Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 944: unlucky boy

Old man Tian's attack was obviously more attractive than Jiang Heng's appearance just now. All of a sudden, the remaining ninety-nine students cheered up, and all looked at Jiang Heng with a look of gloating.

Tian Lao is considered a small celebrity in their small group, firstly because the other party is indeed extremely skilled in formation techniques, that is to say, he is only a third-order formation mage.

But he was still modest just now, he can even set up a complete system of Tier 4 array, so as long as he wants, he can be a Tier 4 array mage.

Secondly, Mr. Tian has already defeated three formation instructors one after another, and the first one was directly transferred to other courses by the base to become an instructor. The second was sent to the front to serve as the captain of the transport convoy.

As for the third one, he is still specializing in the light splitting array.

This led to the fact that most of the people in this small group actually consulted Mr. Tian for knowledge on formations. Over time, Mr. Tian also gradually liked this feeling of being a teacher, especially for a group of demigods who preached and solved their karma. It's different.

"Hmph! To put it bluntly, he is an arrogant little baby. As the grand elder of Zhen Xuanzong, the old man has studied too many formations in his life.

Heh, at first glance, this split light and shadow formation is indeed an ordinary third-order rather difficult formation, but it is not simple in reality. "

Tian Lao looked at Jiang Heng, his wrinkled eyes narrowed into a thin slit.

That's right, he had deliberately created nearly twenty error nodes in this array, and they were well hidden. This method is a method he used through some knowledge of Tier 4 and Tier 5 formations.

This is not to say that he has been able to perfectly arrange all the formations of the fourth and fifth ranks, but only uses a small amount of knowledge of the upper formations.

He believed that with this skill, the so-called instructor in front of him would have to retreat in defeat.

In fact, the first three were stumped by this thing, and in the end they could only leave in disgrace.

"Why can't you solve it? Why don't I give you ten and a half months to go back and study slowly, and if you can't solve it in ten and a half months, it's not impossible to give you ten or a hundred years."


"So you give up?"

Looking at the formation board handed back by the other party again, Tian Lao frowned and felt a little suspicious. The new instructor in front of him seemed impatient.

"No, I have already fixed it for you. There are a total of forty-two nodes that have gone wrong, and twenty of them are obvious loopholes." Jiang Heng shook his head with a sigh: "To be honest, this kind of problem shouldn't happen. With a Tier 3 formation master like you, it seems that I can still be an instructor for you."

"What?! This is impossible!"

Hearing this, Elder Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately began to check his own array.

It's just that with the passage of time, beads of sweat gradually overflowed from his forehead.

"What's going on?"

"Yeah, is this fixed or not?"

"It should be that it hasn't been repaired, but it's just pretending to be repaired. How can Mr. Tian's methods be so easy to see through?"

Seeing that Mr. Tian didn't respond for a long time, the students below started discussing one after another.

But these remarks made Tian Lao even more in a dilemma.

Not only was the disk array repaired, but it was also perfectly repaired. On top of his original foundation, he discovered dozens of nodes that were somewhat obscure in operation, making it smoother and increasing the operation effect several times.

"Ahem! Alright, let's go to class first."

"Yes, yes, everyone! Let's go to class first!" Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't get too entangled in this matter, Elder Tian was relieved and at the same time echoed again and again, looking at Jiang Heng with gratitude.

Tian Lao's words are far more effective than Jiang Heng's words, and all the students listened without saying anything.

In the first class, Jiang Heng naturally didn't say that he would just go to class like this, but asked about the progress of the students and their respective realms in formation.

After some questioning, Jiang Heng couldn't help being speechless to himself.

Among the hundreds of people, there are three third-tier formation masters, among which there are as many as seventy second-level formation masters, and only twenty-seven are first-level formation masters.

"It's no wonder the captain said that courses such as formations, inscriptions, and alchemy are not to be taught."

Jiang Heng was secretly startled, the pressure was too much, and the students were all such experts.

Jiang Heng can be sure that most of the people in the Tianyu Eye team focus on actual combat, and very few of them have mastered these special skills, and even if they master them, they are not very high.

It's no wonder that an actual combat faction of myself will be assigned to the formation major. If I can't find anyone, I can only forcefully arrest the strong men.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng was barely able to suppress these students.

