Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Unforgettable

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded. Although the name of this scarf is a bit exaggerated, the effect sounds pretty good.

Jiang Heng doesn't have any hope of seeing that so-called absolute hermit, but the effect of the sky-covering scarf can already meet his needs.

If it can slightly reduce the opponent's vigilance against the space cutting method, then this thing will work wonders.

"Not bad! I'm very satisfied with this item. I don't know what I need and I want to buy it directly." Jiang Heng nodded, and he didn't bother to pick and choose.

"Buy it directly?" However, Heart was taken aback when she heard this.

"What? Could it be that I can't buy this thing?"

Seeing this, Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly and was slightly displeased.

"No! No!" Heart hurriedly explained: "It's just that this item was originally going to be auctioned at the auction, but if the senior needs to buy it directly, the price may be slightly higher. After all, this item is not our Wanbaozhai. All, in the end, an explanation must be given to the person who provided this treasure."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng hesitated for a while, not sure whether to win it directly, or wait for a while to auction it.

"Teacher, you can take it directly. If you go to the auction house, I think the price will be higher based on the characteristics of the item. It's better to start early."

Hearing Tongtian's voice sounded, Jiang Heng suddenly felt relieved.

"I'll take this thing directly, I don't know how much it will cost?"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was very decisive, Heart was secretly startled, and secretly thought that she still underestimated this senior.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, the senior in front of him will become richer and richer every time.

Jiang Heng couldn't believe it when he heard that the cost was only a thousand soul points. It seems that Master Xingyun gave him nearly tens of thousands of soul points this time, right?

In fact, this is also normal. The soul points are extremely rare and belong to the remnants of the soul that will be collected after killing the strong demigods. Over the years, there are not a few demigods killed by the demigods of Xingyun, especially those who work in the Great Zhou Empire. Even more so.

Because it is a transaction between demi-artifacts, it can be completed directly in the spiritual world.

When Jiang Heng looked at the sky-shading scarf in his hand, he never thought that one day he would be able to spend it freely in Wanbaozhai.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng simply bought a lot of materials to enhance the power of the god-slaying gourd and some semi-artifacts.

Among them, there are various law attributes, some are speed, some are power, some are invisible and intangible, and one is directly a soul-like semi-artifact.

A total of six handles, plus his own Time Knife, Beauty Knife and the space dagger, that is, a total of nine handles, so that the power of the god-slaying gourd has just been achieved, and Jiang Heng is confident that he can use this treasure to kill a demigod in an instant Or, of course, the low position can be the middle position is still to be discussed.

After buying these, Jiang Heng was about to leave Wanbaozhai, but he heard Hongtao mentioning that the pavilion master had an invitation.

Pavilion Master?

Jiang Heng was taken aback when he heard this address, the deputy pavilion master of Wanbaozhai branch he had seen a mid-level demigod, but he had never seen the pavilion master.

"Senior, please come with me. The pavilion master has important matters to discuss with senior in detail."

"Important matter?" Hearing what Hongtao said, Jiang Heng was even more puzzled. It seems that he has never met this pavilion master, right?

"It's okay to go and meet him. It's just a Wanbaozhai branch master. No matter how strong he is, it's not easy to attack and kill respected customers inside Wanbaozhai." Tongtianhou's words gave Jiang Heng a certain sense of security.

When he came to the top floor of Wanbaozhai and saw a white-haired old woman, Jiang Heng nodded slightly and waited quietly for what the other party wanted to do.

"Young friend Jiang Heng? Please sit down!"

The old woman smiled warmly, and when she saw Jiang Heng sitting down, she continued: "Little friend, I am confused why the pavilion master invited you here. You and I should have never faced each other."

I know you are still looking for me?

"Little friend has met our Deputy Pavilion Master before, and the Deputy Pavilion Master has some guesses about Xiaoyou's identity. The power behind Xiaoyou must be ruled by a high-ranking demigod?"

The old woman in the pavilion master saw through Jiang Heng's expression.

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the pavilion master and the deputy pavilion master are really all the same, so they don't want to give away treasures again, right?

If it was Bao Jiangheng, he would naturally wish for it, wishing that the other party would give him a bunch of space laws and some semi-artifacts.

