Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Yao Yiyi didn't ask the suspect much, but just asked two more questions and came out. As soon as she came out, she saw a middle-aged man with a beer belly nodded and bowed at Ou Qingheng.

"Mom." An An in Ou Qingheng's arms first saw Yao Yiyi, and Yao Yiyi hugged her if she reached out.

Yao Yiyi took over An An and said, "Qing Heng, is this this?"

The middle-aged man saw Yao Yiyi's eyes flashed in shock, and almost forgot that Ou Qingheng was still around.

Ou Qingheng's eyes flicked and he raised his voice deliberately, saying: "Yiyi, this is Director Gao. He heard that you were threatened by express delivery, and he came over purposely."

Director Gao immediately recovered.

Yao Yiyi smiled politely and extended his hand, saying: "Director Gao, hello, my name is Yao Yiyi, you just call me Yiyi."

"I have always heard that Ou Shao's wife is a very charming woman, and now at first sight, it really is a great beauty, and Ou Shao is a perfect match." Director Gao held Yao Yiyi's hand in both hands, and the back of the hand was uploaded. The tenderness made him unable to let go.

Ou Qingheng's face sank in an instant, he coughed twice pretendingly, Director Gao recovered, quickly let go of Yao Yiyi's hand, and laughed twice, a little afraid that Ou Qingheng would be real Was angry.

"Ou Shao, that suspect, I will let his subordinates interrogate him well, and will not let go of any details easily. As long as the black hand behind the scenes is found, we immediately go to the door to catch it, and give a good warning and detention." Gao Gao busy table Sincerely said.

"Then thank Director Gao first, and wait for the black hand behind the scenes, I will invite people from the whole world to eat." Ou Qingheng said.

"Ou Shao invited guests, everyone will definitely go, I think no one in T City would dare to give Ou Shao a face." Gao Director said wearing a high hat.

"Where, I am just a small businessman. People have not fought against officials since ancient times. I don't dare to compare with the high officials like Secretary Gao, that is, Director Gao doesn't despise me as a businessman with a deep copper smell. "" Ou Qingheng said modestly.

Ou Qingheng can say this, but Director Gao dare not admit that the power of the Ou family has invaded the army. The military leader sees Ou Qingheng to give the powder color, not to mention his small Director, he dare not get bigger in front of Ou Qingheng.

"Ou Shaoke is really a joke, how dare I compare it with you." Director Gao laughed.

Ou Qingheng just smiled and said, "Secretary Gao, the children haven't eaten dinner yet. I'll take their mother and son to dinner first. My wife's affairs will bother you so much."

"Ah, haven't you eaten so late? Then Ou Shao hurriedly took the children to dinner, and I will let someone interrogate the suspect. You can rest assured that there will be results within a day." Director Gao enthusiastically Said.

Ou Qingheng chatted a few more words, and then took Yao Yiyi and An An out of the police station.

Sitting in the car, Ou Qingheng drove the car steadily and said, "You just saw the man, do you know him?"

Yao Yiyi sat in the back seat holding An An, shook his head, and said, "I don't know. I don't have much impression of the person behind the scene that he said caused him to do something."

Ou Qingheng looked dumbfounded and said, "Don't worry, I have asked Director Gao to thoroughly investigate the matter."

"That person, did you call it?"

"I called on purpose." Ou Qingheng said indifferently.

Yao Yiyi hugged An An and looked down at him: "An An, do you think Dad is good to Mom? Mom just bullied, your Dad immediately helped Mom teach the man, your Dad is an omnipotent The great hero, with his presence, our mother and son will have nothing to do. "

An An got up from Yao Yiyi's arms, looked at Ou Qingheng, then turned to look at Yao Yiyi, nodded in agreement: "Big villain is a big hero, but still a little worse than daddy, but my mother likes it , I will definitely like big bad guys even more. They are good to my mother and are good people. "

Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi could not help laughing out loud.

An An also cheered and said even more vigorously: "Mom, the big bad guy who bullied you, I will kill him for you on behalf of the moon."

Yao Yiyi hugged him into his arms and kissed his cheek with love, saying, "My good son, you are so cute, and my mother found that you really cannot leave you for a second."

An An leaned obediently in Yao Yiyi's arms, and said with a milky voice: "Mom, An An also likes you very much, and I like you the most, not even daddy."

Yao Yiyi's heart is about to melt. With such a baby pimple, she really feels that any difficulties are not called difficulties.

Ou Qingheng drove directly to the other direction of home. Yao Yiyi held An'an and looked at the car outside the window, saying, "Qingheng, where are you going? Don't you go home?"

"An An has been back for so long, we don't seem to have taken him to a place like a playground, so tomorrow is the weekend, so I want to take him to play." Ou Qingheng held the steering wheel, while waiting for the traffic lights Turning his head to look at An An, he said, "An An, can I go to the playground? Or do you want to play something else?"

