Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 652: Celebration feast

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Ou Tingting became someone else ’s wife, Yao Yiyi did n’t bother her from time to time, her childhood was very moist, her work was gradually getting on the right track, her talents in drawing were also unanimously approved by her colleagues, and even Feng Yixuan appointed her The next director of the design department also sent a congratulatory congratulation compared to before.

In short everything is moving in a good direction.

Yao Yiyi's mood was also a lot happier, and people became more talkative, and the production of the film and television adaptation of the magical novel invested by Ou Qingheng to Ou Tingting was also completed, and the major creators began to participate in the press conference to promote this. Movie, and the release is scheduled for the eighth of next month.

Because of the previous rumors and farce, coupled with the three adults Ou Qingheng, Li Haoran and Huang Zhanglin let the company's professional team control on the Internet, the TV and movie adapted from this novel are unbroadcast first, this is not Just putting its tidbits and theme songs on the Internet caused a lot of clicks and discussions. The total number of clicks on iQiyi alone exceeded 1.2 billion, and there are millions of follow-up posts on Weibo. In the supernatural movie, the basic love cp of the male lead and the male second is also cobbled together, and the basic love on the screen is full.

By the time it was released, it sold 30 million yuan that day, and the next day it directly doubled to 60 million yuan. After that, it went up in a straight line for a month. When it went down, it sold 3.3 billion yuan. Became the box office champion of the month, more than a billion more than the second place, it has become a dark horse in the film industry, the media has made a big report, the headlines of the Internet have also covered this movie, and the score of Douban has also reached After 9: 8, most of the reviews were good. Only a small number of blacks jumped up and down. This movie is full of slots, and there is no merit at all.

Apart from investment and various expenses, Ou Qingheng and Huang Zhanglin could be considered to have turned a lot of money. This is naturally a different mood.

Yao Ting, the author of this novel, is in the best mood. She sat in Yao Yiyi's apartment with her legs up, hugged An An and swinged on her lap, laughing: "An An, godmother Movies have sold out, and Ganma has become one of the most well-known authors. Ganma ’s long-lost novel is reprinted because a large number of viewers have watched the movie and want to read novels. Millions of dollars were sold in time. The price of Ganma ’s manuscript was enough to buy you a lot of delicious food. The price of Ganma was also rising. Ganma became a veritable rich lady. "

Yao Yiyi came out of the kitchen with the cut fruit, and saw Yao Ting's crazy laughter, shaking her head and crying, "Tingting, if you do this again, you will really scare An An."

Yao Ting turned his legs up and down again, looked at Yao Yiyi, and said, "Yiyi, I'm so happy in my heart. The movie is a big hit, but it was a slap in the face. , I finally let them see that my movie was not plagiarized and that it was useless. "

Yao Yiyi understood what she said, and was really happy for her.

She put the fruit plate on the table, then hugged An An and said, "When will the celebration feast be held?"

"Tonight, I came here today specially to invite you to join Ou Qingheng. As the biggest investor, this movie can sell such a good box office. The biggest credit can be attributed to him. I can Thank you very much. "Yao Ting said, sitting upright, said with a serious face.

Yao Yiyi clipped an apple to her and handed her, saying, "Eat a piece of fruit."

Yao Ting took it, finished it in one bite, and said incoherently: "My dear, you do n’t know how happy I am in my heart, the box office is selling, I breathed out, and I ran to the Nancang Bridge yesterday. I yelled, I yelled that I am not a vulgar author. I have adapted some of the novels I have written. It is not as white as the online black man said. It is useless. The evaluation of this movie has a lot of audiences. It is not only a fear but also a deep reflection on the dark side of the current society. I think this is enough. This is one of the greatest affirmation of the author. "

With that said, Yao Ting reddened his eyes instead.

From the start of the filming to the big sale of the film, she was under a lot of pressure. This is Li Haoran's other senior executives who invested all the money in this film. If he really accompanies him, Li Haoran may have nowhere to go. She won, and she can breathe a sigh of relief.

She can tell the world aloud that although she has a bad background, she is definitely worthy of Li Haoran and can be his most capable sage and helper, not a woman who is useless except writing.

"Happy?" Yao Yiyi smiled.

Yao Ting raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course I am happy. I call it eyebrows and exhalation. At that time, you will have a nice dress to celebrate the feast. You will be glamorous. Tao. "

Yao Yiyi raised her arms around her chest: "Ting Ting, I think you should be the one who dresses well. Haoran is the producer of this movie. He exhausted everything for you, and people in the industry are waiting on the sidelines. As he was ugly, now that the movie is selling well, Haoran can be relieved. You are his girlfriend. I think he will welcome you to fight with him very much. "

After a pause, Yao Yiyi continued: "Follow me to get hair in the afternoon, I will dress you up as the most eye-catching audience."

Yao Ting shrugged and said, "Don't think about the audience's attention. I'm clear about what I'm doing. If you want to say that you are beautiful, I believe it. I don't want to say it, but I still want to dress up well this afternoon.

The two met to Tony's shop.

