Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 810: clear the way

Remember [New] in a second! Just when Jiang Heng was distracted, he didn't know how much commotion he had caused.

At the same time, countless light-years away, a stalwart figure suspended cross-legged in a pitch-black cosmic vacuum trembled slightly, his eyes slightly opened, and a ray of sword light that could easily kill a peak domain master escaped. .

As if aware of something, the handsome and stalwart man with frost and snow pinched his fingers slightly, as if he was plucking invisible strings in the universe.

"What's going on in the past few days? It's interesting that someone realized my swordsmanship first, and now there's another pioneer!"

"The one who opened the way, I don't know which rising star it is. The way that has been opened is not small, and there are signs of the way!"

Sighing lightly, the stalwart man stopped his movements. As a swordsman, he had some extremely weak perceptions of other pioneers. He could only vaguely feel that someone was clearing the way, and he could only feel the momentum of the other party's opening the way. It's like a fog that can't be figured out.

He looked at the silent starry sky around him again, and quickly locked his eyes on a certain direction.

"It's almost time, and it's time to go to the appointment. I just don't know if it's really hard to kill a strong man with time?"

The stalwart man murmured softly, and after locking in a certain direction, he slightly pulled out the blade on his back, and the blade came out of the sheath. It was a simple and unpretentious sword that looked like ordinary iron.

However, at the next moment, I saw the stalwart man lightly holding the sword and handing it in that direction. The rules were changing in an instant, and the many rules of the universe seemed to be unable to be bound by this sword. Even time seemed to be stuck in an extremely slow motion. Following a stream of sword energy, he leaped countless light years in an instant at an incredible speed and rushed towards that direction like lightning.

At the same time, in a weird space, here is a space that also has a sky full of stars, but the space here is obviously different from the main universe. The energy here is extremely rich and full, as if you are in an ocean of energy. Even a pig can step into martial arts without knowing it.

Of course, this depends on the pig having the physique to withstand the full energy, otherwise a single breath would be as deadly as poison.

At the same time, what is rather strange is that the pattern of the square and the earth here is actually a vast land except for the sky full of stars.

And above the earth, there are towering and splendid palaces. The palaces do not have that kind of extravagant atmosphere, but they are full of ancient flavors, full of extreme historical precipitation.

It seems that each floor tile has existed for countless years.

A little bird landed lightly on a bluestone floor. The bird looked very small and light, but if the main universe warrior encountered this bird, he would probably be easily scratched by the bird's feathers, and could be easily scratched by the bird. The beak of the little bird pecks through the flesh.

After all, in this environment filled with a hundred times the gravity of the outside world, no creature should be underestimated. Every small animal that looks ordinary has the strength not inferior to ordinary warriors in such an environment with terrifying gravity and energy.

But there are many soldiers in golden armor living here. These soldiers are patrolling the palaces in neat lines. Under this terrifying gravity, they don't realize it, but they are just standing guard with all their heart.

Every ordinary soldier exudes an aura comparable to that of a physical Dao domain master in the late stage, and some team leaders even have peak strength. As for some small commanders, they even exude a divine aura that can only appear in the lower demigods of the physical body.

"Watch the weather!"

At this moment, under the steps of a towering platform, when a pair of patrolling golden armored guards saw a skinny old man wearing a dress full of cumbersome inscriptions walking towards him, they couldn't help bowing their hands again and again, and quickly retreated. The side gave way to the adult on the stairway leading to the viewing platform.

Even the little commander with a serious face on the side hurriedly saluted the lord in front of him, not daring to neglect him in the slightest.

The old man just nodded slightly and walked up the stairs on foot.

The old man exuded a divine aura comparable to that of a high-ranking seventh rank. He walked up to the circular observatory, and there was only a single stone tablet standing on the observatory except for a simple and simple compass.

He looked at the stele. The stele, which had not been moved for many years, trembled slightly this time, and a line of small golden characters appeared at the end of the stele.

Seeing this old man's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression could not help but be a bit dignified.

"One way of Qi, the deduction is as it should be, and a new avenue has appeared. But who opened this?"

Guan Tianhou looked at the stele and groaned silently.

