Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 943: Array Master

It only took about a day to arrive at Tianhe Fortress from Tiannan City. When Jiang Heng arrived at Tianhe Fortress, he found that it had taken on a completely new look.

Although there are still many relics left by the previous nine rings, after hundreds of years of repairs and reconstructions, many buildings here have been rebuilt.

The third and inner third rings of the Ninth Ring Road have been restored to their original state, but they are all used for military purposes. In particular, many parts of the inner third ring road have been flattened and replaced by huge playgrounds, and some have become adult playgrounds. From time to time, groups of starships can be seen leaving the port and entering the port.

Everywhere you look, it seems to be a busy scene.

"Now this place has become the rear supply center of the front line. There are a large number of starships and various resources hoarded here. It is also the largest training center for sending troops to the front line. There are not only training centers for casual cultivators and demigods here. The base also has a standing division training base.

The base we need to work on is the innermost ring of the inner third ring, while the standing division occupies the outer double rings of the inner third ring, and the middle third ring is all used to hoard supplies and build shipyards. "

As the starship was steadily falling behind on the tarmac inside the base, Luo Mingming couldn't help thinking about it.

Obviously he knows more about this place than Jiang Heng.

"Is there no troops protecting this place?" Jiang Heng looked and found that the place was indeed busy, but it didn't seem that there were too many guards.

"Of course, there is one of our Lord Marquis sitting here. In addition to the Lord Marquis personally sitting in charge, there is also a legion practicing nearby. Once a major accident occurs here, this legion will arrive as quickly as possible to eliminate hidden dangers. "

After that, without much words, the group stepped out of the starship and came to this brand new Tianhe Fortress.

In fact, there is nothing to see, it is nothing more than a military base building with a serious style, and groups of demigod-level casual cultivators can be seen everywhere walking around.

Occasionally, some instructors can be seen teaching a group of students. What is it like to teach a demigod-level powerhouse?

At least from what Jiang Heng saw, it seemed that they were no different from ordinary military officer trainees.

It is basically no different from a military academy, it is nothing more than leading a group of people to do some training, but this training is somewhat different from ordinary people.

For example, every student will wear a special banning bracelet to ban the power of the law. In this way, it takes a lot of work to rely solely on physical strength.

"I've heard that there is a large gravity field here before, but I didn't expect that the entire base has a gravity that is close to the first-order demigod level. If there is no power of law, the system of the temples will be very uncomfortable!"

Luo Mingming frowned, Jiang Heng also noticed the environment here, the gravity is surprisingly high.

There is no such gravity on the apron, and when you leave the area of ​​the apron, you will feel a strong pressure covering the entire environment.

It's just that this kind of gravity has very little influence on Jiang Heng.

However, the faces of some demigods with relatively low realms at the scene changed slightly, and they had to use the power of law to weaken the influence of gravity as much as possible.

"Okay, I am the teaching director here, and you will be in charge of me from now on. Now classify according to different majors, stand here for actual combat, and stand here for formation..."

Following a middle-aged man's loud instructions, the instructors of the Eye of the Sky Territory quickly followed the other party's instructions to stand separately, and soon the team was divided into several groups.

Among them, the actual combat class has the most instructors, with a total of forty people.

As the teams were divided, a few middle-aged people came. They should be the chief instructors of each category. The chief instructor in charge of the formation was a gray-haired old man. He looked at Jiang Heng and the others with a smile. He seemed very happy, even though there were only ten instructors in the formation class, he still looked very satisfied.

"Come with me, I will try my best to pass on the essence of formations to you within a year before you take office. During this time, you have to listen carefully and study hard, so that this knowledge will not be surpassed by the students. , that would be a shame!"

The old man kept a smile on his face all the time, waved and headed towards a construction area east of the base.

"I'll assign your residence first, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything in the future.

Of course, I also know that many of you here are actually better at other categories, such as actual combat. But I won't take care of these, as long as you teach your own courses well, I won't take care of the rest, nor will I take care of the base.