"However, looking at it today, I feel that Xiaoyou is not just a direct descendant of an ordinary high-ranking demigod. This talent is terrifying enough to be compared with the direct descendants of the three major powers such as the Great Zhou Empire."

"I don't know what's wrong with senior, why don't you explain it clearly?" Jiang Heng arched his hands and didn't bother to go around in circles.

"Don't worry, little friend!" The pavilion master waved his hand with a smile and continued: "You know the layout of Wanbaozhai in the spiritual world and even the main universe. Signs of big forces getting involved?"

"I've heard it a little bit!" Jiang Heng frowned slightly and didn't understand what the other party meant, but still nodded.

"Since my little friend knows, it will be easy to handle. The owner of this pavilion has been running this branch of Wanbaozhai for many thousands of years. Since the previous pavilion owner took over, I have been maintaining this huge situation."

The old pavilion master looked at Jiang Heng and smiled kindly.

"However, there is a rule for everything in this world. Most of the other branches of Wanbao Pavilion have a clear position, but this pavilion owner is an exception."

"Oh?" Jiang Heng was taken aback, why did the other party seem to have no deep meaning in what he said?

"If you have anything to do with the pavilion master, you can speak up!"

"It's very simple, the master of the pavilion wants to form an alliance with Jiang Xiaoyou!" The old woman smiled more kindly than before.

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows when he heard this, what the **** is going on, my good fellow?

"Senior, don't be joking, it's better to cooperate with me than to cooperate with the three major forces. I'm just an unknown person!" Jiang Heng said lightly. Grain vine

He felt that there seemed to be some tricks in it.

"Hehe, Xiaoyou Jiang, don't underestimate yourself. Joining the three major forces also requires consideration of many issues, such as the entanglements and struggles that must be involved in joining them. The master of this pavilion is only at the sixth rank. Looking at the big universe, it can only be regarded as strength. The humbleness is far from reaching the point of being able to have both sides among the three major forces."

The old woman said it beautifully, but Jiang Heng could hear it, this old woman was clearly very naughty, she wanted to be blessed without getting involved in the trouble, how could there be such a good thing in this world.

"The pavilion master really flattered me, not to mention how did senior know that I am not a vassal of the three major forces?" Jiang Heng smiled lightly.

However, the old woman smiled and shook her head, and said softly: "It's easy to tell whether it's someone from the three major forces. With your strength and talent, you must be an extremely noble direct descendant. If you come from the three major forces, it will inevitably appear in the branch transactions controlled by them, and you will not come to me. So, my friend, you must not be a member of the three major forces."

The old woman said it very firmly, as if affirming that Jiang Heng would never be a member of the three major forces.

Although the guesses are different, they are about the same.

"Senior is really astute, but since this is the case, it seems that senior can also be attached to the headquarters of Wanbaozhai. I know that although the three major forces have been involved in Wanbaozhai, Wanbaozhai is actually the real controller, not to mention this Still in the spiritual world, it's impossible for the three major forces to overwhelm Wanbaozhai, right?"

Jiang Heng still didn't follow the other party's routine. Although the other party posted it upside down, it looked good, but it always felt weird, and it didn't make sense in many places.

"My little friend doesn't seem to know the situation of our Wanbaozhai!" The old woman looked at Jiang Heng and sighed softly.

"To be honest, Wanbaozhai is a scattered organization, and it is not rigorous. It is even said that on weekdays, each branch of my Wanbaozhai has to be responsible for itself. Secondly, it has a certain subordinate relationship with the superior and subordinate. In the event of a crisis, nearby Wanbaozhai branches will come to help.

But this is not a clear stipulation, it is just a private agreement of our cabinet masters. So it's not reliable! "

"No way, isn't Wanbaozhai ruled by the True God?" Jiang Heng's meaning is very clear, what are you worried about if you rely on the True God?

However, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Tong Tianhou reminded in his mind: "Their true **** has already merged with this world, and it is considered to have fallen. Otherwise, the spiritual world would have been screwed together."


Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know much about it, to be precise, he didn't know much about Wanbaozhai or even the spiritual world.

"Our true **** has long since fallen. I don't know the reason for the fall. I just heard that I was lost in the deepest subconscious world of the soul, so the law lost control and merged with the great river and fell."

The old woman shook her head, and her response to this was also vague, because the existence of that person was too long ago, and she was not born when she fell.

