Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 887: awake

"The gang leader, if this continues, the brothers will be scattered!"

There are only two people in the silent hall, Shen Mo and the current leader of the Canglang Gang, Huo Ming!

Huo Ming is a young man of only twenty-seven or eight years old. The old gang leader died in a confrontation with the rebels the year before last, and he, the young gang leader, succeeded him.

He sat on the carved seat and listened to Elder Shen's words and fell silent.

After a while, he sighed softly: "Elder Shen, you are the elder of the gang, and I know what you said is right. Seventy percent of the brothers have died fighting for the court for so many years.

There used to be 50,000 gang members, but now there are less than 10,000. The gang has long been hurt. "

"But what can we do? Join the rebels? How many of them have we killed over the years? They can let me live?"

"Besides, many of our brothers have blood feuds with them. If I make such a decision, I'm afraid I will be **** by the brothers in the gang tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Huo Ming looked decadent and helpless.

Silence is also a moment of silence, the other party is right.

The matter has reached the point of no return. At this time, it is no longer the point of saying that if you don't fight, you won't fight.

"No matter what, since the old gang leader asked the old man to support the gang leader, no matter what the gang leader wants to do, I will fully support it!" Shen Mo sighed.

"Elder Shen, I understand what you mean. It's just that we are in a deadlock right now. If we want to break the deadlock, unless I have a third-rank master in my gang, it will be too difficult to get out of the current situation!"

Listening to the leader's words, there was silence for a while, what is the state of the third rank?

It is no exaggeration to say that he is definitely one of the strongest in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is like a **** and a demon.

But it is almost impossible to become such a strong man, at least it is impossible for the current Canglang Gang.

"Guild Master, this is unlikely. Right now, our Canglang Gang is facing the decline of talents. Even if we have the most talented young people in the gang, even if we have the resources to provide him with the third rank, it will take a great opportunity and time. .”

Silence shook his head.

"That's true, but what about you, an elder? You are now at the fourth rank, and you only need to go one step further to step into the upper third rank. In this case, you have hope to do this!"

"Me?" Silence was taken aback for a moment, and he pointed to himself, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Yes! Elder, when you were young, you were the double-flowered red stick in the gang, and you are the best fighter in the gang! My father once said that you may not be the most talented, but you are the one with the most hope of reaching the pinnacle of martial arts, because you The heart is the purest!"

Huo Ming looked at Shen Mo with an incomparably solemn expression.

"No! How can I!" Mo Mo shook his head again and again, not because he was modest.

Thinking back carefully, Mo Mo thought that the former self was indeed the double-bonus red stick in the gang, as the old gang leader said, the one who could beat the most. It's not that he was the most powerful at that time, but that he was the most ruthless and dared to fight and kill at that time!

Today, Shen Mo finds that he has unknowingly turned into a middle-aged man with no fighting spirit.

A cavity of blood has passed along with the years.

"Maybe the old gang leader was right, but now I can't do it!" Shen Shen shook his head and sighed softly.

Mo Mo had already been concerned about the next level, and there was almost no possibility of promotion. This was a very clear premonition.

This is not just the weariness of the will, but the main reason is that the physical fitness has begun to decline, and this decline in physical energy and blood is almost irreversible.

"Elder, please think of a solution to this matter. Now the leader of the gang is really helpless. In the eyes of the imperial court, we are just a tool that can be used. In the eyes of the rebels, we are even more of a roadblock to prevent them from occupying Cangzhou City."

"I'll figure it out!"

Shen Mo reluctantly nodded in agreement, the only one the gang leader could rely on right now might be him, and he could only do his best for it.

There was another discussion, and after half an hour of silence, they walked out of the conference hall.

Sitting on the sedan chair back home, she fell into deep thought in silence.

He thought about all the ways he could think of in his mind in an attempt to solve the current predicament.

"It may be feasible to seek help from the Luoxia Sword Sect, the number one sect in Linzhou's rivers and lakes. I heard that its grand elder is a martial arts senior of the third rank. With such a strong one, he will surely solve the dilemma of our Canglang Gang."

"But why should they help us? Unless my Canglang Gang is willing to attach to Luoxia Sword Sect?"

Shen Mo muttered in his mouth, he thought about asking other Jiang Hu seniors for help, but after thinking about it carefully, he vetoed it.

