Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 606: Sense of crisis

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Huang Lingxuan asked people to check Yao Yiyi's address, and then bought a lot of toys and supplements suitable for children to visit.

Yao Yiyi opened the door, and after seeing him, she thought about it, and was quite impressed with him.

Huang Lingxuan was polite to carry the gift.

"Hello, I ’m Huang Lingxuan. We had a relationship when we were in Beijing. I do n’t know if you have any impressions? I found out that my mom was flying to T City this morning. I guess she will come back here, Don't worry, so I flew over and came to visit. "Huang Lingxuan said politely, like a noble son who raised his hand well.

Yao Yiyi turned sideways and said, "Come in."

Huang Lingxuan nodded at her, and then came into the house carrying a bunch of things.

"Miss Yao, these are the gifts I bought for the children in the mall. I don't know what the children like, so I just bought a random one. Don't dislike it." Huang Lingxuan said.

Yao Yiyi was also not hypocritical, she took the gift and said, "You have a heart."

Huang Lingxuan looked at this two-story apartment without showing traces. The layout is very low-key and warm. It can be seen that it is designed by very tasteful people. Although it is not as luxurious as a single-family villa, it makes people feel that The taste of home.

He thought that the power and financial resources of the Ou family in T city, Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng must have lived in the villa, but he did not expect to live in this well-protected community, he just could n’t get in, if not He happened to know the developer of this community and called him. He was really stopped by the security guards.

"Sit down, don't be constrained, and what do you want to drink, drink or tea?" Yao Yiyi pointed to the sofa and said.

"Give me a cup of boiled water, thank you." Huang Lingxuan said politely, then walked to the side of the sofa and sat down.

Yao Yiyi poured him a glass of boiled water and sat on the sofa opposite her. He said: "Auntie is sleeping upstairs, she may be really tired so she sleeps for a long time."

"My mother is really bothering you, and I hope you don't mind."

"No, Auntie is very kind."

After talking, the two were silent again, even though they were related to each other, but they did not live together since childhood, even a stranger.

"Miss Yao ..."

"Just call me Yiyi."

Huang Lingxuan smiled warmly and said, "My sister's name is also called Yiyi. You are also called Yiyi. In a trance, I can't help but think of you as my sister. I'm with you. I feel very kind."

"In terms of age, I should be older than you. You treat me as a sister, but I took a big advantage." Yao Yiyi smiled heartily, and the atmosphere between the two was also slowed by Yao Yiyi's generosity. It's warming up slowly.

Huang Lingxuan looked at her without showing any traces, and felt that she was not disgusted.

Perhaps it is a drag between blood ties, Huang Lingxuan has even subconsciously regarded her as a growing sister, Yao Yiyi and Huang Yiyi are more mature and more considerate, and his rational balance can't help but be biased. A little bit.

Maybe at first he had the heart to use, but now, leaving the European family behind Yao Yiyi, he thinks it is a good thing to have such a considerate and understanding sister.

The smile on his face was also a bit real.

Yao Yiyi also felt the kindness emanating from him.

Huang Lingxuan folded his hands and looked at Yao Yiyi, saying: "I think you should know your identity. If you can, I would like to call you a sister, but because of the grudges of the previous generation, my sister may be a little longer. You can hear it. "

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly.

"Aren't you afraid that Mr. Huang will be angry at you, and you will be deprived of your inheritance right?" Yao Yiyi smiled.

"I'm afraid, I don't think anyone will dislike power and status. I am a man, and I am more powerful, but I always feel that men should rely on their own hands to hit the world." Huang Lingxuan said.

Huang Yiyi watched him indifferently, and he looked at the gentleman in appearance, but he was very steady and decent when he raised his hand in the foot. Invisible, she had a little more affection for him, she thought, she would not exclude such a person The younger brother is afraid that this younger brother will not admit her because of the pressure from his elders.

"You are right. Men still create a new world with their own hands, and that is their own." Yao Yiyi agreed.

The two laughed at each other.

Yao Yiyi sincerely said: "Mr. Huang, I think if I have a smart and wise brother like you, my life should be much better."

