Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

After chatting with Yao Yiyi at half past eleven, Yao Xin'er simply stayed in the apartment, and early in the morning the next day, she learned to cook breakfast with Wu Ma.

Wu Ma said as if coming over, "Xin'er, do you have a boyfriend?"

Yao Xiner's cheeks were a little red, and she rarely said shyly: "I am not a boyfriend. I am pursuing him, and I don't know if he will agree."

Ma Wu frowned and said: "Xin'er is so beautiful, which man is so hard-hearted that you are chasing a little beauty?"

Yao Xin'er smiled and said: "Ma, Wu, there are more people than my beautiful woman. Besides, I used to be like a little girl. It is normal for him not to like it. I haven't seen him like this. I want to surprise him . "

Ma Wu looked at her and agreed: "It has indeed changed a lot. You used to be like a boy. Now you have become more feminine. Men are all visual animals. At first glance, they are all women. If you do n’t look pretty, they will have a hard time seeing the essence through the phenomenon, Xin'er, come on, now you are a veritable beauty, and I ’m worried that I ca n’t find a man who really cares about you. I I do n’t object to girls chasing people, but they also have the skills to chase them. They should n’t be too cheap. It ’s the truth to try to capture the old people. Do you know? ”

Yao Xiner couldn't help but she didn't know that Wu Ma was still a man.

After making breakfast, Yao Xin'er carefully placed them in the insulation and covered them.

"Ma, Wu, I will go first. I will tell my sister that I will go to the hospital first and let her wait for my good news." Yao Xin'er said.

"Do you want to go without breakfast?"

"No, I have to catch the bus, or there will be more people waiting for the bus."

As the words fell, Yao Xiner also disappeared at the gate like a flexible rabbit.

Wu Ma shook her head and continued to prepare breakfast in her hand.

While eating breakfast, Yao Yiyi asked: "Wu Ma, what about Xin'er?"

"I learned to make breakfast with me early in the morning and said that I would eat it for the man I loved. It wouldn't slip away as soon as I finished the breakfast. I don't know which man is so blessed. I can get a girl so sincere. Treat it honestly. "Wu Ma said.

Yao Yiyi was thoughtful.

Yao Xin'er's intentions are obvious. Now it depends on what James' attitude is. If James really doesn't understand and cherish, then she will let Qingheng force James to be transferred to another place.

After a long time, no matter how strong the emotions will slowly fade, until they dissipate.

Waiting for Mom Wu to enter the kitchen to do something else, Yao Yiyi said: "Qing Heng, find someone free and help me talk about James's tone. Xiner will know that he is in love with him at first glance, I don't want Xiner to shave The burden is hot. How is she also my sister? "

Ou Qingheng nodded and promised: "Okay."

Yao Yiyi did not continue to say more.

After breakfast, Ou Qingheng asked Xu Chen and others to send An'an to Ou's main house, but he sent Yao Yiyi to work.

Day after day, but James ’newly opened private hospital is destined to be not so peaceful today.

"James." Yao Xin'er appeared in front of James carrying her carefully prepared breakfast. James, who had just brought out a group of doctors, was still discussing the patient's condition with the doctor. It was shocked by this hello. Too.

James looked at the beautiful woman who stopped him in front of him. He didn't recognize this as Yao Xin'er for the first time. He wondered: "This lady, what are you?"

Yao Xin'er's face collapsed and grieved: "James, have you forgotten me?"

James struggled to search for the existence of the character Yao Xin'er, but he couldn't think of it.

"Miss, a beauty like you, I will remember you if I've seen it before, but I'm sorry, I don't have an impression, so I think it's not new for you to talk like this. If you have nothing to do, please leave. "James except for the stunning at the beginning, the next is official.

Yao Xin'er's heart froze, clutching the breakfast box tightly in his hand.

She rushed up again and said, "James, this is Yao Xin'er, Yao Yiyi's sister. You really can't remember me coming?"

James looked at her carefully now, suddenly realized, but his head hurt faintly.

After finally living a clean life, Yao Xin'er, the grinding person, came back again. This time he didn't know what kind of strange tricks he would come up with.

As long as James thought about it, he felt his head hurt.

He would rather Yao Xin'er never appear again.

