Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Big up

"However, the excuse you made just now, Pavilion Master, might be too much. This kid may be doubting it." The deputy Pavilion Master had a different opinion.

"So what if I doubt it?" The old lady of the Pavilion Master squinted her eyes and grinned sneeringly.

"Even if he finds out, it's too late. The master of the pavilion has been in the state of mind and soul for so many years, and he has mastered countless mysteries of the soul. Even if the elders in his family inspect the materials in person, they still can't find any clues, unless he belongs to the three major forces. Direct lineage. But obviously he is not, without a powerful senior of the ninth rank, it is impossible to see through the mystery."

"But this kid's talent is amazing. If you think about it, maybe the elders in the clan really have such a powerful person!" The deputy pavilion master was still a little worried.

"Huh! I think people are quite accurate. Although this kid seems to have the aptitude and strength to go along with the heirs of the big powers, but he never reveals the name of the power behind him. I think most of the elders in the clan are not strong enough. How about it. Even if it is a high rank, its rank will not be very high.

As for why this son is so talented, I think it is mostly due to chance and good luck. You and I also know that there are some lucky people in everything in this world, otherwise there would not be the first batch of rising and powerful people. They were the lucky ones at that time. As for now, there are naturally many lucky ones. "

The old lady of the pavilion master didn't care at all about the worries of the deputy pavilion master. She is extremely shrewd. Although her eyes can't look directly into the heart, she can see through the appearance to see through the essence.

"If it's really what the pavilion master said, that's fine. I'm afraid the spiritual world will also face catastrophe right now.

The spiritual world must be the first to collapse when there is a pathfinder again. It would be great if the pavilion master could break away from the spiritual world and seize a physical body. And relying on this child's talent to step into the demigod must be a matter of time. "The deputy cabinet master thought for a while and felt that everything was right with the cabinet master's vision and scheming.

"Hehe, naturally we have to make preparations early. Our spirits have existed in the spiritual world for too long, and we have long been out of tune with the main universe. If we rashly seize a demigod powerhouse, we will probably be noticed by the consciousness of the universe and face a terrible catastrophe. In comparison, the domain master level is a very good container.

Now many colleagues have already laid out the main universe plane one after another, and now I have come to this step, but you can rest assured that as long as the pavilion master returns to the semi-god state in the main universe, he will find a perfect body for you, but well. ..”

Speaking of this, the old woman paused, looked at the deputy pavilion master and smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this situation, the Deputy Pavilion Master comprehended and quickly bowed his hands and said: "Pavilion Master, don't worry, as long as you come down to the Master Universe, you will definitely follow the Pavilion Master's lead, just as you are now!"

Seeing the deputy pavilion master express his attitude, the old lady of the pavilion master showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also returned his soul to his physical body, and Jiang Heng was relieved when he was reborn and took control of his physical body.

For the body martial artist, it is indeed a very uneasy feeling to leave the body, and this feeling is intensifying as his strength grows.

It's no wonder that the demigod Xingyun doesn't want to set foot in the spiritual world.

The first thing Jiang Heng did when he returned was to tell Xingyun demigod what he had seen and heard in the spiritual world.

Hearing that a Wanbaozhai pavilion master treated Jiang Heng so kindly, Demigod Xingyun also frowned.

"Master, you also feel that something is wrong?"

"A little bit, but I can't figure out why the other party is like this. Wanbaozhai's purpose is fair trade, but this pavilion master treats you differently. Although there is an excuse, it is still unreasonable.

As a teacher is also a demigod, it is very clear that the communication between demigods has put interests before relationships. Although the teacher does not agree with this, many demigods are indeed like this. This matter is very strange. By the way, show me those treasures! "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng didn't even want to directly open a gap in his cave to let the demigod Xingyun release his divine sense to investigate.

After a careful scan, Xingyun squinted his eyes half-godly.

"Master, can you see anything unusual?"

"Nothing!" Nebula demigod shook his head.

"These things don't look abnormal!" Xing Yun squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the things inside, but still found nothing.

"But even so, if you don't worry about it, disciple, these things can be temporarily stored in my nebula sect's inventory. Even if there are problems, you won't have any trouble."

"Alright!" Jiang Heng nodded, he doesn't have much demand for these treasures and materials now.

It is only needed when you really start to break through the demigod. As for now, with the few demigod blades and the sky-shielding scarf purchased from Wanbaozhai, it will be enough.

