Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 886: demigod opportunity

"how is this possible?!"

Shen Mo couldn't believe his eyes, and he even whispered in his mouth.

What he saw was none other than Master Jiang whom he hadn't seen in nearly eight years!

This former old neighbor!

As Shen Mo's status in the gang improved step by step, he even married Elder Wang's daughter ten years ago, which made him even more successful in the gang.

So as early as the second year after getting married, his family moved to the inner city with better conditions, lived in a big house with three entrances and three exits, and even had several servants.

Now that he has become an elder, his status is even more detached, and everything he owns has been upgraded several levels.

It's just that these are not in a hurry, the scene he saw just now caught him off guard.

He remembered that when he first met Jiang Fuzi, Jiang Fuzi and his wife looked like middle-aged people.

The appearance of the other party did not change much when he saw each other eight years ago. He just felt that the couple did not look too old at the time.

In this regard, he also knows that some people who have not experienced much wind and rain may indeed remain the same for a long time.

But today, just now, the Jiang Fuzi he saw is still exactly the same as the one he saw at the beginning, without any change, which makes him puzzled and confused.

"I remember Master Jiang said twenty years ago that he was thirty-two years old. It is logical that he should be fifty-two years old today, and there has been no change in the past twenty years?"

Muttering in his mouth, the more Silence thinks about it, the more unbelievable it becomes.

"Stop! Stop for me!"

Thinking of this, Shen Mo quickly asked the bearer to stop.

After the sedan chair landed stably, Mo Mo hurried down, only looking around for a while and feeling a little disappointed.

Because Master Jiang is gone.

"Could it be that I misjudged the person?"

Shen Mo murmured in his heart, but after thinking about it, he felt that he might be delusional.

I still have a lot of things to deal with now and I don't care about the delay, so I have to sit back in the sedan chair and let people move on.

But what he didn't know was that as he moved forward again, Jiang Heng appeared at a corner of the street at some point, looked in the direction of the sedan chair and sighed slightly.

"After all, it is still affected by the environment and time!"

Jiang Heng sighed softly, although on the surface he and Shen Mo hadn't met for eight years, but the other party has always been in Jiang Heng's vision for these eight years.

The other party's every move and life experience cannot escape Jiang Heng's investigation.

It's just that today, the good seedlings I'm optimistic about seem to be caught in an endless loop that the worldly people can't escape.

The secular world is a big dye vat, once you enter it, it is very difficult to get out.

"Forget it, it's just an attempt, but it also adds a lot of insights."

Jiang Heng shook his head and felt that this time was both good and bad.

When he got home, Jiang Heng greeted Lin Yanwei, then sat alone on a chair and wrote a stroke.

He has been doing this for twenty years, painting every day, and his painting skills have really improved, and become more and more profound.

Now Jiang Heng seldom goes outside to set up a stall to sell paintings, because his paintings are already famous, if he goes to set up a stall now, it will easily add a lot of worldly troubles.

It is simply that Jiang Heng is painting every day, and each stroke is very slow. What he paints is not only the scene imagined in his mind, but also his own understanding of the Dao.

As the brush continued to fall, the things in the scroll were gradually outlined.

It is a thatched hut between mountains and rivers, and a boat in the distance. This painting does not seem to be anything at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find that there is a real world inside.

As the last stroke fell, the landscape in the painting began to move, the wind blew the leaves of the mountains and forests, and the sound of the waves of the river could be heard from time to time.

"Husband, your space path has finally broken through?"

Jiang Heng didn't know when he realized that Lin Yanwei had already stood behind him.

"Well, it has already entered the peak stage of the later period, which is basically equal to that of the physical body!" Jiang Heng nodded.

Previously, due to the purification of the compass and the transformation of the laws, the storage of the laws of space in the body was still sufficient, and the only thing that restricted the realm of the Dao of Space was comprehension.

With the continuous understanding of the Dao of space in the past twenty years, the law of space has finally become perfect.

It's just that the perfection of the space dao is gradually perfected, and the physical dao has already reached enough to prepare to break through the demigod level. As for the air dao, it is much worse.