If Yao Xin'er knew that James avoided her like a **** of plague, he didn't know whether he should be sad or sad.

Beloved man, no matter whether you become ugly or beautiful, he still hasn't come to see you.

This is the most sad thing.

The crush is always the most bitter.

"Xin'er, how did you become like this? I can't recognize it." James smiled dryly.

Yao Xin'er depressed the discomfort in his heart and raised the thermal box in his hand. He said, "James, I have prepared delicious food for you. You can eat with me."

"I still have patients to watch. You eat alone."

"Then I will wait for you in your office. You will eat it later."

James nodded confusingly, and then walked away with the other doctors.

Yao Xin'er looked at the back of his departure and sighed in frustration. She became more beautiful and James still didn't like her.

She didn't know what method to use to make James take a look at her.

She took breakfast and went to James' office.

And on the other side, James took a group of doctors to see the next patient, and there were no patients to be checked for a while. One of the doctors quipped: "The dean, you are not so blessed. There are so many women who like it. They are all big beauties. The one who prepared breakfast just now looks very nice, hot and sexy, and looks pretty good, but she feels a little familiar, and her name is exactly the same as a girl who is very killing Matt before. "

James glanced at him and said, "Dr. Feng, you are responsible for patients in beds 28, 35, 37 and 48."

The doctor who was still joking immediately counseled and said, "Dean, I'm wrong. My mouth is a bit cheap, but I guarantee that there is absolutely no maliciousness. Those sicknesses are simply in the hairs. Ghost hair, I'm alone. I'm afraid I will lose half of my life. If you have a lot of adults, just spare me this time. "

James' mood is finally better.

"I think your mouth is quite idle, so you should be a pioneer to educate them."

Dr. Feng feels that life is in love.

"Principal, is there no room for discussion?"

"What do you say?"

Well, this posture at a glance knows that there is no room for discussion, so that his mouth is cheap, deserve to be increased.

After James let other doctors go to work, he left. He wanted to make an excuse to leave the hospital. Unexpectedly, a call from Ou Qingheng disrupted all his plans.

"James, have you seen Xin'er?" Ou Qingheng asked in a hurry.

James exhaled and said, "See you, let's say, what do you ask?"

"Don't be too indifferent to her, you have also seen her changes, these are changed for you, I want to be a gentleman, saying that nothing will make the lady cry, right?"

"Qin Heng, gentlemen are different from person to person. I don't think I need to pack for a girl I don't love. Xin'er is very beautiful after she's changed, but it's not the type I like. I'm good to her, maybe to her. This kind of injury may also be. "James said bluntly.

There was no voice from Ou Qingheng over the phone.

"Qingheng, are you angry?"

"No, I'm just thinking about how likely you are to love Xin'er."

James rolled his eyes.

"Qingheng, I don't remember you have the potential to be a matchmaker. I will chase the woman I like. I enjoy the pleasure of chasing people more than girls chase me, so I think Xin'er is more suitable for other men."

Ou Qingheng pondered for a while, and said in a consultative manner: "James, let's discuss it. You see you are single and Xin'er is also single. Give her a chance. If it doesn't work, you can't refuse it too late. Look at mine In the face, you should eat the breakfast she prepared for you. "

James grinded his teeth.

"Qingheng, give me a reason. I think she is just your wife's cousin, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I don't want Yiyi to be unhappy."

This wives and slaves, who want to make friends lightly want him to sacrifice male sex, hey, it is really careless to make friends.

"Qingheng, I will try to give Xin'er a chance, but the emotional affairs can't be forced, and she will really hit her head and break the blood and it will not matter to me, because I have tried my best, and you owe I am under the favor, remember to return. "

"it is good."

After an agreement was reached, James had no choice but to return to the office.

He pushed open the door of the office, Yao Xiner immediately restored his gentle appearance, and said: "James, you are back, come and have breakfast, or they will be cold."

Looking at Yao Xin'er, who was almost a facelift, James felt a little awkward in addition to being pretty, just like a girl who was so sloppy as a special female man in the impression, and suddenly one day stood in front of you like a goddess, except for her stunning The rest is definitely not very true.

It's like this person who thinks he knows you, and you are reborn overnight, can you think she is perfect like a fake?

This is what James thought at this time.

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