Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 453: I'm a bit out of scope

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

After finishing dinner with Yao Ting and returning to the company, Xing Rongrong walked towards her and said, "Sister Yiyi, the manager has just been here and said that the new design draft is about to catch up. Yes, it seems that we have to work overtime at night. "

Yao Yiyi frowned and said, "Can I get it back?"

"Yes, will Yiyi take the drawings back to design?" Xing Rongrong said.

Yao Yiyi nodded and said, "With this plan, An An is just a naughty age. He doesn't kiss his father very much. If I go back late, I'm afraid he will be in trouble again."

Xing Rongrong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Sister Yiyi, you also learned to joke." Xing Rongrong smiled shallowly, and a looming pear vortex appeared on her right cheek, which seemed to make her more beautiful. "Sister Yiyi, I want to visit An'an this weekend, but you agreed, but you should not regret it."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

The smile on Xing Rongrong's mouth was even bigger, his eyes flashed with anticipation, and he could not help wandering the tall and straight figure in his mind, lingering.

"What's wrong?" Yao Yiyi saw that she seemed to be fantasizing, and her cheeks were still a little red. She asked quickly, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Xing Rongrong recovered and shook his head: "Sister Yiyi, I'm fine, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Go ahead then."

Xing Rongrong turned and left, but after almost five steps, he turned back and looked at Yao Yiyi, looking at Yao Yiyi who was running counter to her. There was a trace of jealousy in her eyes.

After entering the toilet, the younger brother Jianli, Xing Rongrong heard the voices outside the compartment before crouching.

"Hey, you said that the new relationship between the design department and Xing Rongrong looks pretty good, what will she do?" Said one of the women.

"Looking at her temperament and appearance, she is either Miss Qianjin or the wife of the rich second generation. The power of Xing Rongrong will only flatter the rich. If the newcomer does not have a certain background, who will she see? When you arrive, you know that she is pleasing the woman's face? Don't joke. "

"Yeah, but Xing Rongrong was really very ambitious. A rural student came to the manager shortly after graduation. She said that she had nothing to do with the manager. She said she did n’t believe in fools. Do you believe it? of."

The other woman had not spoken yet, and the door of the compartment was heavily opened.

The two girls were taken aback by the sturdiness, and when they saw the people coming out of the cubicle, their faces were all scorned.

Xing Rongrong clasped his hands on his chest, some aggressively said, "Say, why don't you say that? Behind the people are right and wrong, don't you know that you will be pulled out of the tongue when you go to hell? Tell me in person, what a good person is behind me. "

One of them was guilty, and the other said, "Xing Rongrong, am I wrong? Now, colleagues in multiple departments all know that you have an improper relationship with the manager of your department, and your fat manager will follow him. Just like the pig's head, you can commit yourself. I really admire you. "

Xing Rongrong flashed a harsh light in his eyes, hating and said: "Apologize! I have recorded your phone and recorded it. If I go to the court to sue you, it will be a crime of defamation. Article 246 of China's Criminal Law Regulations: Blatantly insulting others or fabricating facts to slander others by violence or other methods. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention, control or deprivation of political rights. You are all people with faces and faces, you should not want to go to court. "

Both of them were a little unwilling.

"Apologize, otherwise I will let you see that rural girls are definitely not soft persimmons that let people knead round and flatten." Xing Rongrong eyes sullenly, coldly said.

Finally, there was no way. The two apologized at the same time: "I'm sorry."

Xing Rongrong took Joe: "I can't hear it, just speak louder."

"Xing Rongrong, don't go too far."

"Don't you say that I'm going to fool the rich? I'll show you what it means to be foolish and ill-fated. What if I am bullying? You won't be able to beat me." Xing Rongrong raised his eyebrows and said sneeredly.

"You are simply unreasonable." The two female staff members wanted to leave in exasperation. Unexpectedly, Xing Rongrong's voice came along: "If you don't apologize, I have a way to make you apologize to me for defamation. You are not Say I am shameless? Then I will show you shameless. "

In the end there was no way, the two female staff had to apologize to her.

"Remember, do n’t say right or wrong behind others without that ability, because not everyone is as good as me, and only ugly people will not eat grapes and say that grapes are sour, you are jealous of me. I will say in the back that I am attached to a rich man. I'm terrified, I'm afraid you can't even reach one finger of a rich man. "

After finishing speaking, Xing Rongrong stepped on high heels and left very arrogantly, leaving two female staff looking at each other alone.

Back in the design department, Xing Rongrong searched again, but did not see the figure of Yao Yiyi, she asked one of them: "What about Yiyi people?"

"Called by the manager." The man responded casually, but looked at Xing Rongrong's eyes with a little pity, and kindly reminded: "Rong Rong, you have to be careful. I think Yiyi will soon become the manager's love. Then your status is no longer guaranteed. "

Xing Rongrong smiled and said sarcastically: "I think the talented people will think so badly."

The man listened, his face a little scornful.

Regardless of whether his face was ugly, Xing Rongrong sat back to his position.