However, Jiang Heng never thought about becoming a **** in one breath, the reason why he was not prepared to break through was because he felt that he still lacked an opportunity.

"What else is missing?"

Jiang Heng thought about it silently, recalling what Master Xingyun said some time ago about the opportunity needed to break through the demigod.

There are three conditions to be met to break through the demigod!

First, the law is perfect, at least in this realm.

Jiang Heng's physical body has already achieved this point. The sign of consummation is actually the peak state. Of course, this state can be further improved in the future, but that is unnecessary, because it is almost difficult to continue to improve the state at this stage, unless you step into Pseudo demigod realm.

But stepping into the realm of a pseudo-demigod is actually one step away from being a demigod. It is not an exaggeration to say that a demigod is a reserve. As long as the breath is released to attract the attention of the will of the universe and attract the attention of Tianjie, you can truly step into the realm of demigod.

It's just that the reason why many people stay in the realm of pseudo-demigods is because they are afraid of catastrophe.

Second, the soul is consummated, which Jiang Heng has also achieved.

Right now Jiang Heng is nourished with the help of his heart orifice, and his soul may still be the peak domain master in terms of realm, but its strength is no less than that of ordinary low-level demigods.

As long as the soul is baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, Jiang Heng's soul can even reach the third-order state of the ordinary low-level demigod in one leap.

As for the third, it is a bit mysterious, but it is to realize the original heart and strengthen the cognition of self.

"There are many ways that the master told me about this step. He realized and strengthened his self-cognition through countless times of life and death in the army.

In addition, there is another way to strengthen self-awareness with the help of others. "

Jiang Heng murmured, the so-called asking others to help is actually a kind of anchor point, allowing others to build an anchor point for themselves in their hearts.

"This method is not simple. The master said that letting others act as your anchor points, in addition to having a devout belief in yourself, you must also have a large number of believers. Otherwise, you will not be able to establish a stable anchor point. Unable to strengthen self-awareness."

"Faith... Faith! That's right!"

Jiang Heng suddenly remembered the golden ornaments.

Speaking of the power of faith, isn't the world on the side of my golden jewelry the source of my stable anchor point?

Jiang Heng thought of the group of people who worked tirelessly to help him practice and provide physical strength.

With this in mind, Jiang Heng directly took out the golden jewelry and stepped into it with his thoughts.

As always, with the mind scanning, this time I felt more **** red lines, and these red lines all converged to the source of the channel without exception and poured into Jiang Heng's body.

"Is the number more than before?"

Jiang Heng was a little emotional, and after a brief glance, he roughly understood that there are already hundreds of millions of people in this ethnic group who practice martial arts and provide them with martial arts.

It's just that they still dare not expose, they are still dormant.

"No, if these are people who believe in me, then how can hundreds of millions of devout believers be able to stabilize the anchor for me, why I still haven't strengthened my heart?"

Jiang Heng frowned a little puzzled.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Heng could only come to one conclusion, that is, not all of these red lines represent faith.

These red lines are more like a link of power sharing, but this is only a one-sided sharing.

"It's a bit difficult!"

Jiang Heng began to carefully observe every move of this ethnic group through this world passage, and after observing for a full hour, Jiang Heng gradually understood.

Some of these people were devout, that is, some people who were closer to Orto.

Alto was also the person of the alien race who first came into contact with Jiang Heng, and this person was a member of the royal family of this ethnic group.

At the beginning, he also used this person to spread his martial arts to this group.

Seeing Alto's actions at this time, Jiang Heng found that almost all the people who walked closer to Alto had statues of him in the dormitory.

The appearance of the **** statue is naturally not that of Jiang Heng, but the image of the one-eyed statue in Orto's hand.

"This won't work. If this goes on, even if everyone believes in me, in the end these powers of belief have nothing to do with me."

Jiang Heng shook his head, "It seems that I have to spread my image along with it."

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng began to communicate with Alto again.

Alto, who was practicing quietly in the dormitory at this time, subconsciously glanced at the statue in the locker. This is a move he must do every day before practicing.

Because he was waiting, waiting for the great Creator to contact him again.

It's just a pity that hundreds of years have passed since the last communication with the Creator, and Orto even thought that he had been abandoned by God.

