Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 840: Be careful

Remember [New] in a second! When returning to the previous main hall, the demigod Nebula is still sitting on the main hall, and behind his eyes are slightly closed, there are endless phantoms of the starry sky coiling around, as if he is practicing something.

When he sensed Jiang Heng's breath, he opened his eyes slightly and said softly, "Come back..."

Halfway through speaking, he was a little stunned, staring fixedly at Jiang Qiu's right arm, his eyes bursting with light and excitement.

"This... is this a success in cultivation?" Xingyun demigod was extremely excited, this is a supernatural power, a super powerful method that even a demigod can dream of.

"It's not considered to be fully cultivated. After he breaks through to a demigod, he can perfect his cultivation and achieve perfection on his own. But right now, he still has extraordinary power, and he already has the power of an ordinary demigod!" Tong Tianhou said lightly, with a hint of pride in his words .

"It's a blessing to not disgrace!" Jiang Heng hastily bowed deeply to the demigod Xingyun.

For Xingyun demigod, his apprentice is simply not too good, he laughed loudly and stroked his hand so that his beloved apprentice did not need to perform such a great gift.

This kind of apprentice is simply a baby lump, and the domain master level has demigod combat power, and it is rare in the world like this apprentice like himself in the past and present.

Even Tongtian back then did not have this talent.

Even Tianhou couldn't help but sigh secretly at this point. He was indeed a domain master and became a star picker at the beginning, but he was more or less tricky, which caused his initial foundation of the star picker to not be too strong. Because the physical body is not strong enough to afford too much star essence, his star picker can only be regarded as the most inferior magical means.

Of course, even if this is the case, it will allow him to have unrivaled combat power even after stepping into the demigod.

It's just that at the domain master level, he couldn't compete with demigods at the time, at most he could fight against false demigods once or twice.

"Okay! If that's the case, next time, apprentice, you should study and understand the supernatural powers, and I will take you out to try your hand as a teacher in a few days!" Xing Yun's half-god eyes were shining, and the excitement in his words was obvious.

Jiang Heng nodded silently, guessing silently in his heart, could it be that this is going to cause trouble again?

Do you remember that it wasn't long before the demigods in the Northern District of Hegemony were destroyed?

"Haha, don't guess, the tortoises in the West District have finally come out. This time ten demigods appeared in the Central District. They have regained their lost land in the West District not long ago. Now they are all sitting in the Central District. It looks like this It's time for a big fight.

I was quite hesitant as a teacher before, but now that you have cultivated supernatural powers, then give them a surprise and let them see what supernatural powers are! Ha ha! "

Demigod Xingyun was obviously extremely happy, despite the fact that he just let out a sigh of relief after winning a battle some time ago.

But after all, it was still a bird in a cage, and there were nearly a hundred demigods looking around outside the big formation. Under such a situation, Xingyun's demigod was always holding a depression in his heart and couldn't vent it.

Perhaps only by constantly beheading the demigods of Hegemony can alleviate this emotion.

Back in his own cave, Jiang Heng once again immersed himself in understanding the magic of the Star Picker.

Leaving the high-dimensional world, the star picker becomes a little different. It is very sensitive to the power of the stars around it all the time, and the star picker can devour the power of the surrounding stars at an extremely terrifying absorption speed.

"There is still a way to store power in this method?!"

Jiang Heng was slightly surprised, because as he continued to absorb the power of the nearby stars, the starlight on his right arm became more obvious and denser, and he could feel the power inside becoming more and more terrifying.

It didn't stop until the right arm completely turned into a vast expanse of whiteness. With a flick of the arm, the appearance that the surface quickly transformed into a flesh and blood body was no longer miraculous.

The method of supernatural powers is quite mysterious, and it is impossible for outsiders to detect it without urging them to use them on weekdays.

Flicking his arm again, it turned into a radiant arm exuding bright starlight again, and he could feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

"If I slap this slap, I'm afraid even a low-level demigod can't bear it!" Jiang Heng felt the terrifying power in his arms and couldn't help but secretly gasp,

This is still a means of pure supernatural power. If it is combined with the body secret technique, the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, the Astral Physique, and the Nebula Palm, the power will be even more unimaginable.

Jiang Heng was really eager to give it a try.

Time flies in just one month, and when Xingyun's demigod sound transmission sounded in his mind, Jiang Heng's figure flashed and quickly flew towards the main peak hall.

After entering the main hall, Jiang Heng realized that there were already several demigods gathered in the hall. Hearing the sound of footsteps, they glanced over one by one.

After some investigation, they frowned slightly when they saw that it was a Domain Master level existence.

"Brother Xingyun, what's going on? A disciple in your school is too ignorant of the rules." Seeing this, the twin ancestors were displeased and said in a deep voice.

