Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 452: Take the time to compensate someone, right?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Yao Yiyi, who was busy with the design draft in the company, received two text messages from Yao Ting and ran to the bathroom to call and ask her what was going on.

Yao Ting was about to cry on the phone.

"My dear, I threw your orders out of Jiuxiaoyun, and quarreled with Mrs. Li again. I was so impulsive in my nature. I said clearly that I am not angry today. "Yao Ting said dejectedly.

"Speak slowly, what the **** is going on?"

Yao Ting had to simply say what happened.

Yao Yiyi really didn't know what she said about her.

"Tingting, you have endured for several hours, why can't you endure any more?" Yao Yiyi said weakly.

Yao Ting gaped. After more than ten seconds, she said weakly: "I don't want it either. I just think that Mrs. Li is a little bit deceiving. One can't hold back and it will look like today."

"Wait for me for a while, and it doesn't make sense on the phone. It will be twelve o'clock in half an hour. Now you can drive to our company. Let's have a meal together and discuss what to do." Yao Yiyi thought about it and said.

"it is good."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi couldn't help frowning, Mrs. Li was more difficult than she thought, and Yao Ting has been a freelance writer since she didn't have the shackles in the workplace. A little more, and with her straight temperament, I am afraid that she will not really be Mrs. Li's opponent in a while.

She couldn't help but wonder, would Li Haoran really be the home of Yao Ting's life? Yao Ting really wants to marry the Li family, is the cumbersome etiquette of the upper class really what Yao Ting wants?

Yao Yiyi is a little confused. She has experienced the first step into the upper class society. Sometimes she doesn't want Yao Ting to follow her path.

Sometimes it is not the elders who frighten younger men and women.

Yao Yiyi sighed, and now she can only take one step at a time. Yao Ting initially agreed to be with Li Haoran, and once she entered the giants, it was like a sea. This is the way she must go. Can't intervene in her life all.

Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting were in a restaurant close to the company. The two sat by the window, took out the menu and ordered three dishes and a soup, and gave the menu to the waiter.

Yao Yiyi saw that Yao Ting couldn't help but feel concerned, and said, "Are you all right?"

Yao Ting bitterly said, "No, it's not good at all."

"Happily, everything has happened, and it will not help you to be annoyed, will you? We will discuss how to solve it while eating," Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Ting sighed.

"My dear, do you know? When I promised Haoran before, I thought this first concept was not as complicated as I thought, but now I am in it and I know that I think everything is simple. It ’s Haoran, he ca n’t just blindly protect me, otherwise the seven aunts and eight aunts will be overwhelmed, even if he has hundreds of mouths, he will not win. ”Yao Ting was somewhat depressed.

She really thought too much of everything.

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting like this, and she couldn't help but feel sad. Yao Ting experienced a lot with her, sour and bitter, Yao Ting was inseparable from her. They are not sisters, but they are more affectionate than kisses. The sister is even better. She can say that her relationship with Yao Ting is indestructible, but it is much stronger than a marriage that looks firm but can be ruined by a bit of wind and rain.

"Do you regret it?" Yao Yiyi asked softly.

Yao Ting glanced at Yao Yiyi and suddenly laughed out loud.

"How come, just with emotion, I and Haoran have been in love for two years. My people and my heart have been given to him. How could I give him up lightly, as long as he doesn't let go, I won't let go "" Yao Ting's eyes showed a firmness.

Yao Yiyi also smiled and patted the back of her hand, saying: "That's right, you are what I know in my memory. You just really scared me like that."

Yao Ting smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "My dear, I'm sorry, I was worried about you."

Yao Yiyi shook his head, crying and laughing.

"Tingting, I'm happy to share with you. You can tell me anything you can't tell Haoran, but today I am really too impulsive and flat-mouthed." Yao Yiyi wrinkled. She has a pretty little nose and said.

When the words fell, Yao Ting's small face collapsed and became a little depressed.

