Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 839: cut 3 corpses

Remember [New] in a second! "Please enlighten me, Master!" Jiang Heng was very curious about these high-dimensional beings.

Touching it with the star picking hand, I found that the opponent's touch is quite soft, like a real meat ball, but it seems to contain many kinds of life forms, as if the aggregation of countless life forms is very magical.

"The essence of distortion is actually the more diverse possibilities of our flesh and soul and everything we have. You may not be able to understand this statement for a while."

Tong Tianhou rubbed his chin slightly, thought for a while and continued: "Let's put it this way, distortion is actually a manifestation of our own high-dimensionalization. And the reason why we will completely lose control and be swallowed or even assimilated by countless consciousnesses after high-dimensionalization. This is because it is difficult for low-dimensional life to handle such complex pheromones as high-dimensional life."

"Pheromone?" Jiang Heng was quite curious about this new term.

"Pheromones are actually those many messy and useless sounds during distortion. These are composed of countless pheromones. Similarly, our bodies and even our souls are also filled with a lot of pheromones all the time.

If these pheromones can be completely eliminated, theoretically speaking, we will not have any possibility of distortion. "Tongtian said quietly.

"However, this is in theory. In fact, we can't do it at all. Even if the demigod's eyes are transformed and filled with divine light, it is difficult to completely see through all the pheromones on his body. Instead, because he has stepped into a demigod, he will be drawn to the Dao The more intense the pheromone received, the more pheromone received.”

"Master, do you mean that the Dao itself contains a lot of pheromones?" Jiang Heng asked.

"That's right! The long road runs through all the dimensions of this universe, and it is naturally the most filthy and heterogeneous place. This is why, when I am at the domain master level, when I refine the laws of the spiritual organs in my body, the growth of the laws and the growth of the power of distortion are the same. Synchronous.

This caused the domain master level to have to smelt planets and stars to afford this huge wave of pheromones so as to avoid the acceleration of distortion. "

Tong Tianhou obviously understood this very well. After thinking about it for a while, he flicked his fingers, and a divine light suddenly appeared on his fingertips, which exuded soft light and warmth.

"You have to see for yourself to know what pheromones are!" After saying that, Tong Tianhou reached out and pointed at Jiang Heng's eyebrows.

The light sank into the center of Jiang Heng's eyebrows, turning into countless shimmering thin lines and flowing to his eyes.

Jiang Heng only felt a slight heat in his eyes.

"Don't be conscious now, just open your eyes and see this world!"

Tongtian's voice sounded in his mind, Jiang Heng's eyes trembled slightly, and he opened them.

What impresses the eyes is no longer the countless overlapping and grotesque worlds, the world has become similar to the main universe, and it has become extremely real.

But something is different, the vacuum environment here has countless nebula airflows, like countless colorful gaseous streams flowing. It looks very colorful.

"Hey! This is..."

It's just that when Jiang Heng's eyes stared at a certain place, fine and small bugs appeared soon there. fine fluff.

It seems that there are such small and dense insects everywhere, whether it is far away or near, Jiang Heng can't help but take a few steps back when he sees these things for a long time. Looking at these things for a long time, it is easy to get dense phobia.

"Look at yourself!" Tong Tianhou reminded.

Hearing that Jiang Heng raised his hand and looked, cold sweat immediately flowed down. He saw that his arms and palms were covered with fine and small insects. They were wriggling, as if ignoring the surface of the body, swimming freely inside and outside.

Jiang Heng quickly glanced at other parts of himself, and without exception, almost all of them were densely packed with small bugs wriggling, and they didn't seem to make any aggressive moves, just wandering wantonly!


"Are you feeling miraculous, boy? Haha!" Tong Tianhou raised his head and laughed, "Don't be afraid, they are usually harmless, but if that lump of your dantian runs away, maybe you will be really deformed!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng lowered his head, staring through the surface of his body, he saw a distinctive little bug in his dantian, which was blood-red in color and dormant on the surface of the smelted star in his body.

What's weird is that the star can't harm it at all, it seems to be in a deep sleep, unlike other bugs, it just lies lazily on the surface of the star.

"We call this thing the mother worm. Every living body has one of this thing. As long as we practice the power of the law, it will continue to devour other worms and grow stronger.

