Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 605: The whole family has come to T city

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Yao Yiyi only felt embarrassed, but there was still a trace of warmth deep in her heart. At least in her elder relationship, her biological mother really loved her.

"Auntie, I think you are not in good spirits. You have to sleep for a while, and we will talk when we wake up." Yao Yiyi said like muddy.

There was a strong loss in Mrs. Huang's eyes. She looked at Yao Yiyi aggrievedly and said, "Xiaoyi, do you still refuse to recognize me?"

Yao Yiyi pondered for a while, and she really didn't know how to explain for a while.

"Auntie, look, it's not that Yiyi refuses to recognize you, but your husband refuses to recognize her. Even if you recognize her identity, do you think she can live peacefully?"

Mrs. Huang was quiet.

"Auntie, don't blame me for being unpleasant. Yiyi is simply not suitable for your Huang family. The key to your husband can't pass it." Yao Ting said again.

Mrs. Huang lowered her eyes.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Yao Ting and said, "Auntie, you are tired. Go upstairs and sleep for a while. If there is anything you want to wake up, please talk."

Mrs. Huang nodded her head.

After Mrs. Huang went upstairs, Yao Ting spread her hands, then fell on the sofa, raised her hands to support her head, and said, "My dear, what should I do now? I think the two of Huang's husband and wife are simply entangled with you. "

Yao Yiyi just teased An An in her arms and said, "An An, is it sleepy? Would your mother take you to bed?"

"Okay." An An raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, said.

Yao Yiyi took An An upstairs and entered the room. She put An An on the bed and gently patted.

After An An fell asleep, she answered Yao Ting's words: "Ting Ting, we are doing everything right. I'm not afraid of things, but I don't want to mix things with the Huang family."

"Then you let Mrs. Huang dangle around you?"

"Then do you have a better idea?"


"Look, even you have no good ideas, what can I do?"

"Or call the old man and let him take his wife back."

"She is a person and will come by plane."

Yao Ting was silent.

Yao Yiyi smiled shallowly.

"Tingting, let it be. I don't exclude her."

Yao Ting shrugged.

The departure of Mrs. Huang almost burst into the pan at the Huang family.

Huang Yiyi paced in the living room anxiously, panting toward the servant who was looking for gaspingly, "How did you find my mother?"

"Miss Hui, we have looked inside and out, but we have not seen my wife."

"Hurry up and find it if you can't find it."

"Yes, miss."

Huang Lingxuan came in from outside the house, and Huang Yiyi ran as if he had found the backbone of his heart. He grabbed his hand and said nervously, "Brother, how did you find it?"

"Mom's flight to T City at 8 o'clock this morning." Huang Lingxuan said solemnly.

Huang Yiyi froze, staring at Huang Lingxuan.

"Brother, have you made a mistake? Mom clearly told us that she will not go to T City, why is she going again?"

Huang Lingxuan's mouth twitched tightly.

"No, Dad is also in T City. If Mom let us know that we got together and cheated her, I'm afraid our Huang family had to break up." Huang Yiyi said: "I'm going to T City now, and I can't let Mrs. Huang find Yao Yiyi Now. "


Yao Yiyi stopped sternly, turned his head, and looked at Huang Lingxuan puzzledly: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Let Mom and Dad solve it by themselves. Even if we can bind Mom once, it is impossible to tie her for a lifetime, not to mention that it is her daughter. It is understandable that she wants to recognize her daughter." Huang Lingxuan said.

Huang Yiyi looked at him like an alien.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Huang Yiyi said.

"I just think that it is her daughter too, and it is understandable that she went to find her daughter."

"Brother, are you crazy? Dad doesn't like her at all. If Mom really recognizes her, our whole family will be gone."

"No, our family will still be gone."

Huang Yiyi grasped his head with both hands, and the repression burst out.

"Ah ... brother, you can see it open, I can't open it, I don't want to let our family break up, it was my waywardness to let their mother and daughter reunite, but now I don't want this error to continue "After finishing talking, Huang Yiyi ran out directly.

Huang Lingxuan also ran out.


Huang Yiyi sat in the car and directly dragged the car. Huang Lingxuan was uneasy and drove after him.

The two arrived at the airport in tandem.

Huang Lingxuan caught Huang Yiyi with long legs.

Huang Yiyi struggled and said hoarsely: "Release, let go, I'm going to T City, I'm going to bring Mom back."

"Yiyi, calm down."

"How do I calm down? How do I calm down?"

"Good boy, this matter will be resolved."

Huang Yiyi calmed down. She looked at Huang Lingxuan uncertainly and said, "Brother, are you going to T City?"

"Yes, I will go for a few days, and the company's business will come to you first."

"Brother, I'll go with you, don't refuse, otherwise I will go alone." Huang Yiyi said with an unacceptable attitude.

Huang Lingxuan had to compromise.

The two bought nothing and flew to T City.