"It was quite risky just now. If I hadn't just read some theoretical knowledge related to Tier 4 and Tier 5 formations, I'm afraid I would have gotten ugly just now."

Jiang Heng has a habit of reading these formation knowledge, that is, to study it comprehensively, instead of going from simple to complex step by step.

This is Jiang Heng's quick memory and comprehension trick. By reading advanced knowledge and confirming it with low-level knowledge, the effect will be better.

Coupled with the abnormality of Jiang Heng's avatar outside his body, Jiang Heng's reading speed and comprehension speed are far beyond what others don't know.

It's just that understanding is understanding. If Jiang Heng and this old man Tian compete in practice, he may not necessarily be able to compare with the other party.

"It's still too little time to practice. Now I have enough theoretical knowledge, but too little practical operation."

Jiang Heng sighed in his heart, fortunately he still didn't stop at this moment.

While the main body is teaching here, the avatars are frantically arranging arrays one by one in the dormitory to deepen their proficiency in practical operations.

Jiang Heng took one class for a full month.

right! It's been a month without sleep.

The demigod's lectures are no better than ordinary people's, and they don't need to eat or drink, let alone a month or even a year or decades, they can keep their spirits up.

The system of the base is also good, one month of class time, one month of rest in between, this month is used for students to confirm what they have learned in class in private.

In other words, there are six classes a year. When completing a one-year course, there is a one-year break in between. The rotation continues in this way until the 100-year class hours have passed.

After finishing the course in January, Jiang Heng felt that he had benefited a lot.

"Teaching these professional formation masters is also of great benefit to me. Their practical operations and experience are more abundant, and teaching them is more like a kind of discussion. If this continues, my knowledge of formation techniques may improve by leaps and bounds .”

Jiang Heng felt inexplicably looking forward to the next class.

At the same time, seeing Jiang Heng who had disappeared in the classroom at this time, many students still didn't realize it, their eyes lit up, and they wanted to set up formations immediately to confirm many theories of this class.

"Have you noticed that this Instructor Shen is obviously much more powerful than the previous instructors!"

"More than that! This is simply not an order of magnitude. Instructor Shen is so pedantic that I feel like I want to go to class right away!"

Many students were a little startled when they came back to their senses, and their resistance to the new instructor disappeared without a trace.

Because they had been studying under Tian Lao for a long time, their small group was more united, which also made them reject foreign instructors even more.

"What is the origin of this Instructor Shen? Don't you realize that most of what this Instructor Shen tells is the tricks of upper-level formations?" A third-tier formation mage frowned and expressed his doubts.

This voice also attracted Tian Lao's attention, which also made him very puzzled.

As the course progressed, he discovered that the Shen instructor could casually tell a lot of knowledge at the fourth and fifth levels, and explain it to them in detail in very simplified sentences.

This is no less than opening up a different shortcut for them.

"That's right! I found out too. I tried it just now, and found that if the fifth-order formation ideas taught by instructor Shen are applied to the third-order formations, the speed of the third-order formations can be increased by about 50%!" Another A Tier 3 Array Master also nodded.

These words made many students exclaim even more.

It is not easy to increase the speed of formation by 50%. It can be said that the speed of formation is not increased by a small amount, let alone increased by 50% in one go.

This formation speed is like rushing forward crazily through the star gate!

"Really? Then what will happen if it is used in the second-order formation?"

"I don't know, I have to try to know."

The dense and excited voices around fell in Tian Lao's ears, and it stands to reason that Tian Lao should have a sense of loss in his heart.

After all, his position was taken away by others.

"Isn't it good to have such an instructor? Why should I bother with this? Learning from this instructor Shen may help me go a step further in Formation Xuanzong, and maybe I can become a fourth-order or even a fifth-order formation master!"

Thinking of this, Elder Tian also showed a smile on his face, and began to carefully review the harvest of this month.

Jiang Heng didn't know what the students were thinking. Now that he returned home, he started retreating and practicing formation again and again.

Because it is a practical formation, which is different from reading and memorizing theoretical knowledge, Jiang Heng can only differentiate into a demigod-level avatar to arrange a demigod-level formation.

Even so, nearly one hundred demigod-level first-order avatars can be differentiated in one go.

Uh... It can barely be regarded as a demigod level, because every incarnation is really worthy of stepping into the level of a demigod.

Any more of these incarnations would all fall into the demigod realm.