Like the one in my body, just look at it! "

Wen Yan Jiang Heng looked at Tong Tianhou, and sure enough, he saw that the other party also had one of this kind of thing in his body, but the other party's did not live in the dantian, but lived in the brain.

"I am now in the state of a remnant soul, so it came here consciously. You think they are smart or not! It is the center of countless chaotic and mixed consciousness. In fact, it has no wisdom itself, but lives according to instinct." Tong Tianhou pointed own head.

"Master, is there a way to get rid of these things?" Jiang Heng couldn't bear to see so many weird things in his body and surface.

"It's okay, for example, I can remove the bugs on your body surface, but it's useless!"

As he spoke, Tong Tianhou came directly to Jiang Heng's side in a flash, turned his palm over, a golden light appeared in his palm, and immediately pressed his palm on Jiang Heng's shoulder.

The golden halo began to spread and flow rapidly in Jiang Heng's body surface and body, and then dissipated.

At this time, Jiang Heng looked again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that those disgusting bugs were no longer on the surface of his body.


Soon Jiang Heng found that the weird female worm in his dantian still existed.

As if aware of the change in the surrounding environment, the female worm moved a little bit, and then saw its body begin to expand rapidly, and its lips opened to spurt out countless small insects.

Dense small bugs spread all over Jiang Heng's body and body again, just like before. After finishing these, the female worm fell into a deep sleep again and did not move.


"Hehe! This bug cannot be removed, unless you cut off the Dao yourself and completely remove the Dao law in your body. Otherwise, it cannot be removed at all, because it itself has a certain parasitic relationship with the Dao law."

Tongtian sighed.

Hearing that Jiang Heng was a little dumb, it was completely incomprehensible.

"Has no one really removed this thing?" Jiang Heng frowned.

"Of course!" Tong Tianhou said without even thinking about it: "Many strong domain masters who are facing the risk of distortion, if there is a demigod ancestor in their family, and if the ancestor of his family spends a certain amount of cultivation to make a move, cut off the body of his offspring According to the law, it can be completely removed by removing it again. It is even cleaner than the baby's body.

How long can Gu Yan live like that?

Losing the Dao, the physical body loses the blessing of the Dao Law and withers very quickly, and it may only take a few years or even a few months for the body and soul to die of exhaustion. "

"In addition, even if it is as strong as a warrior, it still has to bear the risk of distortion. There is also the so-called ruler of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, the true **** of machinery. Although this person is not a flesh and blood body, his soul is cultivated in the Dao, and the same You also have to worry about the risk of distortion.”

Tong Tianhou's words directly blocked what Jiang Heng wanted to say.

Well, don't ask, this is a completely unsolvable problem.

"But Master, why do I feel that there is a problem with Dao Changhe itself, otherwise how can I say that there is a symbiotic relationship between the female worm and the Dao of Law?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and asked another question of his own.

"It's good that you can guess this. It's true that this guess has always existed, but even if we guessed it, we can't do much! The law of the great way is what our generation of warriors rely on for survival. Do you really have the perseverance to eliminate the law? Then this It’s just asking for death.”

All-weather chuckled.

"In addition, the Martial God made a guess. He said that as long as he reaches the level of the strongest man who created the world, he may be truly flawless!"

"A body without leaks!" Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly.

"That's right! There is another saying that as long as the female worms in the body can be eliminated without harming one's own laws, that may be the closest method to the realm of the strongest."

Tongtian made another guess.

"For this reason, many high-ranking demigods and even true gods in this world have thought of many ways. For example, a magical power created by an ancient **** is a way to take action."

"This method is called the method of killing three corpses. In fact, it cannot be said to be a supernatural power, because it itself is very limited in improving strength, but it will lead to a regression in cultivation to a certain extent.

The past, present, and future three bodies of this method are somewhat similar to a certain extent, but there are also big differences. For example, the cutting of the three corpses is to divide the female insects in the body. To achieve this, one must cut one's own law into three parts.

And the female worm will naturally become three parts, divided into the upper corpse worm, the middle corpse worm and the lower corpse worm, and the upper corpse worm is Peng Hou, which will move to the brain.

The middle corpse insect is called Peng Zhi, and it is located in the chest cavity, while the lower corpse insect is called Peng Jiao, and it is located in the human chest.