The waiter served the food and interrupted their conversation.

After the dishes were ready, Yao Yiyi deliberately changed the subject: "Let's eat first. You walked with them for two or three hours on the street. It's now a little bit. I think you should be hungry."

Yao Ting took the soup that Yao Yiyi gave her, looked up, and finished the soup with a grunt.

"My dear, you don't know how terrible their shopping ability is. They can continue to shop from shop to shop. Each shop has changed a dozen clothes, which makes me dazzled." Yao Ting didn't feel so weak after the soup was put on his stomach.

"I don't think your combat effectiveness in shopping is worse than theirs. Why didn't you buy any clothes?" Yao Yiyi asked funny.

"Do n’t mention it, I and the two of them are not the same way at all. They also treat me as if they do n’t exist. They change their clothes. I can only dry the pestle on one side. I think the middle clothes want to try it. Then Mrs. Li Looking at me with my eyes, saying nothing, I had wanted to try it and she looked at it like this, and she was in no mood anymore. ”Yao Ting imitated Mrs. Li's expression and manner, and completely laughed at Yao Yiyi. Too.

After laughing, Yao Yi re-talked: "You made people angry, what are you going to do?"

Yao Ting's hand with chopsticks paused, facing the delicious dishes in front of him, and suddenly felt a bit ignorant.

"How else, just like that, anyway, I think she has ulterior motives for what I do."

Yao Yiyi put a piece of meat into her bowl and said, "Tingting, have you ever thought? You and Haoran are not married, he will protect you, but when you get married, it's not just you two It ’s a matter of two families. If you want to live a peaceful life with Haoran, you must get along very well with his family. If you ca n’t stand on the same front line with Mrs. Li, I ’m afraid It will be hard for you to marry the Li family. "

Yao Ting buried his head and ate a few bites hard, chewing hard, as if biting Mrs. Li, whom she hated.

"My dear, why do n’t you tell me what I said, but Mrs. Li is really excessive, even more than your mother-in-law, your mother-in-law turned a blind eye to you at best, and she tortured me from the senses, she did it again , I am afraid that Haoran and I will not go long even if we get married. "Yao Ting's voice was a bit discouraged.

She is an adult and knows how unhappy a marriage is without the blessings of her elders.

Yao Yiyi also fell silent.

The two heads faced each other, and for a moment they were relatively silent.

Silently eating the food on the table, Yao Yiyi said, "How do you intend to explain to Haoran about today?"

"To be honest, but I don't think the old woman would complain about Haoran about such a small thing."

"Prevent troubles, let's talk to Haoran instead of letting her add fuel to the vinegar, you might as well talk to Haoran from the beginning."


Yao Ting really took out his mobile phone and called Li Haoran, and it was quickly connected there. Yao Ting directly opened the door to talk about the unpleasantness of her and Mrs. Li. At the end, she said: "Horan, You said sorry to my aunt for me. I was just too impulsive. I have the opportunity to say sorry to her. "

Li Haoran said softly over the phone: "I know, I will explain it to Mom in person. Don't worry, don't think too much. No one will embarrass you if I'm here."

"Hao Ran, thank you, and sorry, and make you embarrassed again."

"Silly woman." Li Haoran smiled gently on the phone, but vaguely, Yao Ting heard a female voice: "Mr. Li, President Zhang of Moye Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. has arrived."

Yao Ting suddenly realized that he was busy: "Hao Ran, if you are busy, go to work first, and we will meet again at night."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "Solved? Look at the sweet face of your smiling face."

Yao Ting gave her a squinted look, and did not refute.

"Hurry up, I'll go back to work after eating, and you'll go back to sleep, don't you have to catch the manuscript at night, isn't the company in a hurry to get the script? Don't be lazy, you original author."

"Got it, I will go back in a while."

"Also, take the time to compensate someone, don't you? Don't let Haoran get caught in the middle."

Yao Ting nodded.

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