An An finally came, and his eyes were round and excited, saying, "Big guy, can I really play anything?"

Ou Qingheng nodded.

"Then I want to ride a roller coaster." An An exclaimed.

Ou Qingheng chuckled.

"Son, do you really want to ride a roller coaster?" Ou Qingheng asked tentatively.

An An nodded heavily and said crisply: "An An feels particularly enjoyable on the roller coaster. I used to ask my mother and daddy to take me, but they refused to do it. If you are a bad guy, take me. If you take me, I Just look at you as a big hero. "

Ou Qingheng chuckled, his son was really mature, and he knew how to be intimidating and attractive at a young age. With his style as a child, he was worthy of his son.

"Okay, Dad takes you."

Yao Yiyi did not object.

Ou Qingheng drove to the amusement park, and it was almost ten o'clock. The biggest amusement park in T City was closed at 11:30 in the evening, so they had nearly two hours to play.

Entering the amusement park, Ou Jingheng went to buy a ticket, and then put An An on his shoulders, watching the high-speed rotating ferris wheel and the high-pitched shout, he said: "Son, you really do n’t sit on this Afraid? "

An An looked at this ferris wheel's face full of excitement, hopping on Ou Qingheng's shoulders, shouting excitedly: "Dad, I want to sit, hurry, hurry, hurry."

Ou Qingheng stabilized An'an, who kept slamming, and turned to look at Yao Yiyi, saying, "Yiyi, can you?"

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Qingheng, please take An'an to sit and cultivate the feelings between your father and son."

Ou Qing knocked on An'an, raised his hand and touched Yao Yiyi's cheek, and said with a smile: "Then I took An'an up."

Ou Qingheng finally took An An on the Ferris wheel, Yao Yiyi looked down, sat down, An An was still excited, O Qing Heng's face was a little woody, and his eyes were still a little fluttering .

Yao Yiyi asked worriedly: "Qingheng, are you okay?"

Ou Qingheng shook his head.

An An said with a look of excitement: "Dad, I want more."

Ou Qingheng's eyes flickered even more. Yao Yiyi hugged An An and said, "An An, it's enough to sit once. Did your mother tell you anything? You only need to get one thing you like, don't be so greedy."

An An pouted, and looked at Ou Qingheng a little pitifully.

Ou Qingheng, who had always been cold-hearted towards others, was so taken by An An that his heart could not help but soften.

He took An'an from Yao Yiyi's arms and said, "It's okay, he rarely visits the amusement park. I'll take him to sit again."

"Then I have to sit, our family of three sits." Yao Yiyi insisted.

"Can you?"

"Yes, I'm not too afraid of heights."

Finally, a family of three got on the ferris wheel.

After sitting down, Ou Qingheng's face was a little pale, and Yao Yiyi was a little scared to see him like this, anxiously said: "Qingheng, are you really okay?"

Ou Qingheng originally wanted to shake his head, but didn't expect to vomit for a while. In Yao Yiyi's consternation, Ou Qingheng ran directly to the open ground and vomited.

Yao Yiyi ran over with An An, put An An down, patted Ou Qingheng's back, and asked with concern: "Qingheng, how are you?"

When Ou Qing finished vomiting, people felt better, and waved his hand, saying, "I'm fine."

Ou Qingheng felt particularly embarrassed. He didn't expect that he could vomit in a Ferris wheel without fear. This is probably a black history that he can't wear away in his life.

Seeing him like this, Yao Yiyi was really crying and laughing, and at the same time felt very distressed.

Ou Qingheng's change, she really looked at it bit by bit, moved in her heart.

A person who used to be so indifferent and high in the past, now for the sake of their mother and son, can actually put down the entertainment of a civilian like a Ferris wheel.

"Qin Heng, you can't sit on the Ferris wheel. Why didn't you say that before? If you vomit like this, I will feel distressed." Yao Yiyi said distressedly.

Ou Qingheng felt comfortable in his stomach before he stood up, raised his hand to touch Yao Yiyi's cheek, and smiled: "I didn't think I would vomit, was I just that special ugly? An An I must be disappointed with this big villain. "

"No, you are so handsome today. You let me know more about you. The more you discover your advantages, the more I can't live without you." Yao Yiyi said affectionately.

An An tugged at Yao Yiyi's skirt, interrupting the sorrow between the two.

"Big villain." An An looked up and looked at Ou Qingheng very clearly, then raised his hand and scratched a few times on the cheek, said: "Shy face, you just vomited. But you sat with An An for two You are still a big hero in An'an, the second ferris wheel. "

Ou Qingheng's heart finally dropped, he was really afraid that An An would think he was inferior.

He was very happy to be An'an's great hero, and he was even happier than talking about a project with hundreds of millions of dollars. This kind of father-son joy, I'm afraid I can't afford it.

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