After getting off the plane, Huang Yiyi called Father Huang and finally got through.

"Dad, where are you now? Mom is also in T City. My brother and I came over to find her. We want to meet you."

Father Huang over there said his address, Yao Ting immediately said: "Okay, Dad, my brother and I are now gone."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Ting said: "Brother, let's go to the 10th floor of Building B of Huangyuanxuan, where Dad is."

Huang Lingxuan and Huang Yiyi went to Huang Yuanxuan.

There, the two met Huang Father, who was standing by the window with a cigar.

Huang Yiyi said: "Dad."

Father Huang said without looking back: "Come."

Huang Yiyi stepped forward and licked her lips, saying, "Dad and Mom are also in T City. I think she should have gone to Yao Yiyi. Do you want to go with me and my brother?"

Father Huang just quietly looked out the window.


Father Huang turned around suddenly and threw a cigar in his ruthless hand on Huang Yiyi's body, adding anger: "If it weren't for you, could your mother reunite with that humble seed? Your wayward, your mother's heart She ticked off, and the Huang family is also broken, are you satisfied? "

The back of Huang Yiyi's hand was burned to the hand by a burning cigar, and he could not help but exclaim.

Huang Lingxuan stepped forward and grabbed her hand into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to flush her.

After rushing for a while, Huang Lingxuan said: "Is it better?"

Huang Yiyi lost his soul and nodded.

"I help you out."

The brother and sister were out of the bathroom, and Father Huang was already sitting on the sofa.

Huang Yiyi was a little scared and sat on the sofa farther away from Huang Fu, saying, "Dad."

"Is your hand okay?" Huang Father asked.

"never mind."

"I just couldn't hold my temper, just don't go to your heart."

"will not."

After talking, the father and daughter were silent, the atmosphere was awkward and condensed.

"Dad, Mom went to Yao Yiyi, what are you going to do?" Huang Lingxuan said.

There was a trace of viciousness in Father Huang ’s eyes, his fists clenched tightly. He came to the door twice and again to plead Yao Yiyi to stay away from his wife. She was just looking for death.

"Ling Xuan, you personally went to the door to bring your mother back. I think your mother doesn't want to see me for the time being." Huang Father Shen Eye said.

"Okay." Huang Lingxuan agreed.

Huang Yiyi took a careful look at Father Huang and said, "Dad, let me go with my brother."

"You stay here, you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Huang Yiyi collapsed.

"Dad, are you mad at me?"


Yao Yiyi stood up on the sofa, bowed to him, and obediently said: "Dad, I'm sorry, but I didn't think about it. I thought my mother would be happy when she saw her eldest daughter, so I would test her and Yao Yiyi's DNA. , I really did n’t expect things to go in an unpredictable direction. "

Father Huang sneered.

Huang Yiyi felt uneasy in her heart and said, "Dad, don't do this, I feel very uncomfortable."

Father Huang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, the sound was obvious: "Ling Xuan, go, try to bring your mother back."

"Yes, dad."

Huang Lingxuan raised her hand and patted her head, said: "Yiyi, obey Dad's words, I will be back soon."

As soon as Huang Lingxuan left, only Huang Fu and Huang Yiyi were left in the house.

Huang Yiyi licked her mouth, wondering why she felt particularly nervous.

"Yiyi, do you know why you called this name?" Huang Father said suddenly.

Huang Yiyi stared at him stunnedly.

"Because your sister called this name, after she disappeared, your mother once regarded you as her and called her name, so we changed your name to Yiyi."

Huang Yiyi's face changed, she lowered her eyes, and a shadow covered the haze flowing in her eyes.

"In your mother's heart, you are actually a substitute for her eldest daughter. Are you really willing to be a substitute for others?" Huang Fu said quietly.

The haze in Huang Yiyi's eyes was deeper.

She clenched her fists and said, "Dad, why did you tell me this?"

"You broke the Huang family's peace for more than 20 years. I just want you to know that she is back and you are nothing in your mother's heart." Huang Father said mercilessly.

Huang Yiyi raised his head and yelled: "Does Mom and Dad really treat me this way?"

"She doesn't even want my husband who has been married for more than 30 years. Which onion do you count?"

"No, I can't let mom treat me like this, so I'll go find her."


Huang Yiyi stopped.

"sit down."

Huang Yiyi can only sit down.

"When your brother comes back, I will say that Yao Yiyi is a little harder than I thought. He didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. He was too oily and salty. It was a tough bone." Huang Fu narrowed his eyes and said very dangerously.

Huang Yiyi nodded, she lowered her eyes, the whole person did not know what was planning.

Father Huang took out another cigar, clicked, and no longer went to see Huang Yiyi. After a while, the cigarettes were filled. The father and daughter were silent in this house full of light smoke, which should have been the closest. Relatives, because of the gap between Yao Yiyi, has become a bit strange.

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