"Look at you, talk more, you do n’t know that Rong Rong is a small pepper, you ca n’t mess with it, you are still running against her, I tell you, women ca n’t offend you, you can get a mouthful Keep it clean, otherwise you will suffer. "Another staff whispered.

The man who had spoken with Xing Rongrong, said in a huff: "What! It's not just by selling the hue, I really think how powerful I am."

Of course, Xing Rongrong had heard his whispering, but he did not hear it.

Yao Yiyi, who went to the manager's office, looked at the attentive manager with a fat face but smiled at her. She couldn't help but smoked and said, "Manager, do you have something to find me?"

"Yiyi, a big customer indicated that the drawings will be acquired the day after tomorrow. The staff of the design department have stayed overtime and overtime these two days. You should know this. I want you to come here just to tell you that If you have something, you can go back earlier. Don't worry about the colleagues in the department, I will give your share to others. "The manager can be said to Yan Yue.

Yao Yiyi's intuition manager's attitude towards her is almost not like her boss's attitude towards her subordinates. How to say, it seems to treat her like her ancestors. She spoke carefully to her, and she felt a hint of vagueness in her heart. The same thing.

Yao Yiyi pondered and said, "Manager, you don't have to be careful with me. I'm a newcomer. If someone works overtime, I can do it. You don't need to open a back door for me. Everyone is in the same department. Here, other colleagues will feel uncomfortable. "

"I think they dare, if anyone dares to say that you are not, I will let them get out immediately, don't worry about it." The manager said very excitedly.

The strangeness in Yao Yiyi's heart grew stronger.

She looked at the manager in confusion and asked again: "Manager, is there someone talking nonsense in front of you?"

The manager quickly calmed the expression on his face and smiled: "I'm not looking at you as a newcomer who wants to take care of you more, don't stop thinking about it, if you want to work overtime, it is not impossible, but if your husband disagrees If you do n’t, go back, do n’t be too forced. ”

"Manager, my resume says I am divorced, and I am single now." Yao Yiyi reminded.

The manager was choked, but his mind turned very fast and he was busy: "You go out to work, if you feel too tired to draw, go back to rest, don't be too forced, you know?"

Yao Yiyi was still puzzled, but she didn't force her to ask, but how much should I guess that Ouqing Heng should have greeted the person in charge of this company, she was not angry at Ouqing Heng's multi-tasking, just relying on her identity. How dare to treat her, she will feel overwhelmed after work.

"Manager, in the company, I am a newcomer. No matter what my identity is, I hope you will be treated equally. There is no need to walk me through the back door, really." Yao Yiyi finished and went out.

After listening to the manager, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend, and it didn't take much effort to speak to the smart people.

Yao Yiyi was busy designing the artwork, and it unknowingly passed seven o'clock in the evening. If Ou Qingheng called her, I'm afraid she would continue to be busy.

"Hello, Qingheng." Yao Yiyi answered the phone and explained: "Sorry, I'm catching a drawing, so I forgot the time ... Ah, you're working overtime? Isn't An'an still in the European house, oh Mom said let An'an sleep with her today, that's fine, as long as An'an isn't too troublesome, then come over and pick me up after working overtime, I might also be busy until 9:10.

After chatting with Ou Qingheng for a while, she just hung up the phone and there was an extra cup of coffee in front of her.

She looked up and gave it to Xing Rongrong.

"Thank you." Yao Yiyi glanced at the department, but only a few people still insisted. She wondered: "Why are the others gone?"

"I went back and said that I was going to work overtime, but these people were lazy and used to slip away with unfinished drawings as soon as they got there. There was no way for the atmosphere here to be like this, and it won't change in a while. Xing Rongrong said casually: "Sister Yiyi, I think you are very hard working when you are busy working. Drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself. It was just the call from the brother-in-law. The brother-in-law is really nice to you and hurts me to want to fall in love." Now. "

Yao Yiyi took a sip of the coffee and the strong coffee scent instantly spread across her mouth. Her eyes widened instantly. She praised: "Rong Rong, you can say that the skill of making coffee is first-class, the taste is real Very good. "But Ou Qingheng said nothing.

At work, she does not want to pull her private affairs in, nor does she want to talk too much about Ou Qingheng in front of others. Her relationship with Ou Qingheng is not easy to come by, and she does not want to be coveted by outsiders. the wrist of.

"I went to study deliberately. If Yiyi sister likes it, I will often make it for you later." Xing Rongrong concealed the emotion in his eyes and smiled.

"Then thank you."

Xing Rongrong said something in front of her again before returning to her seat.

And Yao Yiyi looked at Xing Rongrong. Xing Rongrong's concern for Ou Qingheng exceeded that of the opposite sex. In addition, the company's rumors about Xing Rongrong, no wind and no waves, she had to be alert, but on the surface she did not show Just come out.

In the same department, as long as Xing Rongrong doesn't show her greed, she doesn't mind seeing her as a younger sister than she is.

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