While Guan Tianhou was thinking, a ray of golden light suddenly flew out from the core palace complex in the distance, and the golden light came in a flash, and soon came to Guan Tianhou.

"Guantianhou, His Majesty asked you what happened, why did you even respond to the Opening Sky Map?"

The person who came was a neutral man with a face as white as snow and dressed in a servant's uniform. He looked at Guan Tianhou in front of him expressionlessly and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Even the Opening Heaven Map reacted?!" Hearing this, Guan Tianhou's expression froze and his brows suddenly frowned.

Seeing the impatient look on the servant's face, Guan Tianhou still muttered: "Please report back to Your Majesty, a new avenue has just appeared, and this avenue is called Qi! The name of the person who opened the avenue is unknown, and the address is unknown. Maybe it is different from the map of Kaitian. elephant related!"

Received Guan Tianhou's reply, the servant nodded slightly, and then his figure turned into a stream of light again and disappeared.

It wasn't until the servant had left completely that Guan Tianhou brushed his beard lightly and murmured something.

"After the Dao of the Sword, the Pathfinders appear more and more frequently, and the Dao evolves more and more. It seems that a catastrophe is coming!"

His words were shrouded in a mysterious law, and only he could hear them, but he also knew that these methods could not hide the big figures in these palaces. And this matter has long been no secret, otherwise why have the temples of the gods and their big weeks frequently moved recently?

The same thing happened on the other side.

It is also suspended in another dimension different from the main universe, but it is different from the weird space of the Great Zhou Empire.

This place is like a small cosmic space, but there are hundreds of giant corpses suspended in this space, some of these corpses have their heads broken, and some of them have a huge hole in their chest cavity. But without exception, these corpses have completely lost their vitality, and even lost their divinity and law fluctuations.

If some demigods with fairly good experience in the main universe can know that this is the legendary burial place of ancient gods.

According to legend, 50% of the corpses of the ancient gods in the battle of the gods are in this weird and chaotic dimension.

But here there is a dilapidated palace standing in it, in which there are three figures sitting cross-legged as if they are resting their minds with their eyes closed, and they seem to be caught in a spiritual confrontation that only they know.

After a while, a burly man in a fiery red robe opened his eyes in horror, and he could see that every inch of the burly man's skin seemed to be composed of countless terrifying and pure laws, and he himself was like a collection of laws.

As the burly man opened his eyes, the other two figures also opened their eyes one after another. One of them was wearing a pure white gown, and it was a delicate girl who looked like she was in her twenties. The other figure was covered by a black hood, and the whole person was covered by a black hooded robe, which seemed to have a mysterious atmosphere.

"I'm willing to bow down. I didn't expect that space would help a lot in this level of confrontation. I lost." The burly man cupped his hands and sighed at the man in the robe and hood.

Hearing that, the mysterious man let out a hoarse laugh and responded with a smile: "Your Majesty the Vulcan is being polite, I just know some ways to escape and hide, and I just stepped into this place and I still need to ponder over many things slowly. Thanks to both of you for your pointers.”

Hearing the mutual humility of the two, the only white-robed woman was not happy, and she covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "You two are really too modest. The younger sister is the most useless, and she can only stand by. Just watching."

Hearing the words, the mysterious man immediately shook his head and chuckled lightly: "Sister Huo Shen, don't be modest, your thinking can interfere with the soul, even consciousness and reality can be confused, if you really want to meddle in the two of us, I'm afraid the two of us will endure hardships too!"

The three figures were laughing and chatting in this demigod-horrifying tomb of the gods outside, and the three of them were none other than the three true gods in the temple of the gods!

I'm not sure if I'm going to get married or not What are the rules??/

To a certain extent, the true **** has already stood at the pinnacle of the strongest in this universe, and any one of them is a supreme being who can easily manipulate high-ranking demigods to play with high-ranking demigods.

Only the three of them can appear here, let alone find this place, even if outsiders want to come in, they have to bear the remaining coercion of the ancient gods that exist here all the time.

While the three of them were laughing and talking, the only woman, Zhenshenhu, raised her eyebrows slightly in astonishment.

"Sister Huo Shen noticed something?"

