Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 712: Even his own brother-in-law seduce, so cheap!

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Yao Ting woke up, but it was a pair of blood-red but tender eyes. She was frightened. After seeing who the masters of these eyes were, she smiled and said, "Hao Ran, what's wrong with you? See me not sleeping Sleeping. "

Li Haoran grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek, said softly: "I'm sorry."

Yao Ting froze for a moment and puzzled, "Okay, why would you say sorry to me?"

"Actually, I just lied to you. I went to eat with Zhang Jiaqi, but I can explain that I have nothing with her. If I really want to love her, it is impossible for me to fall in love with you for nearly three years and then go into marriage. The palace is over, "Li Haoran said straight away.

Yao Ting laughed dumbly. She got up from the bed and held his face with both hands, saying, "Did Yiyi tell you about the photo?"

Li Haoran nodded and said, "Since we got married, we have been busy working with each other, and with the joining of two people, we haven't sat down for a long time to have a good chat, so you were wronged at Li's house and I didn't accompany them in time I ’m sorry to spend time with you. ”

Yao Ting felt warm, and the previous grievances disappeared.

"Horan, I am content with you." Yao Ting smiled: "As long as the hearts of the two of us are together, I feel that it is not a problem if I feel wronged."

Li Haoran hugged the man in his arms and raised his hand to caress the wound on her cheek, saying, "Is this really the one you accidentally hit by yourself?"

Yao Ting looked up at him like he wanted to find out the authenticity of his eyes from his eyes.

"If it weren't for my own hit, which servant do you think would dare to deal with me so blindly?" Yao Ting asked amusingly.

Li Haoran's eyes sank, he murmured, nodded, and said softly: "Be careful in the future, try not to hurt yourself, otherwise I will be distressed."

Yao Ting nodded.

Yao Ting asked Li Haoran to bring her cell phone to her. She looked at her cell phone and it was already a little early in the morning. She had been sleeping for many hours.

"It's so late? No wonder I'm so hungry. Why didn't you wake me up?" Yao Ting asked.

"I don't have the heart to call you when you sleep so sweetly." Li Haoran said: "Are you sleepy? If you're sleepy, get up to eat something and continue to sleep. I called the food in a thermos and it was still hot. All you like to eat. "

"it is good."

After eating, Yao Ting took Li Haoran again and talked for a while before continuing to sleep.

The next day, the two went to the hospital together and took the elevator upstairs. As soon as they got out of the elevator, Yao Ting saw a woman not far away hugging a man from behind. , But even if the man turned gray, she would n’t be wrong.

She came up in anger and walked on her heels like a gust of wind. Li Haoran quickly followed her, holding her arm to signal her to calm down first.

Yao Ting almost lost her reason, she shook Li Haoran's hand and said angrily: "You let go, I'm going to see how shameful this adulterous adulteress is. Sunny, I'm so mad. "

Only then did the words fall, the sound of "touching" not far away was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Yao Ting and Li Haoran looked at it subconsciously, and they both opened their mouths tacitly. The "cheesy woman" in Yao Ting's mouth was straight and fell over the shoulder.

Yao Ting was stunned. She subconsciously shivered at the cold voice of the man not far away, and then gave a thumbs up to him, whispered: "Cool!"

Li Haoran dragged her and walked over, not looking at the woman who fell to the ground, only laughing: "Ou Shao, you are still a little gentleman who pity Xiangxixiyu."

Yao Ting interjected and said, "Want to **** a man with a wife, is such a **** woman worth being treated by a gentleman?"

Li Haoran just smiled.

Yao Ting went to see who was the woman who ate the leopard gall on the ground, but she waited until she saw the woman ’s appearance, and she blurted out angrily: "Huang Yiyi, how could it be you? He is your brother-in-law, here is the hospital, If you have a little face, it is impossible to seduce your brother-in-law in a large crowd. "

Her loud voice attracted the passing medical staff and patients.

Huang Yiyi felt that her face was burning hot, she quickly got up from the ground, accidentally pulled it to the back, she "teared" with pain, and Ou Qingheng put her strength over the shoulder a little, She now has a pain in her back, but fortunately there is no fracture.

Huang Yiyi glared at the group of people who came over and wanted to see the lively people. He didn't have a good air: "What do you want to see? Leave it to me."

The group of people was still in a state of enthusiasm. Not only did they not move, but the good guy said, "Beauty, continue."

Now people are boring enough, and there are people like that.

Huang Yiyi's good face was awkward, and he couldn't hold it in his chest.

Yao Ting said: "Let's take a look. This lady, who is very rich in gold, sees that her sister is married well, she admires jealousy and she wants to seduce her brother-in-law. I have seen such a shameless aunt. "

Huang Yiyi heard his face green and white, and he was ashamed, sullen and angry.

"Yao Ting, you are enough."

"Why, when I just hooked up with my brother-in-law, I didn't see you ashamed. That would be shameful." Yao Ting said sarcastically.

Huang Yiyi was flushed with rage.

"You are unreasonable." She pushed away the crowd and left.

Yao Ting was still angry, but it was not far from Madam Huang's ward. If there was a lot of noise, Yao Yiyi would be drawn out. She didn't want to take this risk to make Yao Yiyi feel embarrassed to see it.

"Everyone is gone, and there is nothing beautiful." Yao Ting waved and said.

Those talents dispersed.

Yao Ting clasped his hands on his chest and looked at Ou Qingheng angrily, saying: "President of the University of Europe, your peach blossom is really strong enough. T City already has two eyes on you, I didn't expect to come to Shanghai yet Hook up your wife's sister, will you not die if you settle down? If this is seen by Yiyi, do you know how sad her heart will be? "

Ou Qinghang pursed his lips, his eyes very dark, he didn't expect Huang Yiyi to be so bold, he just came out to make a phone call, she followed, and even hugged him from the back while he didn't pay attention. He, it seems that the hotel has not given her enough lessons, so she automatically thinks she can do whatever she wants.

His eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light burst out of it.

It seems that he really has to teach Huang Yiyi a good lesson, otherwise she would be bold and want to do whatever she wants. This time you can hug him from behind, then next time you may tear your clothes and say that he wants to Want to do something wrong with her.

"Hey, President of the University of Europe, such a thing has happened, don't you want to explain it?" Yao Ting said angrily.

Ou Qingheng glanced at her and said, "What do you want me to explain? I have nothing to do with her at all. If I don't have any support in my heart, I will just ask any woman, there is no need to sneak, and I Ou Qingheng will not be sneaky. "

After that, Ou Qingheng stepped up and left.

"Hello, Ou Qingheng, but you are the one who hooks up. Do you have nothing to say?" Yao Ting was even more angry.

Ou Qingheng ignored it.

Li Haoran hugged her shoulder and said softly: "Tingting, don't be angry. I believe Ou Shao has nothing to do with Huang Yiyi."

"Of course I know, otherwise I can let him leave? It's just that I'm not very happy with his attitude. The peach blossom is so prosperous, I think it's okay to ask Yiyi for a guarantee? But look at him That cool look is just trying to mad at me. "

Li Haoran couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tingting, this is a matter between him and Yiyi. Even if you are Yiyi's best friend, you still have less meddling in getting along with their husband and wife. Although Ou Shaowei is apathetic, he is sincere about Yiyi. Well, as he said, if he is sincere to Yiyi, what kind of woman he wants can be fair and just. "

It is because of this that he is more angry.

There was still a fire burning in Yao Ting's heart, but O Qingheng was helpless.

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