"Then who is in charge of Wanbaozhai now?" Jiang Heng was startled. It is impossible for Wanbaozhai to be unmanned, otherwise how can we maintain this huge situation and maintain the operation of all branches.

"On the surface, it is a six-person council, managed by six demigods at a high level in the spiritual realm, but in fact they can govern a small number of branch masters, and there are no clear restrictions, they can only be regarded as mutual support and development.

As for the development of the branch, it is still responsible for its own profits and losses as mentioned by the cabinet owner. We have a council of six and a very clear direct line relationship. We only manage our own divisions. "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng finally understood why the three major forces could intervene in the spiritual world. After a long time, Wanbaozhai was too busy to take care of himself. In this way, the three major forces naturally intervened as they wanted.

Oh, by the way, the three major forces do not include the super-dimensional kingdom of God, because the powerful people under their command are all data beings, and there is no soul at all. The only soul that exists may be the true mechanical god, but that existence obviously will not settle in person spiritual world.

"Master, what is the purpose of this person, is it really like letting a force that does not exist behind me protect him?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and could only ask Tongtianhou in his body.

To deal with old foxes, you can only ask the same old foxes to take action.

"Hmph! It's just being slick, but you don't need to worry about her. You can agree to her, but you must hit her hard before that. As for whether she will find out that you cheated on her later, then you don't need to worry about it." .

It is difficult to radiate the main cosmic plane on the spiritual level, even if the pavilion master comes to the main cosmic plane, his strength will not be too strong. Even if she has something to do with the main universe, you don't have to be afraid, anyway, we are still trapped in the territory of the Sikh Empire. If you are in trouble, come over anyway, there is an outside hegemony blocking it, so why panic! "

Hearing Tong Tianhou's remarks, Jiang Heng was taken aback, yes, why should I panic? I'm afraid of the ball!

"I can choose to accept the cooperation of Senior Pavilion Master, but at this time, I need to go back and report to my elders. Besides, I want to see the sincerity of my seniors. After all, Senior Pavilion Master will be an alliance with us in the future. Advance and retreat together."

The meaning of Jiang Heng's words is obvious, that is, if you want to join the group, you can, and you need to pay the fee first.

"Haha! Even if you don't mention this matter, I will express it! I have three gifts for you here, one is for you, the other is for the elders in your family, and finally One is given to the power of the elders in the little friend's family."

The old woman was obviously very familiar with this, and immediately the three checklists flew into Jiang Heng's hands.

Jiang Heng was startled when he casually scanned the three lists, because the weight of these three lists is not light.

Although the grades given to him were all materials from the peak domain master level to the low-level demigod level, there were quite a lot of them, and even Jiang Heng saw some flesh body Dao law reserves.

And the gifts given to the non-existent high-ranking demigod behind him were even more unusual, and some items even made Tongtian dumbfounded.

The third list is relatively simple, but the number is large, obviously considering the needs of power base construction and ordinary warriors' cultivation, but the number is large enough to rival the entire Nebula Sect's reserves.

"Hehe, as expected of the master of a cabinet, Wanbaozhai's accumulation over the years may be just a drop in the bucket to her, but to my apprentice, you are the capital to start a sect."

Tong Tianhou said with a smile in Jiang Heng's body: "Such an asset is enough to form two forces that rule the super galaxy cluster, and you have made a lot of money."

"Master, let's just accept it like this? Why do I feel There won't be any conspiracy in it?" Jiang Heng still felt that something was wrong, and the behavior of the deputy cabinet master before could be understood as the opponent It's to win him over, and it's a bit too much right now.

"Handling mother-in-law and mother-in-law is not at all like a martial artist in the flesh!"

However, Tongtian's voice directly made Jiang Heng a little helpless.

In the end, Jiang Heng still accepted these gifts with great kindness, and when he left the spiritual world, Jiang Heng's cave was almost full.

But as Jiang Heng left, the old woman who was the owner of the pavilion raised her lips slightly and let out a light breath.

A figure flashed, it was the deputy pavilion master that Jiang Heng had met before.

"Pavilion Master, did you send the things away?" the Deputy Pavilion Master asked directly.

"Sent away, the three souls of this seat are all included in the item, but you have contributed a lot to this matter, if you hadn't told the pavilion master that this son's talent is extremely terrifying, this seat would not have found such an excellent body. "


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