"I think so."

The two had a great conversation, and Mrs. Huang walked downstairs, seeing Huang Lingxuan, her face changed suddenly.

"Ling Xuan, why are you here?" Father Huang hurried down, because she was so anxious that she almost fell off the floor without twisting her feet.

Huang Lingxuan got up and ran over to catch Mrs. Huang, worrying: "Mom, are you okay?"

Mrs. Huang grabbed his hand and said anxiously: "Ling Xuan, what do you want to do with Xiaoyi? I tell you, no one wants to hurt her if I am here."

Huang Lingxuan smiled bitterly. His mother was really demoralized. For a daughter who had been missing for more than 20 years, even his son was guarded.

"Mom, are you like me in your heart?" Huang Lingxuan asked calmly.

Mrs. Huang also reacted, she was a little over-excited.

"Ling Xuan, Mom doesn't mean that, Mom is just afraid of you, afraid of you ..."

"I'm afraid I was sent by my dad, haven't I?" Huang Lingxuan finished for her empatheticly.

Mrs. Huang's face changed and changed.

"Mom, I did come from Dad as a lobbyist, but I love you as much as Dad and do n’t want you to be hurt. When you run out, all of us are very worried about you, just for my son, you Can you stop without saying goodbye? "

There was a trace of guilt in Madam Huang's eyes, but when she thought of the bitterness buried in their bones, she couldn't help but have a trace of resentment.

"Ling Xuan, you go back and tell your father, I will not go back. I will entrust a lawyer to talk to him about divorce. He deceived me and turned around, even the basic trust between husband and wife. This marriage, I There is no need to think about it. "Mrs. Huang said with a cold face, iron stone heart.

The smile on Huang Lingxuan's face lightened.

"Mom, I know you are angry with your dad, but can you give me a reason? This month, I don't think my dad did something wrong and sentenced him to death. I have to let him know the reason." Huang Lingxuan calmly said.

"He changed the number where I stored Xiaoyi, and I came to see Xiaoyi on my back. It was a set for me and a set on the back. I can't bear my husband being a double-faced person. You go back and say to your dad, This marriage between me and him is completely over. "Mrs. Huang spread her hands and said with a little excitement.

Huang Lingxuan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Yiyi, can you give me a little space with my mother? I want to talk to her." Huang Lingxuan said to Yao Yiyi.

"I went upstairs to see if An An was awake." Yao Yiyi went upstairs thoughtfully.

Downstairs, only Huang Lingxuan and Mrs. Huang were left.

"Mom, let's stop making trouble. Go back first. No matter how you are here, it is not your home. It is not a long-term plan to come here, is it?" Huang Lingxuan said patiently.

"Ling Xuan, do you even want to prevent Mom from knowing her daughter?"

"Mom, I don't mean that. I just think you should go step by step. It's too tight. It will only scare people."

Madam Huang's eyes were deep and thoughtful.

"Mom, come back with me first, she is here, and she can't escape wherever she goes. We can think long and take it slowly, I think she can accept you better."

Madam Huang sighed suddenly.

"Ling Xuan, don't persuade me, I won't leave."

Huang Lingxuan stepped forward and persuaded: "Mom, obedient, please go back with me first? Dad and Yiyi are very worried about you."

Mrs. Huang shook his hand straight away.

"If they really worried about me, they wouldn't blind me."

Huang Lingxuan was full of helplessness. He didn't expect his mother to be self-willed and could hardly hear anything.

Yao Yiyi came downstairs holding An An and said, "An An, called Uncle."

An An looked at Huang Lingxuan and suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent. He said strangely: "Mom, this uncle's eyes look like you."

When Yao Yiyi looked at it subconsciously, she found that Huang Lingxuan's eyes were really similar to hers.

"Mom, who is he?" An An asked again.

"He is the mother-in-law's son."

An An blinked his eyes and said with a milky voice: "Mom, you look like Mother Huang and your uncle. Are you a family? I saw on TV that only relatives can look like this What. "

The three adults present were stunned.

Huang Lingxuan took the lead in responding. He reached over and embraced An An, saying, "Child, do you want me to be your uncle?"

