Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 651: Waiting for an opportunity to fight back desperately

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Zhang Shujun returned to the home of the Ou family, and Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi were already sitting there.

When Zhang Shujun saw Ou Qingheng, he always had a sense of guilty feeling that he was caught in person.

"Brother, sister-in-law." Zhang Shujun greeted his expression on his face.

Ouqing Heng glanced at him arbitrarily, and said, "Mom said you have been busy working in the company. There is no need to work so hard when you come back after the honeymoon."

Zhang Shujun smiled warmly: "Got it, brother, I will try my best to combine work and rest in the future, and take more time to accompany Tingting."

Ou Qingheng patted his shoulder and smiled: "You can be nice to Tingting, I am very happy in my heart, hold on, if there is any problem in the company, you can tell me, everyone is a family, there is You can say anything. "

"Thank you brother, I will."

Ou Tingting walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of shrimp, and immediately jumped into front of Ou Qingheng. He deliberately took his hips to give Yao Yiyi to Joe, and said attentively: "Brother, eat shrimp, mom cook Made, it tastes particularly good. "

Ou Qingheng took a shrimp, peeled the shrimp's shell gracefully, and handed it to Yao Yiyi's mouth. Yao Yiyi ate and ate.

A bit of displeasure flashed in Ou Tingting's eyes and commanded: "Shujun, look at how good your brother is to your sister-in-law. You also peel me shrimp."

Zhang Shujun took the largest shrimp shell and handed it to Ou Tingting's mouth, saying, "Is it delicious?"

Ou Tingting glanced at Yao Yiyi proudly and said, "It's delicious."

"anything else?"


Yao Yiyi just took a wet tissue and wiped Ou Qingheng's hands, showing her childishness to Ou Tingting, she saw it and Quandang did not see it.

Ou Tingting grinded her teeth, but when she met Ou Qingheng's icy warning, she converged.

Perhaps Ou Qingheng's attitude towards Ou Tingting has improved, and Mrs. Ou's mood has become particularly good today. With the sweet mouth of An An, this villain, Mrs. Ou's laughter has always been heard on the table.

When Mrs. Ou was happy, she fed An An more, and she ate more.

At the end of the meal, Mrs. Ou said: "Tingting, please go back with Shujun. Your parents-in-law should also be anxious. You must say sorry to them when you go back, but don't rely on Shujun's It ’s not too big or too small to spoil, you know? "

Ou Tingting nodded, perfunctory: "Got it, Mom, I will."

She finally got rid of Mrs. Ou ’s nagging, got in the car, Zhang Shujun drove, Ou Tingting leaned his chin up in front of him, and said cheerfully, “Shujun, did you see it? My brother gave me a meal while eating, you It ’s really my lucky star. As soon as I marry you, he will show me a good look. It ’s great. "


"Of course I am happy." Ou Tingting unfastened his seat belt, sat up capriciously, climbed to Zhang Shujun's body, and fiddled with his suit. As a result, her hand slammed in the next second and snapped: "Stop!"

Zhang Shujun was taken aback by her unreasonable licensing, and subconsciously stopped the car.

Ou Tingting pointed to the red stamp on his white shirt and asked, "Zhang Shujun, what is this, why is there a woman's lipstick on your clothes? Are you carrying me outside to find another woman?"

Zhang Shujun turned his head and his face sank instantly.

He was so careless that he left the mark on his shirt.

"Zhang Shujun, you talk to me, why would you have a woman's lipstick on it? If you don't tell me clearly, I will not finish with you." Ou Tingting asked sharply.

Zhang Shujun looked at her and suddenly smiled.

Ou Tingting was puzzled and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Tingting, you forgot. Yesterday you were too anxious. I rushed up and kissed me before I took off my clothes. Then I kissed my clothes. I woke up this morning and I knew it, but I think What you left is not changed, because this is your love for me. "Zhang Shujun looked at her affectionately and said.

Ou Tingting looked at him in disbelief and said, "Really?"

Zhang Shujun raised his hand and knocked on her forehead, saying: "I have exhausted you, a grinder, and there is still energy to deal with other women, and I want to deal with you in a lifetime Jing, other women can no longer get into my eyes. "

Ou Tingting's face turned better now.

"Shujun, be your consciousness, I will forgive you this time, but if I find out that you have other women outside, I will castrate you as a waste person, and then I will go find another man."

There was a trace of annoyance in Zhang Shujun's eyes, but the face was still gentle: "Silly woman! Sit down and fasten your seat belts. Parents are still waiting for us at home. After a short wait, it's time to call."

Ou Tingting sat down obediently and fastened his seat belt.

Zhang Shujun just glanced at her, and did not coax her as patiently as before. A series of things upset him, he was suspicious, coupled with the attitude change of Ou Qingheng's attitude, so he did not have so much Ou Tingting was comforted by his thoughts, and now his brain was full of Ou Qingheng, wondering what his purpose was.

Back at the Zhang's house, Ou Tingting gave him a careful look and said, "Shujun, I was just too impulsive. I'm sorry, don't be angry. I will give you a surprise when I come back to the house in a while."

Zhang Shujun raised her hand and touched her head, laughing: "Go home."

Ou Tingting rarely came into the house holding Zhang Shujun's hand like a little woman.

And another Yiyi Yi and Ou Qingheng who came out of the Ou family, Yao Yiyi said: "Qingheng, I think mom seems to be very happy today, Ting Ting is also a lot of sensible, or the woman outside Shujun to give She can just send her money to send her away. Family and past events are happy, Tingting's marriage is not happy, and her mother will be unhappy. "

Ou Qingheng glanced at her from the rearview mirror, hooked her lips, and smiled: "Is your heart softened?"

"There is nothing soft-hearted or soft-hearted, but if Tingting ’s marriage is happy, everyone can be at ease, otherwise she will be troublesome and her parents will not worry about it. I ’m afraid we ca n’t calm down, so Rather than saying that she would retaliate and eventually make everyone uneasy, it ’s better to hide the truth from the beginning. ”Yao Yiyi patted An An who was asleep,“ I did n’t mean to speak for her, I just came out Yu Yang wanted to live a good life, and she had a headache because of her trouble. "

"Relax, I will deal with this matter, don't worry about it." Ou Qingheng comforted.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"Qingheng, don't overdo it. She is your sister. If she knows her, she will feel uncomfortable." Yao Yiyi thought about it and reminded.

She did n’t mean to favor Ou Tingting. In the end, she still hated Ou Tingting, but she experienced so many things, the indifference of her loved ones, and she was almost framed and jailed, blind ... Someone with a very poor ability collapsed, but she survived, so she could try to put down many things.

Ou Qingheng just smiled and didn't answer.

In his heart, he did not intend to treat Ou Tingting and Zhang Shujun lightly. In his dictionary, no one but his parents and Yao Yiyi's mother and son could still retreat after offending him. He did not retaliate. I just want to wait for a good chance, and then give a fatal blow to the already relaxed enemy, so that he will never have a chance to turn over.

This is the best way to deal with the enemy.

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