There is no problem with what he said, after all, it would be fine if it was normal, but what is the situation, right now it is a meeting among demigods, how can the juniors be allowed to listen in?

"Brother Xingyun, your internal jurisdiction is a big problem!" Patriarch Tianshuang didn't forget to damage Xingyun.

At this time, although the other demigods didn't say anything, they all looked at Xingyun demigod with some puzzlement. They didn't know what the other party was thinking. The domain master disciple in front of him would definitely not come over on his own. It might be Xingyun. Demigod inspired.

"This is the new personal disciple of this seat. I plan to take him over to clean up the group of Bayu this time. You need to take care of it!" Xingyun smiled and explained to the group of demigods .

"Personal disciple!"

Hearing this, the twin ancestors raised their brows, and immediately said with a strange expression: "This kind of demigod confrontation is still for disciples to observe. It seems that you, Brother Xingyun, take too much care of your direct disciple. But you said that you want me to take care of a junior , I'm afraid it's impossible. This is not traveling, this is a confrontation between demigods.

I think you should let your apprentice stay in the sect honestly, otherwise it will be bad if Yu Bo beats him to death once you bring him there! "

"That's right, brother Xingyun's move is too reckless!" The demigods beside him were also very puzzled.

The confrontation between these demigods is not a joke, and it is not a joke that they will be killed if they are not careful.

"Don't worry, don't underestimate my apprentice, he is very strong." The demigod Xingyun shrugged.

Hearing the words, everyone didn't believe it, so what if the joke was too strong? Even if it is a false demigod, you need to be more careful when facing the confrontation between demigods, otherwise you will easily be affected and die if you are a little careless.

What's more, in their eyes, Jiang Heng's cultivation base is only at the peak level, and he is obviously still young from this appearance, and he is not deep enough to come up with some secret techniques, so what is the trump card?

Several people didn't believe this, but seeing Xingyun's demigod persisted in this, they couldn't say anything, and even sneered secretly in their hearts.

At that time, they will definitely not pay more attention to this kid. Since Xingyun's demigod brain is not good enough to make him so arrogant, let him pay the price for his arrogance.

Several people talked for a while and then got up and flew away. Xingyun demigod grabbed Jiang Heng with one hand and disappeared in the same place in a flash.

Gu Hao went all the way through the star gate to the central fortress.

Today's star gate has advanced to the core area of ​​the central region, where three demigods from the southern region are already sitting here, and five demigods from the eastern region have come out to greet them one by one.

It is none other than the Empress Xiaoyue Demigod of the Xiaoyue Empire, the demigod Di Ting Sect's head teacher Di Ting, and a demigod named Bei Tianru who looks like an old farmer.

The three demigods bowed slightly to the five comrades in the Eastern District.

"Several fellow daoists are coming to change shifts this time?" Xiaoyue half-god spoke first, her beautiful and noble appearance faintly tired.

Naturally, her appearance couldn't be hidden from the demigods present. In fact, the demigods in the southern region all seemed a little sluggish.

"What? But the Hegemony side has made some moves recently?" Patriarch Tianshuang asked in a deep voice.

"That's right! Five new demigods have recently appeared in the Hegemony. I think each of them is above the median fourth rank, and one of them is even close to the fifth rank. It is very difficult to deal with. Not long ago, I fought against the two demigods who came to test, I almost went wrong when the three of us teamed up!"

Xiaoyue sighed truthfully.

Hearing that the demigods of the Eastern District were all frowning, they didn't expect that Ba Yu could not afford to lose, not only came the demigods in advance, but also sent five such powerful mid-level demigods all at once.

Obviously, this was frightened by the methods of the Eastern District before. The Northern District was destroyed in an instant, and a demigod in the Eastern District was not destroyed. Such methods are already worthy of the name.

"The situation is so severe, do you know what the laws of these two demigods are?" asked the demigod Xingyun with a frown.

Hearing this, Xiaoyue pondered for a while and said, "One is a mid-level demigod who is one of fire, but this person's law seems to be very familiar with it, and he has realized the true meaning of it. The strength is enough to match that of the lesser five. The other is a broken law demigod. Although this man's law works in general, his law itself is domineering enough. It is extremely restrained in the physical body. When the physical body is a little weaker, I will be shocked to vomit blood The blood is surging and it is inconvenient to move!"

"I didn't expect there to be a direct member of the Suijin Empire among them!" Hearing this, the twin patriarch stroked his beard and sighed softly.

The Broken Gold Empire may not be the strongest of the three major powers in the Hegemony, but it is definitely the one with the most domineering ability in terms of law.