But even so, he still looks forward to it every day, hoping that the idol will establish contact with him again.

And the moment his eyes looked over, the **** statue that hadn't changed for a long time actually burst into light, and it was the one eye that was shining with brilliance.


The familiar voice sounded in Alto's mind again, and Alto quickly responded attentively, regardless of the others: "Great Creator, you finally remember your humble believer!"

Alto felt inexplicably excited.

"You are very good, and your realm has improved very quickly. This time I contact you to teach you the secrets of the next level!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng directly transmitted the formulas of the Simplified Version of the Northern River Great Zhou Tianxing Magical Art to the Realm of the Domain Master with his thoughts.

The other party is also now at the peak of the Lord of the Galaxy, and it seems that he has stayed in this state for a while.

Feeling the many brand-new formulas in his mind, Alto couldn't help being excited all over.

"Thanks to the great Creator!"

Alto was sincerely grateful to this unmasked Creator, and he had a hunch that as long as he stepped into this realm, he might really have a chance to resist those damned managers!

"But there is one more thing I need to tell you to do when I come here this time!"

"What does the great Creator need me to do?" Alto was a little surprised. This seemed to be the first time this **** wanted to do things by himself.

"This is the Dharma image of this seat, keep it in your heart! What I want you to do is to reshape the statue of this seat and spread the belief of this seat!" The magnificent voice resounded in Alto's mind.

Alto was stunned for a moment, and after a while he recovered, he became even more excited.

"My lord! Could it be that you...are you going to recover?"

Alto said tremblingly, he always felt that the Creator was falling asleep for some unknown reason.

Now hearing what the other party said, he immediately imagined that an ancient **** fell into a deep sleep due to years or previous injuries, and needed a believer like him to spread faith to help him wake up.

Jiang Heng was also taken aback, he hadn't thought of an excuse yet. I didn't expect the other party to figure it out one step ahead of time.

"That's right! This seat is indeed going to recover!" Jiang Heng simply followed the other party's words.

"This seat needs you to spread the belief of this seat. The more people you believe in, the more pious you are, the faster this seat will recover. When this seat is fully awakened, this seat will come to reality in person to keep my people from leaving Bitter sea!"

Hearing Jiang Heng's words, Orto became even more excited.

This is almost straight forward, help me with publicity, and if the publicity is in place, I will come and help your group kill those omnics.

"Your will, my lord, is my goal. Your devout believer Orto will do his best to help you recover!"

Seeing that things were done so smoothly, Jiang Heng felt a little sorry.

In fact, Jiang Heng can go there now if he comes to that world.

With his strength breaking through to the current level, Jiang Heng could clearly feel that the barrier of the channel no longer formed much of a hindrance to him.

"No way, I can't help you out of the sea of ​​suffering for the time being, your gods still need your help in the future!"

With his thoughts withdrawing from the golden ornaments, Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly. He will help this group, but not now.

If he rescued this group of people directly now, Jiang Heng can be sure that the advancement of his belief will become extremely slow.

After all, the origin of all beliefs is due to the existence of external pressure, and people will believe in those illusory existences when life is difficult.

"In this way, this link can be solved if it is short, if it is a hundred years, if it is slow, it will be a thousand years!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin and heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, if there is a chance, it is best to realize your own heart, and your own things may be the best."

After all, there are some hidden dangers in borrowing external force. Even though there are no examples to prove that the power of faith is harmless, Jiang Heng still likes to keep everything under his control.

Time is still passing Alto began to recall the true face of the gods in his mind and began to create a new image to spread faith.

And time is also flying in Cangzhou.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed. This year, Mo Mo has become the deputy leader of the Canglang Gang, and even holds a false title issued by the court.

Its purpose is to recruit these rivers and lakes forces to help the court eliminate rebels and bandits.

As the decade progressed, the Daqian Dynasty seemed to have intensified and came to an end.

The northern barbarians wantonly plundered and plundered the nine states in the north of the dynasty, restraining the vast majority of the imperial court's troops, causing the Central Plains and the nineteen states in the south to be almost completely corrupted.

Rebels and bandits are everywhere.

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