Not to mention whether people are willing to help, even if they are willing to help them, the price they need to pay for the Canglang Gang is absolutely beyond imagination.

"The martial art masters of the upper third rank already exist aloofly. They may not take action just because they subdue a Jianghu force, and now that the rebel army is in full swing, many forces are optimistic about the rebel army. In this way, I am afraid that these Jianghu seniors will also Most of them won’t make a move, and they can’t wait to watch the fire from the other side.”

Silently smiled wryly, as a Jiang Hu person, he was well aware of the urine nature of these Jiang Heng forces.

On weekdays, they keep saying that the same people in the rivers and lakes should help each other and support each other, but when things come to an end, most of them will just clean up their own troubles.

For a moment, his silent eyes were wandering and confused. He didn't know what to do next, how to break the deadlock.

"Damn it, at worst, my Canglang Gang will also fall into bandits. If I leave Cangzhou City and go straight to the rivers and lakes, I won't be able to survive as a water bandit!"

Shen Mo thought about it and really couldn't think of a solution, and finally had to curse angrily.

Being a water bandit is naturally the easiest choice, but let me ask you this, he himself is very unwilling to be silent, let alone him, I am afraid that many elders and brothers in the gang will not be reconciled.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in silence, and force yourself to calm down.

Time passed little by little, and the sedan chair was about to arrive at the mansion.

"Master, we are home!" The sedan chair stopped slowly, and the voices of attendants came from outside.

But Shen Mo was stunned suddenly, for some reason, at this moment Mo Mo suddenly recalled Jiang Fuzi he had glimpsed on the street that day in his mind.

Xu Shi really couldn't think of a way out. Mo Mo had already regarded what he saw that day as delusional, but now he felt that the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

Even subconsciously began to regard this strange incident as the last straw in his mind.

"Master Jiang is pedantic about heaven and man, and his demeanor is definitely not ordinary."

Shen Mo thought carefully about the 20 years when he was a neighbor with Jiang Heng. The more he recalled, the more Shen Mo felt that Mr. Jiang was not simple.

Maybe he didn't think so at the time, but as Shen Mo's status and power and resources have increased over the years, Mo Mo found that some of the principles that Master Jiang said about how to behave in the world and how to deal with all kinds of things seem to be very similar. practical.

For example, some time ago when he organized gangs and rebels to fight against each other, Mo Mo used some methods of arranging troops taught by Master Jiang.

Not only that, Jiang Fuzi has also learned a lot of some of the management experience that Jiang Fuzi mentioned in the management of assistant affairs as the deputy gang leader.

In the end, I also recalled the scene when Master Jiang taught me martial arts.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Mo found out in astonishment that there really seemed to be nothing that Master Jiang didn't know.

"Could this person be an immortal? No, no, no! Immortals are unlikely, but it is very likely that he is a martial arts senior who is hiding in the city!"

It makes sense to think about it silently.

"It is rumored that after a martial artist breaks through to the third-rank master, his physical condition will return to the peak of his prime, and his blood will usher in a new spring for the second time. If he maintains it properly, he will live to be two hundred years old. It is not a problem."

After silently speculating, not to mention that the more he thought about it, the more certain he became, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

"Qijiao, let me go to Wuhe Lane!"

Silence directed to the entourage outside.

The courtyard is as quiet as ever, as if it were an unchanging scene, but there is a middle-aged literati who is painting in the courtyard, and next to him is a quiet woman who is pouring tea. The two of them and the courtyard look like a beautiful painting from a distance.

"Get ready, there will be guests visiting after twenty breaths!"

Jiang Heng put down his pen and ink and said to Lin Yanwei.

"It seems that the child has passed your test?" Lin Yanwei said with a smile.

"No, he came to ask me for help this time."

"So you want to help?"

"Help! Of course I want to help, but I won't do it directly."

The two asked and answered, and soon there was a knock on the door outside.

Knocking on the courtyard door lightly, he felt a little uneasy in his silent heart. He wanted to see the familiar couple again, but after all, he hadn't seen each other for so many years, and he couldn't guarantee that the other party would still live here.

He was extremely nervous, and just when he felt that the owner of the house had left the place, the door creaked open.

The woman who caught my eyes was the woman I saw back then, but with just this one glance, Mo Mo couldn't help but be shocked.