Its restraint on the physical body is extremely strong, and the feeling of blood boiling and dislocation of the meridians of a person who can collapse with a palm at will is really painful.

Especially the physical martial arts, all the abilities are on the physical body, if there is a slight inadvertence in the fight and the movement is inconvenient, there will be a big gap in the combo, this is extremely deadly for the physical martial arts of.

"In this way, the group of Tyrants can't wait any longer!" Xing Yun half-thought for a while and chuckled lightly.

"It's not just that they can't wait, I think it's because they were pushed into a hurry by the base camp. If they can't win a game, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain!" The ancestor Tianshuang said with a smile at this moment.

Seeing that the people in the east district were still talking and laughing happily, the people in the south district couldn't help but look at each other.

"I think you need to be careful. These are these two people. In addition, there are three middle-level demigods and five low-level demigods. There are ten demigods in total. And we only have two middle-level demigods who want to It is impossible to suppress the opponent in the realm!"

At this time, the demigod named Beitian who looked like an old farmer spoke.

"Brother Beitian, don't be afraid. After all, you are also a demigod with a physical body close to the middle position. You must not lose your martial spirit!" The demigod Xingyun couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly when he heard this.

"Hmph! I'm just reminding you kindly!" Beitian snorted coldly, turning his head away and ignoring the demigod of the east district who didn't know what to do.

In fact, ever since the northern district was destroyed by the demigods in the eastern district, the demigods in the southern district secretly wanted to compete with the allies in the eastern district.

From Beitian's point of view, the other party's indifferent appearance was obviously mocking them for being too weak.

"Okay, now that the fellow daoists are switching defenses this time, let's make a handover. I also need to go back and rest for a while!" Xiaoyue's demigod vermilion lips smiled softly.

The handover is very simple, after all, some trivial matters are handed over to the subordinates.

After finishing the handover, these demigods of the southern district stretched out and flew directly towards the star gate leading to the southern district.

But when approaching the star gate, Xiaoyue demigod still looked at Xingyun demigod, hesitating to speak, and after thinking about it, he said: "I know that fellow Taoists Xingyun are very powerful, but you still have to be careful. I feel that this coming One of the five demigods is very powerful.

I haven't seen this person make a move, but from a distance, I feel that this person seems to contain extremely terrifying strength. Be careful of that demigod named Kui Man! "

After saying that, Xiaoyue demigod rushed into the star gate and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Kui Man? It seems that this name is also a descendant of the Suijin Empire. Could it be that there are two descendants of the Suijin Empire who have descended this time?" Siji demigodly asked.

"It doesn't have to be a direct line, the three major forces will recruit some geniuses to give them surnames, and there may be some geniuses who were given surnames before joining the Suijin Empire, and then they were vigorously cultivated by the Suijin Empire to become a demigod.

But in any case, each of the three major powers in the hegemony has more than ten demigods, and the three together even have half the number of demigods in the hegemony. "The twin ancestors explained.

"However, since Fellow Daoist Xiaoyue has instructed us so, we still have to be cautious about this person, especially brother Xingyun. Your physical body is said to be hard to break at the same level. Don't be punched by others until you vomit blood!" Elder Tianshuang Zu smiled and glanced at Xingyun.

Hearing this, Xingyun's demigod face turned dark all of a sudden, but what the other party said was not entirely wrong, the Law of Fragmentation restrained the physical body too much, it was simply a sharp weapon to break defense.

Fighting against the strong of the broken law is extremely boring for the demigods of the physical body. It's not bad if you can show half of your strength.

"There's no need for Twin Brothers to say too much. I know it's great, but you just don't hold back!" Xing Yun snorted coldly.

Seeing the demigods quarreling with each other at the slightest disagreement, Jiang Heng's scalp tingled a little. He didn't expect that everyone was still fighting among themselves at such a time.

But right now his status is low, so it is hard for him to say anything And there may be something inside this kind of thing, which Jiang Heng doesn't know.

Just quietly listening.

The size of this fortress is obviously much larger than the fortress built by the Eastern Allied Forces, and the overall fortifications are more complete.

There are a total of three large defense lines, among which there are three demigod formations and one hundred and eight domain master-level chain formations.

This also means that three demigods and one hundred and eight domain master-level powerhouses are needed to sit here all year round.

But this does ensure the integrity of the star gate here. Jiang Heng inquired here for a while, only to know that Ba Yu had carried out a tentative attack just three months ago.

It was said to be a tentative attack, but in fact the scale was already a small one. There were two middle demigods leading more than 200 domain master-level powerhouses to cooperate, and nearly hundreds of millions of starship main guns to bombard them.

If this is the case, the first layer of the large formation is slightly damaged, and it will be restored as soon as the opponent retreats.



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