At the same time, the news of Hegemony's defeat in another battle had already been sent back to the base camp, and the whole Hegemony was shocked by the news. No one expected that such a situation would happen.

A prince of the mighty Broken Gold Empire would fall, and the prince's strength is not weak. If there is no special restriction, the barbarian king's strength is comparable to that of some fifth-order demigods, even against sixth-order demigods.

Such a strong person actually said that he fell, which made all the demigods in the Bayu base camp dumbfounded for a while.

No one expected this kind of change, and now everyone has some doubts about whether it is right or wrong to set up a formation to sacrifice the remnants of a hundred countries as blood pills.

"Minghuo, this matter is your decision, my Broken Gold Empire must have an explanation!" Kui Mie coldly snorted and pointed at Minghuo, the head teacher of Minghuo Sect.

Although Kuiman is not his own younger brother, he is also a brother of the same mother and compatriots. The fall of such a strong man of the Broken Gold Empire is bound to be a great blow to their Broken Gold Empire.

"Since this matter has already happened, there is no need to say much. As for explaining this matter, everyone has agreed to it. Of course, you, the Broken Gold Empire, also agreed. How can you explain it? From the old man's point of view, let's start the sacrifice directly. Even so It will affect the effect of the alchemy. But this time, several demigods have fallen one after another, and the energy absorbed by the formation is almost the same."

Minghuo rubbed the center of his brows, although this was not what he wanted to see, but it was the only way to do it right now.

"Okay! Minghuo, as the head teacher of the Minghuo Sect, you have no objection, so my Tiancang faction will naturally support it!" Cangtian directly echoed.

Although their Tian Cang faction suffered the least loss from this series of actions, they didn't want to waste any more time here.

The most important thing is that the high-level demigod Jian Wushen often harassed him. Up to now, as many as fifteen demigods have died under this high-level demigod. With such a loss, even the entire Hegemony is a bit burdened. Can't live.

"Then it will be exciting to refine the creatures!"

Hearing that Minghuo didn't even look at the two from the Broken Gold Empire, he made a decisive decision with a wave of his hand.

Seeing this situation, although the two helmsmen of the Broken Gold Empire retorted somewhat, they were powerless. Although they belonged to one of the three major powers in the hegemony, Minghuo and Tiancang had already agreed, no matter how much they objected, it would be futile. What's more, after this, they suffered heavy losses and their right to speak plummeted.

Following the issuance of this order, dozens of demigod breaths quickly flew to the main nodes of the formation, and they all fought together.

As all the demigods simultaneously drum up their own laws to drive the entire formation, the formation began to shrink inward rapidly in an instant.

At the same time, at the moment when the formation was activated, the demigod powerhouses in the formation, whether in the second district of the hegemony or the third district of the hundred kingdoms, all sensed and looked up into the sky.

Looking at the boundary of the super galaxy cluster in the distance, they can vaguely feel that this space is constantly compressing, and the speed is extremely fast.


The outermost supercluster meteorite belt was directly crushed into fine powder by the force of the propelling array.

These huge meteorites can't hinder the possibility of the formation shrinking inward at all. As the formation continues to shrink, all the warriors in it feel that the density of energy is rising rapidly.

This is a solidification reaction formed when the energy in the space remains unchanged after the space is compressed.

If this is an excellent environment for warriors in normal times, it can't be worse at the moment, because this large formation is not only to condense the free energy inside, but also to solidify the strong creatures inside. All condensed into a small blood pill.

"The space is collapsing, Bayu can't sit still at last!"

Xing Yun looked at the sky above and murmured softly.

"I feel a terrifying force of isolation, and a sense of oppression that is rapidly approaching us." Jiang Heng also looked solemn.

This feeling is extremely clear, not to mention him, even the general domain master level powerhouse can clearly feel it.

Those below the domain master don't feel much about it, but they can clearly feel that the energy density around them is rising sharply.

At the same time, if someone rushes to the outer part of the supercluster of galaxies at this moment, they will definitely be horrified to find that the target, whether it is a planet or a star, has been crushed into powder by a transparent diaphragm.

And after crushing these planets, this invisible diaphragm is still advancing rapidly, and does not absorb the majestic energy released by the explosion of these planets and stars, but just compresses inward regardless, wanting to expel the entire super space in one breath. The galaxy clusters are all refined.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Xing Yun and Jiang Heng came to the meeting hall of the fort one after another, and at this time all the demigods of the Eastern District in the hall had already arrived.