"miss you."


"Because your eyes are very similar to your mother's, like the moon hung in the sky, my mother said that people with such eyes are very kind, so An An reluctantly makes you a mother's relative."

Huang Lingxuan chuckled. He didn't expect An'an's reason to be so simple.

"Children, at your words, my uncle is destined."

"My name is An An, and I am a little man. My uncle can call me An An, but not my children."

"Okay, An'an."

The uncle and nephew were very happy to interact. Huang Lingxuan stayed for a long time, and it was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon to watch the mobile phone.

"Mom, I'll go back first, and I will see you tomorrow." Huang Lingxuan got up and said to Yao Yiyi, "Yiyi, my mom asked you to take care of it first. If you can, I hope you can persuade her not to divorce." She and my dad have been husband and wife for decades. They came over and supported each other. If they were gone, the warmth of the Huang family would n’t exist anymore, so I ’ll trust you. ”

After Huang Lingxuan left, Mrs. Huang was afraid that she would think more and hurriedly said: "Xiaoyi, don't listen to Ling Xuan's words. My relationship with my dad has broken down, and just staying together will only cause both people to suffer.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Auntie, don't think too much. I won't interfere too much with your marriage, and I have no power as an outsider."

"Xiaoyi, why are you an outsider, you are my daughter."

Yao Yiyi didn't want to get too entangled in this issue, so she changed the subject very cleverly: "Auntie, you are hungry, Wu Ma is already cooking well, and Qingheng has a project meeting to open You can get home in half an hour, and you can eat at that time. "

There was a trace of loss in Mrs. Huang's eyes.

"Auntie, sit down and have some fruit. I asked Wu Ma to tidy up a clean room for you. You have stayed with me for a few days."

"Xiaoyi, don't you want me to be with you?"

"Auntie, don't think about it, I welcome you here at any time, but I don't want to be the culprit in ruining your marriage."

Madam Huang's eyes dimmed, and her heart was undulating.

Yao Yiyi motioned An An to play with Mrs. Huang to divert her attention.

Huang Lingxuan, who went back on the other side, bowed solemnly to his father.

"Did your mother not want to come back?" Father Huang said calmly.

"Dad, sorry, didn't get Mom back."

"I already guessed it."

"Dad, what are you going to do?"

"She is my wife, and of course she wants to be with me."

"Dad, Mom rarely have a thing to do. I think you are too tight." Huang Lingxuan thought for a while and said, "I think Yao Yiyi is not as annoying as she imagined. She is very considerate."

"Why, do you want to violate me?"


"Go out, it's not too early, call and order a three-quarter meal."


Huang Lingxuan called to order three exquisite fast foods, and the courier quickly delivered them.

Huang Lingxuan put the fast food, knocked on the door, said: "Dad, come out to eat."

After a family of three silently ate this unknowing dinner, Father Huang wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, "I'm full." After that, Huang Father pushed open the chair and went straight upstairs.

Huang Yiyi looked at the back of Huang Fu's upstairs, and no longer had dinner *. She sighed and said, "How's your mom?"

"She would not come back."

"I knew it."

"Dine first, don't think about it."

Huang Yiyi threw down the chopsticks and said angrily: "This family is like this, what else to eat."

"Yiyi, this is a problem between Dad and Mom, so don't interfere."

"This happened because of me, can I ignore it? Dad doesn't show me a good look now, and the pocket money in my card has been cut by more than half. If I go on like this, Dad will definitely stop my credit card. . "

Huang Lingxuan threw down chopsticks, not looking at Huang Yiyi intently.

Huang Yiyi also realized that she had lost her word, and said quickly: "Brother, I don't mean that, I just worry about my parents."

"Dine, I won't let them go wrong."

"Brother, I will go with you tomorrow. I haven't seen An An in a long time."

"Do you want to see Ou Qingheng?"

Huang Yiyi was undecided.

"Yiyi, you take it easy, don't overdo it."

"Brother, didn't you agree with Ou Qingheng before?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly felt that you were not worthy of him. You are really worse than Yao Yiyi."

Huang Yiyi suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

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