Cutting the three corpses means cutting off the three corpses separately, but the danger is also great. As long as one of them is successfully cut off, as long as the law is not harmed, one's own strength will greatly increase, otherwise, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Like chopping off the corpse insects, chopping off the soul and lightness, the comprehension will become incomparably stronger than before, and the speed of calculation between thoughts will be hundreds of times faster than before.

And cutting off the corpse worms will greatly increase the power of the physical body, even the physical body of the temple system will be as strong as a super strong physical body.

But after cutting off the corpse insects, the filth, toxins and many hidden wounds all healed, and the healing ability of the physical body greatly increased. "

What Tongtianhou said made Jiang Heng's heart flutter, but this method is so difficult.

After all, the female worm has a symbiotic relationship with the law, even if it is separated into three parts and the symbiotic relationship between them drops sharply, the risk is still enormous.

"However, there is no need to think too much about this method. There are historical records in the Great Zhou Empire, and this method has been lost since the founding of the New Great Zhou.

In the past, none of the people who practiced this method succeeded, or they fell on the first body cut, and the female worm clone was not cut off, which directly caused all the three female worm clones in the body to run away and become monsters completely out of control.

Either it fell on top of the second cut corpse, and the cut was successful, but it also succeeded in causing the law to collapse and quickly dried up and died.

As for beheading the third corpse, there is none, even the ancient gods who created this method have never succeeded. "

Tong Tianhou shook his head for a while, although he was yearning for this method, but more often he shook his head, obviously this thing is too unreliable.

"Actually, as a teacher, I've always wondered whether the Martial God is also beheading corpses, otherwise his strength is a bit too strong!" Tong Tianhou frowned and muttered.

"War God?" Jiang Heng had heard how strong this great man was, and it was no exaggeration to say that a true **** alone was not enough to fight against him.

"Master! This disciple heard that the power of the Martial God comes from the fact that the physical body itself is the main path of all avenues, so it is extremely powerful!"

"Well! It is true that this statement is true, but he is a bit too strong. After all, people in this world who practice the Tao of the flesh are like crucian carp crossing the river. So many people share the law of the Tao of the flesh. But the Martial God is still so powerful. Even if the Tao of the flesh It is the main way, and it is impossible for the Valkyrie to monopolize this way. Maybe the body way makes him powerful is only part of the reason.

Maybe this one is not necessarily cutting corpses! Otherwise, how could he fight the three true gods alone? "

"Three true gods?" Jiang Heng was a little surprised.

"That's right! I was fortunate enough to witness that battle when I was at the peak of my teacher. At that time, the three true gods of the temples descended and entered the Central Dynasty with an unrivaled force.

At that time, there was a panic inside and outside the dynasty, the real **** shrouded the entire central dynasty plane, and when you looked up, you could see three unrivaled scorching suns, and the terrifying coercion was like a tsunami hitting every strong man sitting in the dynasty, From the top to the high-ranking demigods down to the low-ranking demigods, they are all terrified under the divine power.

However, the Valkyrie fought directly with the three true gods, and as soon as the Valkyrie struck out, he severely injured one of the true gods. At that time, the blood of the gods splashed all over the entire Central Dynasty, and the phantom of the true god's Dao Law almost collapsed.

It is said that it is against the three true gods, in my opinion, it is more like a blow to defeat, the last true **** fell in the sky above the central dynasty, most of the laws of the avenue flew into the long river of the avenue, and the other half was collected by the dynasty. And the majestic real body of the true **** is still suspended in the sky above the central dynasty. Without the action of the true god, the remains of the true **** are indestructible and cannot be easily destroyed.

If the other two true gods of the Temple of Gods hadn't escaped so quickly, UU Reading would probably bleed on the spot. "

Thinking back to the beginning, Tongtian couldn't help but feel a sense of worship, that is the real god.

Possess unrivaled strength, and have almost eternal life if he is not killed by a powerful enemy.

There is also the coercion that almost envelopes the world behind the revealing of the truth, making people feel no resistance in their hearts.

Jiang Heng didn't know the situation at the time, but he couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard what Tong Tianhou said.

Now Jiang Heng, who is just a demigod, feels extremely powerful, let alone a demigod.

But the true **** can make the high-ranking demigods terrified with his breath, which shows the strength of the true god.

"Okay, enough talking, let's get acquainted with these high-dimensional beings and leave here as a teacher. After all, this is a high-dimensional world, and it's extremely dangerous to stay here if one of the teachers' strength is nonexistent." Tongtian instructed.



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