Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 687: Marriage also requires careful management

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Back at the office, Yao Xiner stood up and said, "James, you are back, come and have breakfast."

James walked over and watched Yao Xin'er put her carefully prepared breakfast on the desk. He was not embarrassed to say that he had already eaten.

He sat down, took the chopsticks and ate, while Yao Xiner supported his side with his hands and watched him eat motionlessly.

James felt it even if a piece of wood was looked at like this, he said: "Xin'er, would you like to eat it together?"

Yao Xin'er's eyes brightened at once.

"James, do you care about me?" Yao Xin'er said.

James nodded and said, "Xin'er, I thought you changed your appearance and your temperament will change. I didn't expect it to be the same."

Yao Xin'er had a pimple in her heart. When she saw James, she forgot everything she had been taught by the etiquette teacher, so she showed her nature. She remembered that James liked the gentle Jiangnan woman, and she was straightforward, no matter what. It's not a hook with a gentle woman.

But if James likes it, she can change it for him.

Yao Xin'er immediately straightened his body and said softly: "James, I have changed, I have a standing posture, a sitting posture, no food, no sleep, no smile, all these things I am learning Now. "

"STOP!" James hurriedly said: "Xin'er, you are fine like this. Really, there is no need to change for me. You are perfectly like a goddess. Stand out, and some men like it."

"What about you?" Yao Xin asked expectantly.

James was speechless for a while.

Yao Xin'er looked like a deflated ball. She changed the subject: "James, you have breakfast."

After James finished his breakfast, Yao Xiner put away the plates and regained his spirit: "James, what do you want to eat tomorrow? I'll get it for you. I'm especially happy to see you eat what I do."

James wiped his mouth and shook his head: "No, I have irregular working hours. If you take it, I don't necessarily have time to eat, it's a waste."

"It doesn't matter, I can wait. I remember that you have a small kitchen in the hospital. If it gets cold, I can heat you up to ensure you can eat hot meals." Yao Xiner said softly. There is no manual footing as before, just like a man.

James looked at her now beautiful and flowery face, but couldn't even open her mouth to refuse.

"James, if you didn't refuse it, you agreed. I will come tomorrow. You can be busy." Yao Xin'er tipped her toes and dropped a kiss on his side, and left happily.

James looked at the opened and closed door, then raised his hand to touch his kissed cheek, not knowing what to think.

Yao Xin'er left the hospital with the insulation box, and she was called back on the first phone call. She sat on the taxi and called James. She wanted to say that she might not be free to give him food tomorrow, but James didn't answer.

She thought about waiting to get out of the car before calling, but when she got off the car, she was called back and called back, even her mobile phone was confiscated.

It's been several days since Yao Xiner pulled away.

She appeared tiredly in front of Yao Yiyi and said, "Sister."

Yao Yiyi took a break this weekend and watched her helplessly pull her into the door and said, "How did you make yourself like this? I haven't called you in the past few days, and I'm worried about you of."

"Sister, do n’t mention it. I just delivered breakfast to James. My leader called me to go back and then asked me to train a new batch of bodyguards. I still went to the forest to train. My phone was confiscated. A group of men touched and rolled, and taught them exhaustedly. The goddess I finally trained was all broken in front of them. "Yao Xiner was powerless.

Her career predestined her to be gentle. Women are coaches. How do you think they are very, very gentlemen? Want to be gentle? Can only be reborn and reshaped.

Yao Yiyi nodded her forehead, and gave her some food.

After she gorged on eating, Yao Yiyi frowned as she looked at her food, and didn't say much.

Yao Xiner wiped her mouth, embarrassed: "Sister, you can rest assured, I will definitely maintain the best in front of James."

Yao Yiyi shook his head.

"Xin'er, just keep the truest face in front of the person you love. It is impossible for you to pretend to be a fake for a lifetime. A man does not love your true side. Even if it is barely together, you and his relationship will not last long. Time, so your appearance can change, but your temperament must be true, do n’t hide it, do you understand what I mean? "Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Xin'er smiled bitterly.

She played with the flat nails she built, and said dumbly: "Sister, I will never like my real temperament. He likes the kind of gentle and generous woman who knows the general, but I have nothing but gentle. Yes, what about getting pretty? It's still a flawed product. "

Yao Yiyi twisted her eyebrows.

The doorbell rang, and Yao Yiyi had to open the door first.

"My dear." Yao Ting gave her a warm hug and walked in.

Seeing the person sitting on the sofa, Yao Ting hesitated and shouted uncertainly: "Xin'er?"

Yao Xin'er stood up and smiled: "Sister Yao Ting, congratulations on your marriage. I'm really sorry. I didn't get married. You don't have enough money to watch the red envelopes. Won't you blame me?"

Yao Ting thumped on her chest and smiled, "Yeah, now it's much more beautiful. Sure enough, I don't have that obtrusive yellow hair, and my straight and long hair looks much better, Just like a goddess. "

Yao Xin'er shrugged and said, "Sister Yao Ting, there is such exaggeration as you said, but the effect of makeup is good."