Vulcan asked suspiciously, he asked this question because if he was present, he said that the perception is that the confused **** in front of him perceives the entire universe alone.

Together with thinking, it is not inferior to the top road to a certain extent. It can suddenly erase other people's memories to a certain extent, and it can also tamper with memories. In the territory ruled by the entire temple of the gods, as long as the confused **** in front of him has full perception, he can even observe the thinking of every living being and browse their memories.

This is far from being comparable to ordinary true gods who need others to recite their real names to perceive them.

This time even the mysterious true **** seemed to be looking at where the confused **** was.

"Someone has cleared the way!" Huo Shen frowned slightly and said softly.

"Someone opened the way again? I remember that the kid Jian Wushen was the last one to open the way. The distance is only a few hundred thousand years, right?" Vulcan rubbed his chin and frowned.

"It's really fast. I remember that before the way of the sword, it was the way of the spear, right? The two are separated by more than a million years, and now it is getting faster and faster!" The mysterious man also said in a low voice.

"This is not a good omen. It seems that we have to hurry up during this time, and it's time to go out and play after so many years of inactivity!" Vulcan groaned slightly but started to move his muscles and bones with a soft hum.

"The catastrophe is approaching. Right now, we and Da Zhou are the ones with the most publicity. I don't think this matter should be taken lightly. Don't forget the jackal who is looking around in the super-dimensional kingdom!" The mysterious man whispered softly .

Hearing the words, Vulcan was immediately annoyed, and snorted disdainfully: "The God of Mechanics is just fooling ghosts, and he will use some crowd tactics. When will he dare to come out and fight in person?!"

Regarding the True God of Mechanics, Vulcan obviously has extreme contempt and anger, this is a **** who doesn't talk about martial arts!

"Heh, brother Vulcan, don't talk too much, I don't know who was beaten by the other party last time and almost didn't come back, if it wasn't for our help in the past, I don't know what would have happened!" Huo Shen covered his mouth and chuckled Now, it is self-evident who she is referring to.

"It's that **** who doesn't talk about martial arts! He agreed to fight one-on-one, but he took out all his envoys. One hundred envoys are comparable to high-ranking pinnacles. If there are too many people, who can stand it?"

Vulcan blushed and said with embarrassment.

"That's one of other people's tricks. There's nothing you can do about it. Who told you to fight so stupidly!" Huo Shen smiled coquettishly again.

Jiang Heng didn't know at the moment that these actions of his would arouse the attention of the three major forces in the entire universe, but right now he didn't have time to look aside, he just immersed himself in it.

With the comprehension during this period, coupled with the discussion with Lu Yixin, Jiang Heng finally perfected that opportunity step by step.

"Qi exists in everything. Qi is everywhere. The breath of human beings, the breath of countless creatures, and even every planet seems to be in an indeterminate existence. Qi has always existed."

Jiang Heng fell into a deep comprehension, all the energy in his body had been dissipated in the whole world, and the atmosphere and gas gathered together without distinction.

"So, I said that Qi is a kind that must exist in the universe, and you are Tao!"

Jiang Qiu opened his eyes suddenly as he spoke, and after uttering the last word, there was a sudden violent shaking in the cloud and air mass above the entire Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and a wave of obscure rules descended, which was the projection of the long river of the cosmic avenue.

Jiang Heng felt that his soul was gradually leaving him and heading towards the long As the soul body entered the long river, Jiang Heng's feeling became clearer.

"Is this the road and the long river?"

It was originally possible to enter it with the soul only after stepping into the demigod level, but at this moment Jiang Heng has stepped into the long river with the soul of the domain master.

"Are you protecting me?"

Jiang Heng felt wisps of fresh wind revolving around him, as if a layer of wind shield isolated the inexplicable and strange wind in the long river.

Jiang Heng could feel that without this shield, his soul body would be blown away by this strong wind as soon as he stepped here.

This is what makes the Pathfinder special.

Looking around, I saw that there are densely packed rivers in my field of vision, but I found that almost 90% of these rivers are tributaries, and there is only one main trunk that runs through the whole.

"This is the avenue of flesh!"

Feeling the familiarity from the trunk, Jiang Heng's expression changed slightly!

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