But soon another figure flew over, it was the person with the highest realm in the Southern District, Xiaoyue Demigod!

Accompanying her were the demigods from the southern district, who nodded and saluted to the fellows from the eastern district, and then sat down with dignified expressions.

"Since all of you are silent, then this girl from this seat will speak up first!" Seeing that everyone was silent and the atmosphere was extremely silent, Xiaoyue said with a sullen face and said indifferently: "Few comrades in the Eastern District, your record is astonishing! This seat jumped. It seems that this is why Ba Yu was annoyed,

But this battle is inevitable, even if we deal with it carefully so as not to harm the life of the Hegemony demigod, it will only last for a while.

Therefore, I would like to ask Xingyun and even those of us in the Eastern District to work together. "

Although Xiaoyue's demigod's words were not inspiring, they did relieve the heavy hearts of the demigods present.

"That's right! There is only war at this moment! Since they want to use me to refine blood pills, they should think about the consequences."

A demigod from the southern area clenched his fist and said harshly.

"That's right!" Hearing that the four-pole demigod who likes to join in the fun also shouted with veins on his forehead, "I just want to **** the fuck. Do you really think you want to trap me with a cage?"

Having said that, there is more pessimism on his face.

The twin ancestors thought for a while and still sighed softly: "This matter is too difficult. This is a large formation that contains dozens of demigods as the eyes of the formation. It is too difficult and too difficult for us to break through the formation alone. .

Even if there are high-ranking demigods among us, they can't break through it in a short time, but they can refine me into a blood pill before then.

Unless the inside should cooperate with the outside and they are all high-ranking demigods to be able to break through the big formation in a short time. "

As soon as this statement came out, many low-level demigods present clearly recognized the difficulty of this large formation.

"I'm afraid that even if we fight together, we won't be able to match the high-ranking demigod!" Xiaoyue demigod smiled wryly.

There's no one talking now, because everything seems irreparable.

The demigod Xingyun was also rubbing his eyebrows in distress, he couldn't help looking at the ancestor Tianshuang who was not far away, he pondered for a while and then smiled: "Senior Tianshuang, let's tell the truth now, otherwise everyone will die here. "

This made everyone look curiously at Patriarch Tianshuang, especially those in the southern district who were very puzzled as to what Xingyun meant by his words.

"What do you mean by Brother Xingyun?" Xiaoyue looked at Xingyun demigodly and frowned.

"Senior Tianshuang, you're not recovering your cultivation, are you?" Demigod Xi Ke also looked at Tianshuang suspiciously.

These demigods of the eastern region have long suspected that the ancestor Tianshuang must be hiding something.

Seeing that he had already received everyone's attention, Patriarch Tianshuang stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly, and sighed softly after a while: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if I tell you guys!"

As soon as the words fell, a monstrous and terrifying arrogance spewed out from the body of Tianshuang Patriarch, the powerful sixth-order peak aura directly made the hearts of many low-ranking demigods tremble, and the power of frost almost made everyone's minds freeze signs.

Jiang Heng is also in it, and the feeling is equally obvious at this moment, it feels like the old man in front of him is an extreme ice Even a little closer, his skin is tingling due to the severe cold.

"Peak of the sixth rank, Patriarch Tianshuang, you really have recovered your cultivation!" Seeing this, the eyes of the demigod Xing Yun burst into light.

"Peak level six, so Jian Wushen outside was also yours before?" Xing Yun seemed to have thought of something and looked at Patriarch Tianshuang again.

"It's not my person, I can only say that he came here because of me. But later when I make a move, he will also cooperate with the outside world!"

Patriarch Tianshuang didn't hide it this time. He used to be afraid of having two or five children, but now he doesn't have such worries. After all, as long as he is still trapped in it, he can't leave alive. At this time, he still has a hole in his head. Erwuzi is really stupid.

"But before that, I still need to beware of those guys from Bayu coming here to make trouble." Said Patriarch Tianshuang looked at the crowd, only then did he realize that everyone around him looked at him in surprise.

"Jian Wushen was really invited by you?!" Demigod Xingyun expressed everyone's astonishment at this moment.

No one thought that Jian Wushen, a high-level demigod, was really invited by Tianshuang Patriarch.

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