Tony is still white, tall and tall, and very temperamental.

Yao Ting raised his hand and hammered his chest and said: "Tony, either wearing white clothes or Prince Charming, but you are really like my fantasy Prince Charming, we are almost three years away, you have not changed at all. . "

Tony took the back of her hand, bent over and kissed the back of her hand, smiled: "Beautiful lady, the three girls are missing, you are getting more and more beautiful, looking at you, I have a kind of want to put you Sculpted more beautiful impulse. "

"Then please you today. I have a big movie celebration today. My boyfriend is a producer. I don't want to lose his face." Yao Ting blinked and said playfully.

Tony said to himself: "Hand it to me and I will make you look new."

"Then thank you."

Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi were seated on the soft chairs of the backrest respectively. Yao Ting's hair was made by Tony, and Yao Yiyi was made by a female designer with excellent craftsmanship.

It took three hours for Tony and the female designer to finish the job at the same time. Yao Ting's hair was cut short by Tony, just in line with her ears, and then she had a little color on her hair. The hair was softened a lot, which was playful and capable, and it looked a lot more beautiful.

But Yao Yiyi's hair was raised high, revealing a slender and white neck, plus a light and just makeup on the face, the whole person was bright and beautiful, and the beauty made men and women unable to move their eyes.

Yao Ting whistled at her and said, "My dear, you are really beautiful today. If I were a man, I would be fascinated by you."

Yao Yiyi carefully looked at Yao Ting's makeup, and praised truthfully: "Your is not bad, you cut your hair, your facial features look more refined, and you have a little playfulness, and you are a lot younger. , Tony ’s hands really have a magical effect, and even ugly women can become beautiful under his skillful hands. "

Yao Ting agreed: "If he had this kind of skill, could this store charge such a high price? A person's charge is the average half-year's salary."

Tony, the protagonist in question, held out his hand and said, "Beautiful lady, bother you to change clothes with me. If you don't mind, you can also change the makeup on your face. I think it will be more suitable for you with short hair. . "

"it is good."

When Yao Ting came out, she put on a well-dressed black bodysuit with a not too thick makeup, which seemed to give a fascinating and charming light.

Yao Yiyi couldn't help blowing a whistle and said, "Tingting, you are really perfect today, and I'm hooked."

Yao Ting turned around the mirror and was quite satisfied with today's makeup. It was perfect.

"Tony, after looking at me, I really believed that you have the ability to do magical work. When I look back, I must give you a big red envelope." Yao Ting smiled.

"It's my honor."

When Li Haoran and Ou Qingheng came to pick them up, and they saw their changes, their eyes flashed with amazing light, among which Li Haoran's reaction was the strongest. After all, this look of Yao Ting was the first time he had seen him , He felt quite novel.

Yao Ting was watched by his fiery eyes, and his cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

"Horan, isn't it pretty?" Yao Ting avoided his eyes and said.

Li Haoran recovered, and smiled: "It's beautiful, unlike before, I am very interested in the changeable side around you."

"Yuezi slipped his tongue." Yao Ting chuckled, but the smile on the corner of his mouth hadn't changed, and it was obviously very useful in his heart.

Ou Qingheng also walked in front of Yao Yiyi and said with amazement: "Wife, you are also beautiful today."

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Why are you two coming together?"

"It came across at the door."

Ou Qingheng reached out and Yao Yiyi held his arm in a tacit understanding.

Ou Qingheng said: "Let's go."

The four went by car to the address of the celebration feast.

This celebration party is very confidential in a private club. If there is no special invitation letter, idle people and other people can not enter. This club usually only accepts rich people worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The people celebrating here are nothing more than looking at the faces of Ou Qingheng, Li Haoran and Huang Zhanglin.

As soon as Ou Qingheng arrived, everyone in the crew gathered around and talked eloquently.

Ou Qingheng took a glass of wine, and then blocked the wine that was delivered to Yao Yiyi: "My wife's wine is not very good. Today she is just with me. She doesn't touch the wine. Can't you see me? The investor took the opportunity to drink wine for my wife. If she is drunk, I ca n’t.

After this joke, the crew of the crew were not so restrained.

In the play, there was already a famous male and female protagonist who became more famous because of the box office selling this time, and the value was also rising, and Huang Zhanglin paid a penalty fee to sign his brokerage company.

Although Huang Zhanglin ’s company is newly opened, but Huang Jia ’s family is big, so he is not short of money. There are a variety of film and television resources. It is naturally excellent to be able to enter his company. Went to his company.

"Ou Shao, President Huang." The male and female protagonists walked over with wine and smiled politely.

The actor is named Jiang Cheng. He is 26 years old this year. He looks good. He is 1.80 meters tall. He has a standard model figure and outstanding temperament. He looks calm and reliable. She is called Xiao Fan Bingbing on the Internet, and her temperament is outstanding. She behaves well. Unlike some female celebrities who love to scratch their heads in front of investors, there is no restraint that a woman should have.

Yao Yiyi glanced at the two of them, and the impression at first glance was pretty good. At least no frivolous manners were seen from the two of them.

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