Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 460: Caught the suspect

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Ou Qingheng returned to the house and watched An An running around Yao Yiyi's troubles, and his depression was also dissipated a lot.

Yao Yiyi saw him come back, got up and walked to him, said: "Go to the house?"

Ou Qingheng did not hide, nodded.

"Don't talk to mom?" Yao Yiyi asked worriedly.

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and stroked her cheek, laughing: "Relax, even if I talk to anyone, I can't talk to Mom."

Yao Yiyi let go.

"Big villain." An An looked up and looked at Ou Qingheng, who was much taller than him, and said suddenly: "An An suddenly felt that you were like a big hero who caught bad guys on TV, so An An decided not to hate you."

Ou Qingheng's eyes flickered and hugged An An.

"If you call me Dad, I will be happier." Ou Qingheng's eyes flashed with anticipation.

An An looked at Ou Qingheng with a big pair of eyes, just didn't speak.

Ou Qingheng clamped him under his arm, and found himself under a step in time: "Boy, it doesn't matter if you don't call me Dad now. One day, I will let you call me Dad willingly."

"Dad." Ou Qingheng's voice fell, and a crisp voice came, and Ou Qingheng's footsteps stopped, his eyes flashing in disbelief.

Ou Qingheng subconsciously looked at Yao Yiyi. Unexpectedly, Yao Yiyi was also looking at him. The two of them were facing each other, and they couldn't believe it from each other's eyes.

Ou Qingheng held An An in front of him, expecting: "Son, call again."

An An tilted his head, as if deliberately against Ou Qingheng, he just didn't speak.

Ou Qingheng was a little disappointed, but because he heard it before, it was not so uncomfortable. He again clamped An An under his arm, and then his free hand fluttered to An An's small head.

"Dad, don't touch my head." An An shouted.

Ou Qingheng's hand on An'an's head froze again, and his heart seemed to be hit by something. There was a warm current spreading from the toes to the blood to the limbs.

At this moment, he finally had a sense of pride as a father.

Ou Qingheng felt a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes.

Yao Yiyi also smiled, her son finally admitted to Ou Qingheng from his heart, although his heart is still a little awkward, but as a child, as long as there is blood relationship, no matter how awkward he is on the surface, he still admires Own father's.

Yao Yiyi stepped forward and said with a smile: "An An, ask your dad to listen to your dad again, he hopes that your dad has been for a long time."

"Dad." An An was quite obedient this time and yelled obediently.

Ou Qingheng's big palm directly held An An's small head and smiled: "It's really my good son."

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng's eyes with tears, and was happy for him. Seeing that the relationship between father and son is getting better and better, she can finally relax.

Ou Qingheng was happy, and he actually cooked the food for Yao Yiyi and An An in person. He made six dishes and one soup in one breath.

On the dinner table, Ou Qingheng put a dish in An'an's bowl and said, "Son, eat more. This is specially prepared for you by your father."

An An took it with a small spoon, chewed it, and it tasted pretty good. He rarely gave Ou Qingheng a big smile, and said in childish words: "Dad, big bad guy, you cook it very delicious, but better than Mom ’s almost a bit. "

Son, if you remove the three big bad guys, I will be happier.

Ou Qingheng said inwardly.

"Delicious, eat more. It's rare that Dad cooks himself."

An'an is very face-saving, and the food is very fragrant.

Ou Qingheng also gave Yao Yiyi a dish and said, "How about Yao Ting?"

"Her half an hour before you came back, her editor called her and said that there was an investor who wanted to cram an actress as a supporting actress, so her script had to be changed. This is also impossible. Invest now Shangda passed the sky, and many times the script was changed. Now that it has been rewritten, Tingting had to go back to the company and Haoran to discuss with her editor. She valued this spiritual novel into a TV series. , It can be said that her hard work, I think this female Si Tingting should not agree to add it. "Yao Yiyi said a little worried," If someone can support her whole novel and film adaptation, her There will also be more autonomy. "

"Isn't Li Haoran very rich?"

"Horan also invested a lot of money in this film and television adaptation filming, but it also attracted investment from other investors. Investors should invest money to plug in individuals, and it is impossible for Horan to be irrational for Tingting alone. Offended the other rich man. "Yao Yiyi said a bit distressed.

"I heard that Yao Ting also has two or three novels based on film and television. She should be used to this kind of thing."

"It's not that this adaptation was written by her, and that she spent too much effort on this supernatural novel. She didn't want her rewritten script to be influenced by some people in the end."

"I am also interested in the development of the entertainment industry recently. Otherwise, I will also invest in it, earn everyone to share and lose, and treat it as a practice."

Yao Yiyi widened her eyes and shook her head: "Qingheng, you don't have to do this."

"It's not all for you. Recently, Euclidean Group really intends to develop into the entertainment industry. Investing in Yao Ting's movies should be used as a test, if it is a big sale, continue to do it. All right."

"Qingheng, thank you."

"Fool! I ’m confident that the Euclidean Group ’s products are not without money. Rest assured, I will buy the sailors to fire this hot without shooting, and then choose the best male and female stars in the film and television circle. I do n’t believe this movie is not hot. "

Yao Yiyi couldn't help but chuckle, she likes the unconditional tolerance of Ou Qingheng.

After eating, Yao Yiyi received a call from the police station, saying that the suspect who had sent the courier threat had been caught and asked Yao Yiyi to go there in the past.

Ou Qingheng took their mother and son to the police station. The police led Yao Yiyi to a small house and said, "Miss Yao, this is the suspect."

Yao Yiyi looked at the 17- or 18-year-old boy in front of her. She searched through her mind and there was no such person in her memory.

"You gave me the parcel?" Yao Yiyi asked.

The teenager curled up and looked at Yao Yiyi with some frightened eyes, and hesitantly opened: "Sister, I just sent it to the courier company for someone, and then let the courier company deliver it to your company, except for the bundle I really do n’t know what is contained in the beautifully packed box. I have nothing to do with you. There is really no need to scare you. Forgive me this time. "

"Who was the person who asked you to deliver the package, do you remember her appearance?"

The teenager thought for a while and said, "It's a woman. I remember her being very tall. Stepping on a pair of high-heeled shoes that don't know how many centimeters looks at least more than 1.8 meters, and she is very thin, but she wears a face Wearing sunglasses, I didn't see exactly what she looked like, but she had short hair. "

Yao Yiyi thought for a while, and there was really no one who hated her with her short hair.

For a moment, she couldn't figure out which short-haired one would make such a prank joke with her.

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