For this reason, Jiang Heng had to arrange several energy-gathering arrays on the basis of the small courtyard's own energy-gathering array, so that he could rely on the majestic energy supply to incarnate high-intensity operation.

"It can lead to a long road, so that there will be no possibility of bad energy and bad laws."

Jiang Heng just thought about it and shook his head, joking, dragging a long river at the base, this is not a mess.

Those who didn't know thought there was an enemy invasion here.

The energy gathering arrays can't be arranged too much, otherwise the energy vortex will be too obvious.

"The five-fold energy-concentrating formation is the limit. Fortunately, there are energy-concentrating formations nearby, so it's not obvious yet."

After a little feeling for Jiang Heng, he was relieved.

It's just that he feels relieved here, while Luo Mingming, who is next to Jiang Heng, feels depressed.

The small courtyards of the two are adjacent, and the nearby energy is constant. Although the cosmic energy here is very rich, but they are so close, more here will naturally be less there.

At this time, in Luo Mingming's small courtyard villa, Luo Mingming's eyes were excitedly staring at the flaming alchemy furnace in front of him.

"Very good! The fragrance of the pill is strong, and it looks like it's perfectly baked this time, and it should be able to produce ten pills in one go!"

Luo Mingming licked the corners of his lips that were dry due to the high temperature.

Silently counting the time, Luo Mingming waved his hand without hesitation, and a pulling force directly lifted the furnace cover, and several golden pills flew out immediately.

The big hand stretched out quickly, and a force of suction quickly sucked the aerial pill into his hand.

This series of actions Luo Ming is obviously very familiar with, obviously he has experienced this process many times.

It's just that when the palms were spread out, his face collapsed all of a sudden.

"How could it be? Impossible!"

There are only six elixirs that still have golden light lying on the palm.

"It's just refining the fourth-order golden body pills, how can you make six pills?"

No wonder Luo Mingming was so surprised, puzzled or even confused, because it was not the first time for him to refine this kind of elixir.

With his current alchemy level, he can almost guarantee a 100% alchemy rate every time he refines this kind of elixir, and it is a sure thing to produce ten elixirs at a time.

The result was missed today.

"It's just five patterns! Strange! Strange!"

Looking at the five clear golden pill lines flashing on the surface of the pill, Luo Mingming was even more confused.

According to the demigod-level elixir, the quality of each tier of elixir is generally judged by the pill pattern on the surface of the pill. Yiwen is the last one to be a barely made elixir, the effect is the worst and it also contains a lot of erysipelas.

Jiuwen is the best, not only does it not contain erysipelas, but its effect is several times that of Yiwen, and the resistance to the medicine will be minimized.

According to the daily pill production effect of Luo Mingming's refining of fourth-order pills, the pill patterns he usually produces are at least around seven or eight patterns, and occasionally he can even produce a nine-pattern pill when he performs well.

"Could it be that I've been too tired recently?"

Holding the elixir in his Luo Mingming fell into a burst of self-doubt.

"It shouldn't be, I have ensured my condition before alchemy, it is indeed excellent!"

Whispering in his mouth, Luo Mingming shook his head, thought for a while and took out two elixir from the storage space one after another, one to replenish energy and the other to replenish the state of mind and soul.

Two elixirs entered his stomach, and he crossed his legs to adjust his breath for a while. After his whole body was refreshed and full of energy, Luo Mingming began to clean the elixir furnace again and started the alchemy steps again.

There was a faint attachment in his eyes.

However, ten days later, the strong fragrance of dan wafted from the house again.

"Haha! It will definitely work this time! How could I make a mistake? Impossible!"

Luo Mingming is lonely and arrogant in his heart, and he is strict with others and himself.

He didn't allow the level of alchemy he was most proud of to get worse and worse.

However, as the stove top was lifted again, Luo Mingming's breathing became significantly heavier as he looked at the pills in his hand.

This time it was even worse, there were only three pitiful pills, and these three pills were quite dull, and the pill lines on the surface were only pitiful three or four lines.

"No! This time it was a mistake! This time it was a mistake!"

Luo Mingming was breathing heavily, his face was flushed, and his eyes were even bloodshot.

"Rest! Yes! I don't have enough rest! I'm going to rest now!"

After a while, as if he had found an excuse, Luo Mingming hurried back to his bedroom regardless and began to enter the unique meditation state of an alchemist.

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