Because the person in front of her was indeed Mrs. Jiang back then, but the other person was still exactly the same as she was back then.

Mo Mo couldn't believe it, after so many years, he already had a lot of wrinkled and white hair, but the other party's gray hair was still there, and his appearance didn't change at all, as if time had stopped on this person.

"Why are you still standing there? I haven't seen my husband for so many years, but I miss you so much!"

Hearing these words, Shen Mo came back to his senses, but his heart was still shocked, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Walking all the way to the courtyard, his silent eyes fell on the familiar figure in the courtyard instantly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

still the same!

This is the case for this couple, time seems to be unable to leave any traces on them!

"How is this possible? Can it be said that the third-rank master can stay young forever?"

Mo Mo was a little puzzled, he had seen masters and strong men, but most of them were middle-aged or even old with gray hair or gray hair.

It's unheard of for a couple like this one.

Grandmasters can indeed prolong life, but it doesn't mean they can live forever, especially in terms of appearance.

Grandmasters will still be gray-haired like ordinary people when they reach the age of one hundred, but they may still look the same from one hundred to two hundred years old.

"Brother Mo Mo, long time no see, come! Sit down, let's sit and chat!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and without waiting for the silence to remain dazed, he sat on the stone pier in the courtyard and began to pour tea.

After being silent, he realized that he hurriedly walked to the Shidunshi table and sat opposite Jiang Heng.

He looked at Jiang Heng's unchanged face, hesitated again and again, and it was difficult for him to speak for a while.

He didn't know whether he should first ask the other party why he stayed young forever, or talk about the old days first, or beg the other party to rescue the Canglang Gang.

In the end, Jiang Heng spoke again, looking at his former friend Jiang Heng, he smiled slightly and said, "I know you must have many problems now, but I won't tell you about these before. I also know that you are looking for what I want what.

I can help you with this, assuming I won’t do it myself! "

"Can you help me? But you won't make a move?" Mo Mo was a little suspicious, he didn't understand what Jiang Fuzi meant.

After thinking about it for a while, he still cupped his hands and said, "Sir, I'm here to ask you to save the thousands of members of the Canglang Gang and tens of thousands of family members of the Canglang Gang. Even the entire Cangzhou City people!"

"I said, I can help you, but you need to do it yourself."

Jiang Heng's attitude is very clear, he can help, but when it comes to this matter, he can only let Shen Mo do it himself.

"Please teach me, sir!" Mo Mo asked again, still not quite understanding.

"The so-called saving the people of Cangzhou is nothing more than wanting a third-rank strong man to take action? Isn't it enough for you to step into the third rank?"

Jiang Heng's words were understated, but they sounded like thunder to Shen Mo's ears.

The first thought in my mind is why does the other party know about this?

It's just that he doesn't care about these issues right now, he just smiled helplessly: "Sir, you should be a very powerful martial arts senior, you should stop joking, now I have passed the prime of life, and my blood is declining. This kind of physique is no longer It is impossible to step into the ranks of the third rank."

"How do you know if you don't try it yourself?" Jiang Heng looked at the silence with a slight smile.

"This... This is not a matter of trying, seniors can't do it by human power!" Silence was a little helpless, Master Jiang didn't seem to want to help.

"Senior, please help me, I beg senior to help me out of the past love!" Mo Mo begged again He really had no choice.

Seeing that the other party was still the same, Jiang Heng shook his head with a little disappointment on his face.

"I won't make a move. It's still the same sentence. It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. It's enough to step into the third rank. Besides, whoever stipulates that Qi and blood are weak can't go further. Brother Shen, this world is very big, and there are many things that you can't imagine. Don't be too absolute about things!"

Shen Mo bowed his head and Mo Ran, he was entangled, with various emotions emerging in his heart, some were angry, angry at Jiang Heng for not remembering his old feelings, some were powerless, powerless because he couldn't change anything at all. I have regrets, regret why my fighting spirit will fade away during my peak period, if I still maintain the indomitable momentum of my youth at that time, I may already be in the ranks of the third rank.

But in the end he could only let out a sigh.

"Instead of lamenting and sighing, it is better to work hard now. Martial arts are not as simple as you imagine. The ninth grade of martial arts you see is just what this world shows you. You don't know that there are thousands of people in the world, and martial arts is endless. !"


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