

"Destroy, then get away," Huang Father said coldly.

The girl was timid and was about to cry.

Mrs. Huang looked at the farce coldly and said coldly: "You take her out to talk, don't disturb the cleanliness of the ward, and don't come if you have nothing to do in the future, the province is dirty here, I Will not fall asleep. "

Father Huang's face sank at once, and the look in the girl's eyes seemed to peel off the human being.

"Madam, I'm going out for a while, and won't let such a dirty thing get rid of you." Huang Fu slowed his voice, and then looked at the girl with a fierce look, said: "You get out of me. "

The girl's body trembled, but she followed her obediently.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Mrs. Huang and saw the heavy exhaustion on her face, worried: "Mom, are you okay?"

Mrs. Huang laughed: "I'm okay, that is, your dad is going to enter the coffin and there is such a thing that I don't know about the checkpoint, let you see the joke."

"Nothing, this is the elder's business. I believe he can solve it. Mom, you can relax. I don't think Dad will let the girl who doesn't know the checkpoint harass you."

Mrs. Huang nodded, not much leaning on the bed.

Yao Ting also saw that she was really tired, so they got up and said goodbye.

Huang Yiyi stayed to take care of her, and Yao Yiyi sent them out.

Yao Ting glanced at Ou Qingheng and pulled Yao Yiyi aside.

"My dear, you have to be careful about Huang Yiyi. Your husband is a sought-after. You can be snatched away if you don't pay attention. Then you won't know who to cry if you want to cry." Yao Ting gritted his teeth. Road.

Yao Yiyi could not help crying and laughing.

"Did she mess with you?"

"What made her provoke me, I'm doing it for your own good, your husband is excellent, not only attracts butterflies, but also a large group of roaring bees and flies, there are many Yingyingyanyan around him, even if he doesn't have With that thought, it's hard to guarantee that those women don't have them, and they can do everything they can. If the president of the University of Europe is unintentional, and he has responded to you, you can be sick for a lifetime. "Yao Ting said.

The smile on Yao Yiyi's face narrowed.

"Did she do anything?"

"Is she going to do anything, can I remind you? The big crowd hugged Ou Qingheng from behind, almost be ashamed to ask Ou Qingheng to give her up, you have to be careful with me Or else you might cry. "

Yao Yiyi thought deeply and said: "I know, I will pay attention, but don't worry about it. If Qingheng can be robbed, it means that he has insufficient concentration, and I can see his true face clearly. Isn't it? "

"Just know what you have in mind. Haoran and I will first visit the elders in Shanghai. If the day after tomorrow is OK, you can go back with us."

"talk later."

When Yao Ting and Li Haoran left, Ou Qingheng came over and said, "Why don't you have a face? Yao Ting wouldn't tell you anything?"

"She told me that Huang Yiyi seduce you in large numbers?"

Ou Qingheng nodded and said, "I threw her over my shoulder. If other bold women were involved, I wouldn't mind sending a few men to play with her, but she is your sister, and looks like you. "Because of the image, he couldn't bear to let her suffer from the inhuman for the time being.

Yao Yiyi listened, not only did not feel happy, but said: "Qing Heng, she looks like me, will you really fall in love with her one day?"

"There are so many people in the world who look like you, do I have to love one by one?"


"Fool, go away, don't ask such silly questions in the future, Yao Ting can be silly alone, don't be infected by her."

Yao Yiyi grinned, and this matter was also uncovered, but she was alert to Huang Yiyi. She did n’t want to lead a wolf into the room, knowing that Huang Yiyi ’s mind was one thing, but it was another to really seduce. What's going on, if you don't pay attention, she may really want to abdicate and let Xian.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis. Ou Qingheng was too good. As long as she was a woman, it was difficult to resist his charm. She couldn't help but guard against it.

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