Yao Yiyi said with a smile: "You two sit down, don't compliment each other, everyone is not ignorant."

The three of them sat down, and Yao Yiyi saw that Yao Ting had dark circles under his eyes, and asked quickly, "Ting Ting, haven't you slept well?"

"For the rush of the manuscript, the director wants the script to be urgent, and there are investors who want to cram a few people in it, so they have to temporarily change the script. China's screenwriters have the most human rights. Investors have the final say. If you are dissatisfied, you may be asked to change the heroine into a female fourth. Maybe Yao Ting said casually.

In all walks of life, only writing novels is the most painful thing when it comes to writers. They write more than others, and their literary talents are not worse than others, but once they lose that luck, the rewards can be described as It is rare.

If you don't really like it, for the illusory ideal, I'm afraid it's hard for someone to persevere in this circle.

Yao Xin'er said: "Sister Yao Ting, your last film adaptation of the novel is selling well, and the TV series will be released next month. You are now well-known in the publishing and screenwriting circles, and there are investors who want to show you a face? "

"How come it's not embarrassing, no matter how famous the scriptwriter is, the script written can't be filmed without investors' investment, so in front of investors and directors, what is the screenwriter? Unless you are lucky enough to have a little culture and know how to decentralize Investors, otherwise everything will be in vain. "Yao Ting explained.

Yao Yiyi laughed and said: "Don't take work into private time, let's talk about something else."

Yao Ting changed his posture and said with great interest: "Xin'er, you tell me, how do you think of changing the shape of your killing Matt?"

"I dyed my hair and my sister hired another etiquette teacher to teach me, and I became like this."

Yao Ting looked at Yao Yiyi and said, "My dear, why don't you want to transform Xin'er?"

"You are a busy person, busy publishing, revising scripts, book sales fans meeting autograph meeting, getting married, a lot of pressure is enough to keep you busy, and there is no need to tell you about Xiner's transformation."

Yao Ting thought about it and thought it was the same reason.

"Xin'er, aren't you interested in James? Now that you have changed, has he been surprised?"

Yao Xin'er's face was instantly beaten by frost-stunned.

"He still treats me like a plague. I have been missing for a few days and he hasn't called me. It seems that he wants to catch up with James's tough bone. It will take a lot of work." Yao Xiner was depressed. Said.

"Xin'er, it's right to pursue people, but we shouldn't be too cheap. Come, I will teach you a few tricks." Yao Ting motioned Yao Xin'er to get his head together and wanted to give a bad idea.

Yao Yiyi separated the two of them and said, "Ting Ting, don't mislead her. Both of you are half a catty. You have almost no love experience. Putting it together will only cause bad things."

"Honey, do you have a way?"

"No, but I believe that sincerity is the golden stone, as long as you are sincerely pursuing, the iron tree can bloom, not to mention O James, if he is unmoved, he can only say that he does not have Xiner in his heart, then Give up early and focus your energy on someone who does n’t love you, it ’s a waste of time. "

Yao Xiner pulled the pillow on the sofa and hugged him in his arms, a little unhappy.

Yao Ting hit her ankle and said, "Why, it's so easy to flinch?"

Yao Xin'er immediately became a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten: "How is it possible that I didn't change my appearance so that he can pay attention to me, and I did so much so that I can give up so easily."

"Be ambitious, don't give up."

Yao Yiyi looked at them cheering each other funny.

Yao Xin'er suddenly jumped up from the sofa and said, "Sister, sister Yao Ting, I went to the hospital. You guys have a good chat."

She came in a hurry and left as if a gust of wind blew away.

Yao Ting laughed: "This appearance has changed, but his temperament hasn't changed at all."

"Jiangshan's nature can't be changed easily, but it's hard to change it."

"No need to change. I think Xin'er has a good temperament, straightforward, generous, unpretentious, and I don't know what is happening to men now. I have to like the pretentious women."

"Tingting, you have knocked down the man with a single word. Could you be suggesting that you like Hao Ran to be pretentious?"

Yao Ting glanced at her, and Ren Jun couldn't help it.

Yao Yiyi said: "You and Haoran do not plan to go to honeymoon?"

"No time, everyone is busy with work. Haoran not only has to publish the novels of the authors, but also has to be a producer across the world. I am too busy to change the script. I am also busy changing the script. , Before we got married, we could still take the time to eat, and then go for a walk. Now we are all busy and under the same roof, but we ca n’t say a few words. ”Yao Ting shrugged, pretending to say casually .

"Tingting, you also care a lot about Haoran's body. He is under pressure for you. You are busy writing scripts. It is understandable, but he is your husband. You can no longer enjoy his unbridled enjoyment like before marriage. You are unconditionally spoiled. "Yao Yiyi said bitterly.

Love is not more than marriage. The wall of marriage is not just a matter of young couples, but the two families are closely linked together. Anyone who is involved in the incident is tied together, and the whole body is moved. Inadvertently, this established marriage collapsed.

Yao Ting nodded: "I know, Haoran and I are also good, but everyone is busy and there is no time to communicate."

"I believe in your relationship with Haoran."

Yao Ting smiled and didn't say much.

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