In your spare time, if you want to learn actual combat, you can even discuss learning with other classification instructors. If you want to practice by yourself, the high-intensity gravity field here is at your disposal. If you want to refine alchemy, if you want to refine it for the army, the base will provide materials for free. If you refine it for yourself, you can provide high-quality alchemy furnaces and refining furnaces for free.

All in all, I hope you all enjoy it. "

The old man obviously knew what most of these people were thinking, so he didn't pursue any strict control. He only asked for one thing, to do his own job well, and the rest is up to you.

Jiang Heng felt very good about what the old man said, and everyone else was smiling. This kind of freedom is indeed very good.

The old man is a more careful person. After arranging each person's own dormitory, he explained the rules here.

"This is the regulation here. You just need to remember the main ones. As for other bases, you won't be restrained, but there will be an evaluation every ten years. If the evaluation is relatively low, I'm sorry that the base will punish you. Of course It won’t let you go directly to the front line, but it is very likely to prolong your time as instructors.”

Speaking of which, the old man hurriedly left after ignoring everyone's orders, as if he had a lot of things to do on his side.

The old hair gave everyone a comprehensive message in the bracelet, such as the accurate curriculum for each person, and the relevant textbooks promised before.

I don't know if it was a coincidence that when Jiang Heng found out that his dormitory was only adjacent to Luo Mingming, Jiang Heng was a little speechless.

On the contrary, Luo Mingming was very excited, and followed Jiang Heng, and kept chattering.

Jiang Heng could only nod politely, but he couldn't refuse too much, just like asking others to make alchemy.

However, chatting about Jiang Heng led the topic to alchemy. As the topic of alchemy deepened, Jiang Heng found that Luo Mingming did have real talents and learning, and the theory of alchemy was far ahead of Jiang Heng.

In fact, Jiang Heng's knowledge of alchemy has risen in a straight line after studying alchemy some time ago, and he has barely reached the level of refining low-level second- and third-tier pills.

Facing Luo Mingming, Jiang Heng's knowledge of alchemy was like a primary school student.

After some conversation, Luo Mingming had a clearer understanding of this.

To put it simply, this is a person who is lonely and arrogant. The reason for this is that Jiang Heng found that this Luo Mingming seemed to be dismissive of other people, and he seemed to have a social cleanliness. He didn't like it at all, and he didn't give the other party any good looks at all.

Although he had this guess in his heart, Jiang Heng still felt very uncomfortable when facing Luo Mingming, and Jiang Heng was very uncomfortable with the kind of enthusiasm that far exceeded friendship.

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Luo, let's let it go today, I need to study these supplementary materials carefully." Jiang Heng waved his hands and was about to go back to his room.

The dormitory here is said to be a dormitory, but actually each person is an independent villa.

The Tianhe Fortress was originally composed of nine huge celestial bodies, and now without those civilians and dignitaries, the space here is naturally very huge.

The dormitory that Jiang Heng was assigned to was a villa equipped with a demigod-level energy gathering array. The villa was not in that completely cold style, and the ground of the small courtyard was covered with a layer of grass. There are also shrubs and shade trees in the courtyard, which add a lot of warmth to this cold metal wind building.

To be honest, this situation made Jiang Heng a little surprised. It is hard to imagine the efficiency of being able to repair the Tianhe Fortress within 500 years and build such a livable environment on this basis.

"That's right!" Seeing that Jiang Heng wanted to leave, Luo Mingming also nodded suddenly.

"Then see you next time!"

Luo Mingming's tone was actually quite normal, but Jiang Heng couldn't help but raise his brows because of his **** good looks.

A year passed quickly, and during this time, Jiang Heng almost stayed at home and used his avatar outside his body to thoroughly understand the supplementary materials. In order to test his learning results, he even tried to arrange some simple demigod-level formations, and the success rate was very good.

"Very good, this median fourth-order formation can be regarded as the beginning."

Jiang Heng took a breath after writing down the last formation node. At this time, what caught the eye was a small protective formation of the fourth rank in the middle.

The effect is also very good. It can block the full blow of the middle fourth-order powerhouse.

"It still doesn't work. It's too reluctant to set up a fourth-order formation now. It took me a month to set up such a formation. If I take this thing as my regular method, I'm afraid I'll have to carry tens of thousands of them with me."

Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly. This is the limitation of the simplest and most basic fourth-order formation. Because it is a one-time formation, it is the easiest of the fourth-order formations.

Even so, it took Jiang Heng a month.

"If you want to arrange a fourth-order continuous and stable formation, the nodes required will increase exponentially. Now I still don't understand enough, or a lot of practice will be fine."

Jiang Heng rubbed the center of his brows, he felt that he had lost a lot of hair recently.

Now I can only arrange a one-time Tier 4 formation, and I can't be recognized as a Tier 4 formation master.

If you want to become a real median fourth-order formation master, you must at least be able to completely arrange a self-contained fourth-order formation that can continuously absorb energy from the universe through nodes to maintain long-running fourth-order formations.

As for the little trick in front of him, it has almost no practicality, so it can only be used as a means to resist the fatal blow once.

After all, if you really meet a Tier 4 demigod opponent, others will not only make one shot.

With the attack frequency of a demigod powerhouse, especially for a martial artist with a physical body, it is a routine operation to make millions of shots in one breath.


Casually throwing the hard-fought formation into the cave, Jiang Heng stretched his waist, "I'm about to go to class, and I don't know if it will stab my head."

After tidying up the messy room, Jiang Heng went out and soon came to the class he was in charge of.

When he walked in front of a group of military metal buildings, Jiang Heng couldn't help chuckling.

"It's been a long time since I was able to teach a group of demigods!"

Stepping into this dark metal building like a factory building, there is no messy scene as expected, but a group of men and women who are practicing cross-legged or playing with arrays with great interest.

These people are of all ages, some are young, some are handsome and beautiful, and some are old men and women.

It's really a strong breath of casual cultivators, if not for the other party wearing uniform white student uniforms, Jiang Heng would have thought he had entered the black market of casual cultivators.

"Ahem! Fellow Daoists, I am silently the instructor of the formation masters."

Jiang Heng's voice made many people look up slightly, but most of them were still busy with their own affairs.

In this situation, Jiang Heng took it for granted. Most of the casual cultivators are actually quite hardworking, especially those who are good at formations. If it is the actual combat students, I am afraid that they have already ridiculed each other and made an appointment to fight.

People here still prefer to pursue knowledge.

"There are a total of 100 people assigned to me, well, it's very good to get to 100 people. Then start today's class..." Jiang Heng said to himself, but at this moment a careless voice sounded up.

"You are the instructor? You look quite old, but are you really good at formations?"

The person who spoke was an old man floating in the mid-air in the front row. He was just now fiddling with a disk array in his gray-haired At this moment, he looked at Jiang Heng impatiently, as if it was because Jiang Heng The horizontal talk interrupted his train of thought.

"Not to mention very good at it, but I can barely teach you." Jiang Heng smiled slightly and didn't care about it.

The other party just said that his age is not his state, which also shows that the formation mage profession pays more attention to age than to state. The older the age, the deeper the accumulation.

It's just that the old man in front of him is obviously older, so it's only natural for him to question Jiang Heng. ,

"Okay, sir, I happen to have a third-order formation disk and I don't understand it. What do you think is wrong with this light-split shadow formation that makes it impossible to form an formation?"

As he said that, the old man casually threw the array in his hand to Jiang Heng.

After receiving the array, Jiang Heng first glanced at the student files projected by his bracelet.

"Tian Xueming, Daoist Tian, ​​your practice realm is low-level second-level, and formation master is third-level. It turns out that you are still a third-level formation master!"

"Well, not bad! This old man has achieved a small amount of success in researching formations for most of his lifespan. Even though this old man is only a Tier 3 formation mage, he can barely arrange some simple Tier 4 formations, so he can stump the old man's Tier 3 formations." Not much."

The old man Tian showed a look of aloofness, glanced at Jiang Heng and let out a soft snort.

"This split light and shadow formation is indeed the more difficult type among the third-order formations, but that's all. It's quite easy to operate in practice." Jiang Heng looked at the formation in his hand and said casually.

"Hmph! Don't talk too much, the last instructor said the same thing at the beginning, but he is still thinking about the split light array!"

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